SOSC | (Betula nigra, Ilex verticillata) / Andropogon gerardii - Solidago simplex var. racemosa Riverscour Wet Meadow | Floodplain Scour Community | | | | G2 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | (Hypericum prolificum, Eubotrys racemosa) / Schizachyrium scoparium - Solidago simplex var. racemosa - Ionactis linariifolius Riverscour Sparse Vegetation | Potomac Gorge Riverside Outcrop Barrens | | | | G2 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Abagrotis anchocelioides | Blueberry Budworm Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Abagrotis brunneipennis* | The Yankee Dart Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Abagrotis cupida | Cupid Dart Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Abies balsamea | Balsam Fir | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Acasis viridata | Olive and Black Carpet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Accipiter atricapillus* | American Goshawk | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S3N,S2M |
Watchlist | Accipiter striatus* | Sharp-shinned Hawk | | | | G5 | S3B,S4N,S5M |
SOSC | Acer (rubrum, saccharinum) - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus americana / Boehmeria cylindrica Floodplain Forest | Red Maple - Elm - Willow Floodplain Forest | | | | G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Acer (rubrum, saccharinum) - Fraxinus spp. - Ulmus americana Swamp Forest | Maple - Ash - Elm Swamp | | | | G4? | S1 |
Watchlist | Acer rubrum - Fraxinus nigra - Betula alleghaniensis / Veratrum viride - Carex bromoides Seep Forest | Central Appalachian Basic Seepage Swamp Forest | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica - Betula alleghaniensis / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest | Red Maple - Blackgum Basin Swamp Forest | | | | G3 | S3 |
SOSC | Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica - Magnolia virginiana / Viburnum nudum var. nudum / Osmunda cinnamomea Swamp Forest | Red maple - Magnolia Palustrine Forest | | | | G3? | S1 |
Watchlist | Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica High Allegheny Plateau-Central Appalachian Seep Forest | Central Appalachian Acidic Seep Forest | | | | G2 | S3 |
SOSC | Acer rubrum - Pinus virginiana - Pinus rigida / Smilax spp. Serpentine Forest | Serpentine Pitch Pine - Oak Forest | | | | G1G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Acer rubrum / Carex stricta - Onoclea sensibilis Wet Woodland | Red Maple - Sedge Palustrine Woodland | | | | G3G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Acer rubrum / Ilex mucronata - Vaccinium corymbosum Swamp Forest | Northern Red Maple Swamp Forest | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Acer saccharum - Betula alleghaniensis - Prunus serotina Forest | Black Cherry - Northern Hardwood Forest | | | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Acer saccharum - Fagus grandifolia - Fraxinus americana / Arisaema triphyllum Forest | Northern Hardwood Forest | | | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Acer saccharum - Quercus muehlenbergii / Cercis canadensis Woodland | Sugar Maple - Chinkapin Oak Woodland | | | | G4? | S2 |
SOSC | Acer saccharum - Tilia americana / Acer pensylvanicum / Caulophyllum thalictroides Forest | Rich Northern Hardwood Forest | | | | G4? | S2 |
Watchlist | Acer saccharum - Tilia americana / Asimina triloba / Jeffersonia diphylla - Caulophyllum thalictroides Forest | Rich Mesophytic Cove Forest | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Acer saccharum - Tilia americana / Staphylea trifolia / Dryopteris marginalis - (Impatiens pallida) Forest | Central Appalachian Sugar Maple - Basswood Boulderfield Forest | | | | G3G4 | S3 |
TORE | Acipenser brevirostrum* | Shortnose Sturgeon | LE | PE | | G3 | S2 |
TORE | Acipenser fulvescens* | Lake Sturgeon | | PE | | G3G4 | S1 |
TORE | Acipenser oxyrinchus* | Atlantic Sturgeon | LE | PE | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Acleris curvalana | Blueberry Leaftier Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Acleris oxycoccana | a tortricid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Aconitum reclinatum | White Monkshood | | PE | PE | G3G4 | S1 |
TORE | Aconitum uncinatum | Blue Monkshood | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
TORE | Acorus americanus | Sweet Flag | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Acossus centerensis | Poplar Carpenterworm Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
TORE | Acris crepitans* | Eastern Cricket Frog | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Acroneuria arenosa* | A Stonefly | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Acroneuria arida* | | | | | G3 | SU |
Watchlist | Acroneuria filicis | A Stonefly | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Acroneuria internata* | Lobed Stone | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Acroneuria kosztarabi | A Stonefly | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Acronicta connecta | Connected Dagger Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Acronicta dolli* | Doll's Merolonche Moth | | | | G3G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Acronicta exilis | Exiled Dagger Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Acronicta falcula | Corylus Dagger Moth | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Acronicta heitzmani | Heitzman's Dagger Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Acronicta lanceolaria | Pointed Dagger Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
SOSC | Actaea podocarpa | Mountain Bugbane | | PR | PR | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Actaea rubra | Red Baneberry | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Actitis macularius* | Spotted Sandpiper | | | | G5 | S3B |
Watchlist | Adlumia fungosa | | | N | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Aeshna clepsydra* | Mottled Darner | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Aeshna constricta* | Lance-tipped Darner | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Aeshna interrupta* | Variable Darner | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Aethes ringsi | Ring’s Cochylid Moth | | | | G3G4 | S1S2 |
TORE | Agalinis auriculata | Eared False-foxglove | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
TORE | Agalinis paupercula | Small-flowered False-foxglove | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Agapetus iridis* | Beloved Rainbow Caddisfly | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
TORE | Ageratina aromatica | Small White-Snakeroot | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Agkistrodon contortrix* | Eastern Copperhead | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Agnorisma bugrai | a noctuid moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Agrotis volubilis | Voluble Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Alasmidonta heterodon* | Dwarf Wedgemussel | LE | PE | | G2? | S1 |
SOSC | Alasmidonta marginata* | Elktoe | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Alasmidonta undulata* | Triangle Floater | | | | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Alasmidonta varicosa* | Brook Floater | | | | G3 | S1S2 |
TORE | Aletris farinosa | Colic-root | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Alisma triviale | Northern Water-plantain | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Allium tricoccum | Ramp | | N | | G5T5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Allocapnia forbesi | Three-knobbed Snowfly | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Allocapnia harperi* | Stonyfork Snowfly | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Allocapnia illinoensis | Illinois Snowfly | | | | G3 | S3 |
Watchlist | Allocapnia pechumani | St. Lawrence Snowfly | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Allocapnia simmonsi* | Spatulate Snowfly | | | | G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Allogona profunda* | Broad-banded Forestsnail | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Alloperla aracoma* | Aracoma Sallfly | | | | G3 | S3 |
Watchlist | Alloperla biserrata* | Dusky Sallfly | | | | G3 | S3 |
Watchlist | Alloperla concolor* | Duckhead Sallfly | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Alloperla idei* | Vernal Sallfly | | | | G3 | S3 |
Watchlist | Alloperla vostoki* | Scotia Sallfly | | | | G3 | S3 |
SOSC | Alnus crispa | Mountain Alder | | PE | | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Alnus incana ssp. rugosa - Ilex mucronata / Sphagnum spp. Acidic Peatland | Acidic Mixed Shrub - Sphagnum Wetland | | | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Alopecurus aequalis | Short-awn Foxtail | | N | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Alosa chrysochloris | Skipjack Herring | | DL | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Alosa mediocris* | Hickory Shad | | PE | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Amanita praecox | | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Amanita ristichii | Ristich's Caesar | | | | GNR | SNA |
SOSC | Amaranthus cannabinus | Waterhemp Ragweed | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Amblema plicata* | Threeridge | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Amblyscirtes vialis* | Common Roadside Skipper | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Amblystegium radicale | | | | | G3G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Ambystoma jeffersonianum* | Jefferson Salamander | | | | G4 | S3 |
TORE | Ambystoma laterale* | Blue-spotted Salamander | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ambystoma opacum* | Marbled Salamander | | | | G5 | S3 |
Extirpated | Ambystoma tigrinum | Eastern Tiger Salamander | | | | G5 | SX |
Watchlist | Ameiurus catus* | White Catfish | | | | G5 | S3 |
Extirpated | Ameiurus melas* | Black Bullhead | | DL | | G5 | SU |
TORE | Amelanchier bartramiana | Oblong-fruited Serviceberry | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Amelanchier canadensis | Serviceberry | | N | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
SOSC | Amelanchier humilis | Serviceberry | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Amelanchier obovalis | Coastal Juneberry | | TU | PE | G5T4T5 | S1 |
SOSC | Amelanchier sanguinea | Roundleaf Serviceberry | | TU | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Ameletus browni* | Brown's Comb Minnow Mayfly | | | | G3G4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Amia ocellicauda* | Bowfin | | DL | | GNR | S4 |
Watchlist | Amianthium muscaetoxicum | | | N | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ammannia coccinea | Scarlet Ammannia | | PE | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Ammocrypta pellucida* | Eastern Sand Darter | | PE | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ammodramus henslowii* | Henslow's Sparrow | | | | G4 | S3B,S2M |
SOSC | Ammophila breviligulata - (Schizachyrium scoparium) Grassland | Great Lakes Region Dry Sandplain | | | | G3G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Amnicola decisus* | A Freshwater Snail | | | | G1Q | SH |
Watchlist | Amolita roseola | Roseate Grass Moth | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Amphidium lapponicum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Amphidium mougeotii | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Amphinemura appalachia | Appalachian Forestfly | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Anafroptilum semirufum* | Half-red Small Minnow Mayfly | | | | G3G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Anaplectoides pressus | Dappled Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Anas crecca* | Green-winged Teal | | | | G5 | S1B,S4N,S3M |
Watchlist | Anas discors* | Blue-winged Teal | | | | G5 | S1B,S3N,S3M |
Watchlist | Anas rubripes* | American Black Duck | | | | G5 | S3B,S4N,S3M |
Watchlist | Anax longipes* | Comet Darner | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Anaxyrus fowleri* | Fowler's Toad | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Ancylis semiovana | a tortricid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Extirpated | Andersonglossum boreale | Northern Hound's-tongue | | PX | PX | G5T4T5 | SH |
Watchlist | Andreaea crassinervia | | | | | G5? | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Andreaea rothii | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Andreaea rupestris | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Andromeda polifolia | Bog-rosemary | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Andropogon glomeratus | Bushy Bluestem | | TU | PR | G5T5 | S4 |
SOSC | Andropogon gyrans | Elliott's Beardgrass | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Aneides aeneus* | Green Salamander | | PT | | G3G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Anemonastrum canadense | Canada Anemone | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Anemone cylindrica | Long-fruited Anemone | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Aneura sharpii | | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Angelica atropurpurea | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Angelica triquinata | Mountain Angelica | | N | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Angelica venenosa | | | N | | G5 | S5 |
Watchlist | Angelina rufescens | | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Anguispira alternata* | Flamed Tigersnail | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Anguispira fergusoni* | Coastal-plain Tigersnail | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Anguispira kochi* | Banded Tigersnail | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Anicla forbesi | a dart moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Anicla lubricans | Slippery Dart Moth | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Anisocentropus pyraloides | A Caddisfly | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Anisota stigma* | Spiny Oakworm Moth | | | | G5 | S3? |
SOSC | Anodontoides ferussacianus* | Cylindrical Papershell | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Anomobryum julaceum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Anomodon rugelii | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Anomodon viticulosus | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
SOSC | Antennaria solitaria | Single-headed Pussy-toes | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Antennaria virginica | Shale Barren Pussytoes | | N | PR | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Anthocharis midea* | Falcate Orangetip | | | | G5? | S2S3 |
TORE | Anticlea glauca | White Camas | | PE | PE | G5T4T5 | S1 |
SOSC | Anticlines | Anticlines | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Antrostomus vociferus* | Eastern Whip-poor-will | | | | G5 | S3B,S3M |
Extirpated | Apalone mutica mutica | Midland Smooth Softshell | | | | G5T5 | SX |
Watchlist | Apamea alia | a noctuid moth | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Apamea burgessi* | Burgess's Cutworm Moth | | | | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Apamea cristata* | A Noctuid Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Apamea inordinata | a noctuid moth | | | | GU | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Apamea plutonia | Dusky Apamea Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Apamea relicina | a noctuid moth | | | | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Apamea remissa | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Apamea sordens | Rustic Shoulder-knot Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Apamea vultuosa | Airy Apamea Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Apamea wikeri | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Apantesis phyllira* | Phyllira Tiger Moth | | | | G3G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Aplectoides condita* | Quivering Dart Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Aplectrum hyemale | Puttyroot | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Aplexa elongata* | Lance Aplexa | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Apocynum sibiricum | Clasping-leaved Dogbane | | N | | G5? | S3S4 |
SOSC | Apodrepanulatrix liberaria* | New Jersey Tea Inchworm Moth | | | | G3 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Apopellia megaspora | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Appalachina sayana* | Spike-lip Crater | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Apterodela unipunctata* | One-spotted Tiger Beetle | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
SOSC | Arabis adpressipilis | Hairy Rockcress | | N | PE | G5T4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Arabis glabra | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Arabis patens | Spreading Rockcress | | PT | PT | G3 | S2 |
SOSC | Arabis pycnocarpa | Cream-flower Rockcress | | N | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Arabis shortii | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Arceuthobium pusillum | Dwarf Mistletoe | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Archidium ohioense | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Arctia caja | Great Tiger Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Arctosa littoralis* | A Sand Spider | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Bearberry Manzanita | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Ardea alba* | Great Egret | | PE | | G5 | S2B,S4N,S3M |
SOSC | Ardea herodias | Great Blue Heron | | | | G5 | S5B,S4N,S4M |
TORE | Arethusa bulbosa | Dragon's Mouth | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Argentina anserina | Silverweed | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Argia bipunctulata* | Seepage Dancer | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Argia sedula* | Blue-ringed Dancer | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Argyria nummulalis | a crambid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Argyrogramma verruca | Golden Looper Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Argyrostrotis anilis | Short-lined Chocolate Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Arigomphus furcifer* | Lilypad Clubtail | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Arisaema dracontium | Green Dragon | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Aristida dichotoma var. curtissii | Three-awned Grass | | TU | PE | G5T5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Aristida geniculata | Spiked Needlegrass | | TU | DELIST | G5T5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Aristida longespica | Slender Three-awn | | N | | G5T5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Aristida purpurascens | Arrow-feathered Three Awned | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Aristolochia macrophylla | Pipevine | | TU | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Arnica acaulis | Leopard's-bane | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Arnoglossum reniforme | Great Indian Plantain | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Aronia arbutifolia - Ilex verticillata - Ilex mucronata / Osmunda cinnamomea Acidic Peatland | Allegheny Mountains Chokeberry - Winterberry Peatland | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Artace cribraria* | Dot-lined White Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Artemisia campestris ssp. caudata | Beach Wormwood | | PE | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Asclepias purpurascens | Purple Milkweed | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
TORE | Asclepias variegata | White Milkweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Asimina triloba | Pawpaw | | N | | G5 | S5 |
TORE | Asio flammeus* | Short-eared Owl | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S3N,S2M |
TORE | Asio otus* | Long-eared Owl | | PT | | G5 | S1B,S3N,S3M |
TORE | Asplenium bradleyi | Bradley's Spleenwort | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Asplenium pinnatifidum | Lobed Spleenwort | | PR | PR | G4 | S3 |
TORE | Asplenium resiliens | Black-stemmed Spleenwort | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Asplenium ruta-muraria | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Asplenium ruta-muraria - Pellaea atropurpurea Cliff Sparse Vegetation | Calcareous Opening/Cliff | | | | G3G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Asplenium x trudellii | | | N | | GNA | SNR |
Watchlist | Asterella tenella | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Astragalus canadensis | Canadian Milk-vetch | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Astragalus neglectus | Cooper's Milk-vetch | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Atrytonopsis hianna* | Dusted Skipper | | | | G4G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Attaneuria ruralis* | Giant Stone | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Aureolaria flava | Smooth Yellow False Foxglove | | N | Under Review | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Baeospora myriadophylla | Lavender Baeospora | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Baetis rusticans | Rusty Small Minnow Mayfly | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Baetisca rubescens | Provancher's Armored Mayfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Bagisara gulnare | A Noctuid Moth | | | | GU | SU |
SOSC | Bagisara rectifascia* | Straight Lined Mallow Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
TORE | Baptisia australis | Blue False-indigo | | PT | PT | G3G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Barbilophozia barbata | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Barbula indica | | | | | G5? | S1S3 |
SOSC | Bartonia paniculata ssp. paniculata | Screw-Stem | | PR | | G5T5 | S3 |
TORE | Bartramia longicauda* | Upland Sandpiper | | PE | | G5 | S2B,S2M |
SOSC | Bat Hibernaculum | Winter Bat Colony | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Bazzania denudata | | | | | G4G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Bazzania tricrenata | | | | | G4T4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Bellura densa | Pickerweed Borer Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Beraea fontana | | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Beraea nigritta | | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Betula alleghaniensis - Acer rubrum - (Tsuga canadensis, Abies balsamea) / Osmunda cinnamomea Swamp Forest | Hardwood - Conifer Seepage Forest | | | | G4? | S1 |
Watchlist | Betula lenta - Quercus montana / Parthenocissus quinquefolia Woodland | Sweet Birch - Chestnut Oak Talus Woodland | | | | G4 | S2 |
TORE | Bidens beckii | Beck's Water-marigold | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Bidens bidentoides | Swamp Beggar-ticks | | PE | PE | G3G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Bidens discoidea | Small Beggar-ticks | | N | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Bidens laevis | Beggar-ticks | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Big Bluestem - Indian-grass Floodplain Grassland | Big Bluestem - Indian-grass Floodplain Grassland | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Birgella subglobosus* | Globe Siltsnail | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Blepharostoma trichophyllum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Bleptina inferior | Inferior Owlet Moth | | | | GNR | SU |
SOSC | Blitum capitatum | Strawberry Goosefoot | | TU | PE | G5 | SH |
SOSC | Bolboschoenus fluviatilis | River Bulrush | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Boletinellus merulioides | Ash Bolete | | | | GNR | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Boletopsis grisea | | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Boletus billieae | Billie's Bolete | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Boloria myrina* | Silver-bordered Fritillary | | | | G5? | S2S3 |
TORE | Boltonia asteroides | Aster-like Boltonia | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Boltonia montana | Valley Doll's-daisy | | N | PX | G1G2 | SH |
TORE | Bombus affinis* | Rusty Patched Bumble Bee | LE | | | G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Bombus rufocinctus | Red-belted Bumble Bee | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Borodinia burkii | Porter's Rockcress | | N | | G3G5 | SNR |
TORE | Borodinia missouriensis | Missouri Rock-cress | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Botaurus lentiginosus* | American Bittern | | PE | | G5 | S2B,S3M |
Watchlist | Botrychium multifidum | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Botrychium simplex | Least Grape-fern | | N | | G5 | S3S5 |
SOSC | Boulder belts | Boulder Belts | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Bouteloua curtipendula | Tall Gramma | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Brachionycha borealis* | Boreal Fan Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Brachylomia algens | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium acutum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium curtum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium falcatum | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium oedipodium | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium populeum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium reflexum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium rotaeanum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Brachythecium velutinum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Brickellia eupatorioides var. eupatorioides | False Boneset | | N | PT | G5T5 | S2 |
TORE | Bromus kalmii | Kalm's Brome | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Bromus nottowayanus | Nottoway Valley Brome | | N | | G4G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Bruchia flexuosa | | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Bryohaplocladium microphyllum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Butyriboletus peckii | Peck's Bolete | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Buxbaumia minakatae | | | | | G2G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cabera quadrifasciaria | Four-lined Cream Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Caecidotea franzi* | Franz's Cave Isopod | | | | G2G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Caecidotea kenki* | An Isopod | | | | G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Caecidotea pricei* | Price's Cave Isopod | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Cakile edentula Great Lakes Shore Sparse Vegetation | Great Lakes Searocket Beach | | | | G3? | S1 |
SOSC | Cakile lacustris | Great Lakes Searocket | | N | PT | G5T3T5 | S2 |
TORE | Calamagrostis breviligulata | American Beachgrass | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Calamagrostis inexpansa | Narrow-leaved Reedgrass | | N | PT | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Calamagrostis porteri | Porter's Reedgrass | | N | | G4 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Calephelis borealis* | Northern Metalmark | | | | G3 | S1S2 |
TORE | Calidris canutus rufa* | Red Knot | LT | PT | | G4T2 | S2M |
Watchlist | Calla palustris | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Calliergon cordifolium | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Calliergon giganteum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Calliergon richardsonii | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Calliergonella cuspidata | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Callizzia amorata | Gray Scoopwing Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Callophrys augustinus* | Brown Elfin | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Callophrys gryneus* | Juniper Hairstreak | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Callophrys henrici* | Henry's Elfin | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Callophrys irus* | Frosted Elfin | | | | G3 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Callophrys niphon | Eastern Pine Elfin | | | | G5 | S4? |
Watchlist | Callophrys polios* | Hoary Elfin | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Calopogon tuberosus | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Calopteryx aequabilis* | River Jewelwing | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Calopteryx amata* | Superb Jewelwing | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Calopteryx angustipennis* | Appalachian Jewelwing | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Calypogeia integristipula | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Calypogeia neesiana | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Calypogeia neogaea | | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Calypogeia sphagnicola | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Calypogeia sullivantii | | | | | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Camassia scilloides | Wild Hyacinth | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Cambarunio iris* | Rainbow | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Cambarus dubius | Upland Burrowing Crayfish | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Cambarus monongalensis | Blue Crayfish | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Cambarus robustus | Big Water Crayfish | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Cambarus sp. C | Acuminate Crayfish | | | | G4Q | S1 |
Watchlist | Campanula rotundifolia | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Campylium stellatum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Campylopus tallulensis | | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Capis curvata* | Curved Halter Moth | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Capnoides sempervirens | Pale Corydalis | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Caradrina meralis* | Rare Sand Quaker Moth | | | | G5 | S2? |
TORE | Cardamine dentata | Cuckooflower | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Cardamine maxima | Large Toothwort | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Carex abscondita | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Carex alata | Broad-winged Sedge | | PT | PT | G5? | S2 |
TORE | Carex aquatilis | Water Sedge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Carex arctata | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Carex atherodes | Awned Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex aurea | Golden-fruited Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex bebbii | Bebb's Sedge | | PE | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Carex bicknellii | Bicknell's Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Carex brevior | A Sedge | | N | PT | G5 | S2? |
TORE | Carex bullata | Bull Sedge | | PE | PE | G5? | S1 |
SOSC | Carex buxbaumii | Brown Sedge | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Carex careyana | Carey's Sedge | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex cephaloidea | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Carex collinsii | Collin's Sedge | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Carex conjuncta | Sedge | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex conoidea | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Carex crawfordii | Crawford's Sedge | | TU | PE | G5 | SNA |
TORE | Carex crinita var. brevicrinis | Short Hair Sedge | | PE | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex cryptolepis | Northeastern Sedge | | PT | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Carex cumberlandensis | Cumberland Sedge | | N | PX | GNR | SH |
Watchlist | Carex cumulata | | | N | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Carex davisii | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex deweyana | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Carex diandra | Lesser Panicled Sedge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Carex disperma | Soft-leaved Sedge | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Carex eburnea | Ebony Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex flava | Yellow Sedge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Carex foenea | Bronze Sedge | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex formosa | Handsome Sedge | | PE | PE | G4? | S1 |
TORE | Carex fraseriana | Fraser's Sedge | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Carex garberi | Elk Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex geyeri | Geyer's Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Carex gynocrates | Northern Bog Sedge | | N | PX | G5 | SH |
SOSC | Carex haydenii | Cloud Sedge | | TU | PT | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Carex hitchcockiana | | | N | Under Review | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Carex interior | Sedge | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Carex jamesii | Sedge | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex lasiocarpa - (Carex rostrata) - Equisetum fluviatile Fen | Woolly-fruit Sedge Shore Fen | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Carex leavenworthii | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Carex limosa | Mud Sedge | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Carex longii | Long's Sedge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Carex lupuliformis | False Hop Sedge | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Carex meadii | Mead's Sedge | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Carex mitchelliana | Mitchell's Sedge | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex molesta | Sedge | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex nigromarginata | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex novae-angliae | | | N | | G5? | SNR |
Watchlist | Carex oligocarpa | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Carex oligosperma | Few-seeded Sedge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Carex ormostachya | Spike Sedge | | N | PT | G4G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Carex pauciflora | Few-flowered Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Carex paupercula | Bog Sedge | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Carex planispicata | | | N | | G4Q | S3S4 |
TORE | Carex polymorpha | Variable Sedge | | PE | PT | G3 | S2 |
TORE | Carex prairea | Prairie Sedge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Carex prairea - Carex stricta - Pycnanthemum virginianum Fen | Prairie Sedge - Tussock Sedge Fen | | | | G1G3 | S1 |
TORE | Carex pseudocyperus | Cyperus-like Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex purpurifera | Purple Sedge | | N | PE | G4? | S1 |
TORE | Carex retrorsa | Backward Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Carex richardsonii | Richardson's Sedge | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex roanensis | Roan Mountain Sedge | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex scabrata - Viola cucullata / Plagiomnium ciliare Seepage Meadow | Allegheny Mountains Eastern Rough Sedge / Wavy-leaf Moss Seep | | | | G3 | S2 |
TORE | Carex schweinitzii | Schweinitz's Sedge | | PE | PE | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex siccata | Dry-spike Sedge | | N | PE | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Carex sprengelii | Sedge | | N | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Carex sterilis | Sterile Sedge | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex straminea | Sedge | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex striatula | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex styloflexa | | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex tenera | | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Carex tetanica | A Sedge | | PT | PT | G4G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Carex tetanica - Carex prairea - Eleocharis erythropoda - Lysimachia quadriflora Fen | Shenandoah Valley Wet Prairie | | | | G1Q | S1 |
Watchlist | Carex tetanica var. canbyi | Canby's Sedge | | N | | G4G5T1T2Q | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Carex tonsa | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex tonsa var. tonsa | Shaved Sedge | | N | | G5T5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Carex torta Riverbed Vegetation | Rocky Bar & Shore (Twisted Sedge Type) | | | | G3G4 | S4 |
TORE | Carex typhina | Cattail Sedge | | PE | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Carex utriculata - Carex lacustris / Sphagnum spp. Fen | Leatherleaf - Sedge Wetland | | | | GNR | S3 |
TORE | Carex viridula | Green Sedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Carex wiegandii | Wiegands Sedge | | PT | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Caripeta aretaria* | Southern Pine Looper Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Carphophis amoenus amoenus* | Eastern Wormsnake | | | | G5T5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Carpiodes velifer | Highfin Carpsucker | | | | G4G5 | SU |
SOSC | Carterocephalus mandan* | Arctic Skipper | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Carya cordiformis - Prunus serotina / Ageratina altissima Forest | Mid-Atlantic Terrace Floodplain Forest | | | | G2G3 | S3 |
Watchlist | Carya glabra Woodland | Ridgetop Pignut Hickory Woodland | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Carya laciniosa | Shellbark Hickory | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Carychium exiguum* | Obese Thorn | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Carychium nannodes* | File Thorn | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Castanea pumila | Allegheny Chinkapin | | N | | G5? | S4 |
TORE | Castilleja coccinea | Eastern Paintbrush | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Catharus ustulatus* | Swainson's Thrush | | | | G5 | S3B,S4M |
Watchlist | Catocala angusi* | Angus' Underwing Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Catocala dejecta* | Dejected Underwing Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Catocala dulciola* | Sweet Underwing Moth | | | | G3G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Catocala gracilis | Graceful Underwing Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Catocala illecta | Magdalen Underwing Moth | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Catocala meskei | Meske's Underwing Moth | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Catocala miranda* | Miranda Underwing Moth | | | | G3? | SU |
Watchlist | Catocala praeclara | Praeclara Underwing Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Catocala robinsonii* | Robinson's Underwing Moth | | | | G4? | SH |
SOSC | Catocala sp. 1 nr. jair* | Pine Woods Underwing Moth | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Catocala umbrosa* | Umber Underwing Moth | | | | G4G5 | S1? |
TORE | Catostomus catostomus* | Longnose Sucker | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ceanothus americanus | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cecropterus bathyllus* | Southern Cloudywing | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Celastrina neglectamajor* | Appalachian Azure | | | | G3? | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Celastrus scandens | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Celithemis fasciata* | Banded Pennant | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Celithemis martha* | Martha's Pennant | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Cephalozia ambigua | | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cephalozia lacinulata | | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cephaloziella divaricata | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Cephaloziella hampeana | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cephaloziella hyalina | | | | | G4T4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cephaloziella rubella var. rubella | | | | | GNRT5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Cephaloziella rubella var. sullivantii | | | | | GNRT3? | S1 |
Watchlist | Ceraclea alabamae* | Alabama Long-horned Caddisfly | | | | G1G3 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Ceraclea albosticta* | White-spotted Long-horned Caddisfly | | | | GH | SH |
Watchlist | Ceraclea erratica | A Caddisfly | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ceraclea uvalo | A Long-horned Caddisfly | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cerastis salicarum | Willow Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cerastium velutinum var. velutinum | Field Chickweed | | N | | G5T4? | S3 |
TORE | Cerastium velutinum var. villosissimum | Goat Hill Chickweed | | PE | PE | G5T1 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ceratomia undulosa | Waved Sphinx Moth | | | | G4G5 | S1? |
Watchlist | Ceratophyllum demersum - Vallisneria americana - Najas spp. Tidal Marsh | Mixed Freshwater Subtidal Marsh | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Cerma cora* | Bird Dropping Moth | | | | G3G4 | S1? |
Watchlist | Cetraria arenaria | | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Chaerophyllum procumbens var. shortii | Short's Slender Chervil | | N | Under Review | G5T3T4Q | S1S3 |
SOSC | Chaetaglaea cerata* | Waxed Sallow Moth | | | | G3G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Chaetaglaea rhonda* | Trembling Sallow Moth | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
SOSC | Chamaedaphne calyculata - (Gaylussacia dumosa) - Decodon verticillatus / Woodwardia virginica Acidic Peatland | Leatherleaf - Cranberry Bog | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Chamaelirium luteum | | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
TORE | Charadrius melodus* | Piping Plover | LE | PE | | G3 | S1B,S1M |
SOSC | Chasmanthium latifolium | Wild Oat | | TU | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Chasmanthium laxum | Slender Sea-oats | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cheilanthes lanosa | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cheilolejeunea clypeata | | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
TORE | Chenopodium foggii | Fogg's Goosefoot | | PE | PE | G2G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cheumatopsyche helma* | Helma's Net-spinning Caddisfly | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cheumatopsyche vannotei* | Vannote's Cheumatopsyche Caddisfly | | | | GH | SH |
SOSC | Chionanthus virginicus | Fringe-tree | | N | PT | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Chlidonias niger* | Black Tern | | PE | | G4G5 | S1B,S3M |
Watchlist | Chlosyne harrisii* | Harris' Checkerspot | | | | G4? | S3 |
Watchlist | Chlosyne nycteis* | Silvery Checkerspot | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Chordeiles minor* | Common Nighthawk | | | | G5 | S3B,S4M |
TORE | Chrosomus eos* | Northern Redbelly Dace | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Chrosomus erythrogaster* | Southern Redbelly Dace | | PT | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Chrysogonum virginianum | Green-and-gold | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Chrysopsis mariana | Maryland Golden-aster | | PT | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Chrysosplenium americanum Seepage Meadow | Golden Saxifrage Forest Seep | | | | G3G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Chytonix sensilis* | Pine Barrens Fungus Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Cicindela ancocisconensis* | Appalachian Tiger Beetle | | | | G3 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Cicindela formosa* | Big Sand Tiger Beetle | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cicindela hirticollis* | Hairy-necked Tiger Beetle | | | | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Cicindela marginipennis* | Cobblestone Tiger Beetle | | | | G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Cicindela patruela* | Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle | | | | G3 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Cicindela scutellaris lecontei | Festive Tiger Beetle | | | | G5T5 | SH |
SOSC | Cicindela splendida* | Splendid Tiger Beetle | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Cicinnus melsheimeri* | Melsheimer's Sack Bearer Moth | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Cincinnatia integra | Midland Siltsnail | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
TORE | Circus hudsonius* | Northern Harrier | | PT | | G5 | S2B,S3M |
Watchlist | Cirriphyllum piliferum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Cirsium horridulum | Horrible Thistle | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cisthene packardii* | Packard's Lichen Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Cisthene plumbea* | Lead-colored Lichen Moth | | | | G5 | S3? |
SOSC | Cistothorus palustris* | Marsh Wren | | | | G5 | S2B,S3M |
TORE | Cistothorus stellaris* | Sedge Wren | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S1M |
Watchlist | Citheronia sepulcralis* | Pine Devil Moth | | | | G4G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Cladara anguilineata | Angle-lined Carpet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Cladium mariscoides | Twig Rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Cladonia cryptochlorophaea | | | | | GU | SNR |
Watchlist | Cladonia dimorphoclada | | | | | G3G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cladonia sobolescens | | | | | G5? | SNR |
Watchlist | Clavulinopsis appalachiensis | Appalachian Spindle Coral | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Cleistocarpidium palustre | | | | | G5? | S1S3 |
SOSC | Clematis occidentalis | Purple Clematis | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Clematis viorna | Vase-vine Leather-flower | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Clemmys guttata* | Spotted Turtle | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Clethra acuminata | Mountain Pepper-bush | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Clethra alnifolia | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Climacium kindbergii | | | | | G5? | S3 |
TORE | Clitoria mariana | Butterfly-pea | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cloeon dipterum | Pond Small Minnow Mayfly | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Clonophis kirtlandii* | Kirtland's Snake | | PE | | G2 | SH |
Watchlist | Coccocarpia palmicola | | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Coelodasys apicalis* | Plain Schizura Moth | | | | G3G4 | SH |
TORE | Coeloglossum viride | Long-bracted Green Orchid | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Coenagrion resolutum* | Taiga Bluet | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Coenogonium interpositum | | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Coenophila opacifrons | Blueberry Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Coleataenia longifolia ssp. longifolia | Long-leaf Panic-grass | | TU | PE | G5T5? | S1 |
Watchlist | Colias interior* | Pink-edged Sulphur | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Collinsia verna | Spring Blue-Eyed Mary | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Cololejeunea biddlecomiae | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Columella columella* | Mellow Column | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Comarum palustre | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Conardia compacta | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Conioselinum chinense | Hemlock-parsley | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Conoclinium coelestinum | Mistflower | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Conservula anodonta | Sharp Angle Shades Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Extirpated | Contopus cooperi* | Olive-sided Flycatcher | | | | G4 | SXB,S3M |
Watchlist | Convolvulus spithamaeus | Low Bindweed | | N | | G5T4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Convolvulus stans | Shale Bindweed | | N | | G5T4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Copivaleria grotei* | Grote's Sallow Moth | | | | G5 | S1? |
Watchlist | Corallorhiza trifida | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Corallorhiza wisteriana | Spring Coral-root | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cordulegaster bilineata* | Brown Spiketail | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Cordulegaster erronea* | Tiger Spiketail | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Cordulegaster obliqua* | Arrowhead Spiketail | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Cordulia shurtleffii* | American Emerald | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Coregonus artedi* | Cisco | | PE | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Cornus rugosa | Round-leaved Dogwood | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Cornus sericea - Cornus amomum - Aronia melanocarpa - Viburnum lentago Fen | Alder-leaved Buckthorn - Inland Sedge - Golden Ragwort Shrub Fen | | | | G2Q | S2 |
SOSC | Corydalis aurea | Golden Corydalis | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Cottus sp. 7* | Checkered Sculpin | | | | G4Q | S2 |
Watchlist | Crambidia lithosioides | Dark Gray Lichen Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Crambidia pura* | Pure Lichen Moth | | | | G4 | S2? |
Watchlist | Crambidia xanthocorpa | an arctiid moth | | | | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Crambus bidens | Biden's Grass-veneer Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Crambus youngellus | Young's Grass-veneer Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Crangonyx dearolfi* | Pennsylvania Cave Amphipod | | | | G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Crataegus brainerdii | Brainerd's Hawthorne | | TU | Under Review | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Crataegus dilatata | A Hawthorn | | N | Under Review | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Crataegus mollis | Downy Hawthorne | | TU | Under Review | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Crataegus pennsylvanica | Red-fruited Hawthorn | | N | Under Review | G3 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Crataegus uniflora | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cratoneuron filicinum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Creaserinus fodiens | Digger Crayfish | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Crepidotus cinnabarinus | | | | | GNR | SU |
Extirpated | Critesion pusillum | Little Barley | | PX | PX | G5 | SH |
TORE | Crocanthemum bicknellii | Bicknell's Hoary Rockrose | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Crocanthemum propinquum | Low Rockrose | | N | Under Review | G4 | S1S3 |
SOSC | Crotalus horridus* | Timber Rattlesnake | | DL | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis* | Eastern Hellbender | | | | G3T2 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Cryptocala acadiensis | Catocaline Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Cryptogramma stelleri | Slender Rock-brake | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Cryptotis parva* | North American Least Shrew | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ctenidium molluscum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Cubelium concolor | Green-violet | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Cucullia speyeri | Speyer's Cucullia Moth | | | | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Culaea inconstans* | Brook Stickleback | | | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Cultus verticalis | Spiny Springfly | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Cuphophyllus lacmus | Grey Waxcap | | | | GNR | SU |
SOSC | Cuscuta cephalanthi | Button-bush Dodder | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Cuscuta compacta | Dodder | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Extirpated | Cuscuta coryli | Hazel Dodder | | PX | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Cuscuta pentagona | Field Dodder | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Cuscuta polygonorum | Smartweed Dodder | | TU | PT | G4G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Cyclonaias pustulosa* | Pimpleback | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cyclonaias tuberculata* | Purple Wartyback | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Cyclophora nanaria | a geometrid moth | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Cynanchum laeve | Smooth Swallow-wort | | N | | G5 | SNA |
TORE | Cyperus diandrus | Umbrella Flatsedge | | PE | PE | G5? | S2 |
Watchlist | Cyperus echinatus | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Cyperus erythrorhizos | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Cyperus houghtonii | Houghton's Flatsedge | | PE | PE | G4? | S1 |
SOSC | Cyperus lancastriensis | Many-flowered Umbrella Sedge | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Cyperus polystachyos | Many-spiked Flatsedge | | PX | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Cyperus refractus | Reflexed Flatsedge | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Cyperus retrorsus | Retrorse Flatsedge | | PX | | G5 | SH |
SOSC | Cyperus schweinitzii | Schweinitz's Flatsedge | | PR | PR | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Cyperus subsquarrosus | Common Hemicarpa | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Cyprinella whipplei | Steelcolor Shiner | | | | G5 | SU |
TORE | Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin | Northern Small Yellow Lady's-slipper | | PE | PE | G5T4T5 | S1 |
TORE | Cypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorum | Southern Small Yellow Lady's-slipper | | PE | PV | G5T5? | S1S2 |
Vulnerable | Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens | Large Yellow Lady's-slipper | | PV | PV | G5T5 | S4 |
TORE | Cypripedium reginae | Showy Lady's-slipper | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Cyprogenia stegaria* | Fanshell | LE | | | G1 | SH |
Watchlist | Cyrto-hypnum minutulum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Cyrto-hypnum pygmaeum | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Cystopteris laurentiana | Laurentian Bladder-fern | | TU | PE | G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Cystopteris tennesseensis | Bladder Fern | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Dactylocythere suteri | An Ostracod | | | | GU | SU |
Watchlist | Darapsa versicolor | Hydrangea Sphinx Moth | | | | G4? | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Dargida rubripennis* | The Pink Streak Moth | | | | G3G4 | S2? |
Watchlist | Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex interior - Carex flava - Parnassia glauca Fen | Allegheny Sedge - Low Shrub Rich Fen | | | | G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Dasiphora fruticosa / Cladium mariscoides - Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis - (Rhynchospora capillacea) Wet Meadow | Interdunal Wetland | | | | G3? | S1 |
SOSC | Datana ranaeceps* | Post-burn Datana Moth | | | | G3G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Decodon verticillatus Shrub Swamp | Water-willow (Decodon verticillatus) Shrub Wetland | | | | GNR | S3 |
TORE | Delphinium exaltatum | Tall Larkspur | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Delphinium tricorne | Dwarf Larkspur | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Deroceras laeve* | Meadow Slug | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Derrima stellata | Pink Star Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
SOSC | Deschampsia cespitosa | Tufted Hairgrass | | N | PT | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Deschampsia cespitosa - Vernonia noveboracensis Serpentine Seep | Serpentine Seep | | | | G1 | S1 |
SOSC | Desmodium glabellum | Tall Tick-trefoil | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Desmodium laevigatum | Smooth Tick-trefoil | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Desmodium nuttallii | Nuttalls' Tick-trefoil | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Desmodium obtusum | Stiff Tick-trefoil | | N | Under Review | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Desmodium viridiflorum | Velvety Tick-trefoil | | N | Under Review | G5? | S1 |
SOSC | Diarrhena americana | American Beakgrain | | N | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Diarrhena obovata | Obovate Beakgrain | | N | DELIST | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Diarsia rubifera* | Rubifera Dart Moth | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Dicentra eximia | Wild Bleeding-hearts | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Dichagyris acclivis* | Switchgrass Dart Moth | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Dichagyris grotei* | Grote's Black-tipped Quaker Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
SOSC | Dichanthelium annulum | Serpentine Panic-grass | | TU | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Dichanthelium boreale | Panic-grass | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Dichanthelium commonsianum | Cloaked Panic Grass | | TU | PE | GNR | S1 |
SOSC | Dichanthelium laxiflorum | Lax-flower Witchgrass | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Dichanthelium leibergii | Leiberg's Panic-grass | | PX | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Dichanthelium lucidum | Shining Panic-grass | | TU | PT | G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. scribnerianum | Scribner's Panicgrass | | N | PT | G5T5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Dichanthelium polyanthes | Panic-grass | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Dichanthelium scoparium | Velvety Panic-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Dichanthelium spretum | Eaton's Witchgrass | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Dichanthelium villosissimum | Long-Haired Panic Grass | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Dichanthelium xanthophysum | Slender Panic-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Dichanthelium yadkinense | Yadkin River Panic-grass | | TU | PE | G5T4Q | S1 |
Watchlist | Dichelyma capillaceum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Dichelyma pallescens | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Dichodontium pellucidum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Dichomeris ligulella | Palmerworm Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Dicranella cerviculata | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Dicranella schreberiana | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Dicranella subulata | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Dicranodontium denudatum | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Dicranum bonjeanii | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Dicranum condensatum | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Dicranum fuscescens | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Dicranum muehlenbeckii | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Dicranum ontariense | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Dicranum spurium | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Dicranum undulatum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Didymodon ferrugineus | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Didymodon rigidulus | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Didymodon tophaceus | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Digitaria filiformis | | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Diplazium pycnocarpon | Glade Fern | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Dirca palustris | Leatherwood | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Discelium nudum | | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Discus catskillensis* | Angular Disc | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Discus patulus* | Domed Disc | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Distichium inclinatum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ditrichum rhynchostegium | | | | | G3G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Dorocordulia lepida* | Petite Emerald | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Drainage patterns | Drainage Patterns | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Drasteria graphica | Graphic Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Drepanocladus polygamus | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Drosera intermedia | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Drummondia prorepens | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Drymocallis arguta | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Dryobius sexnotatus* | Six-banded Longhorn Beetle | | | | GNR | S1 |
TORE | Dryopteris campyloptera | Mountain Wood Fern | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Dryopteris celsa | Log Fern | | N | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Dryopteris clintoniana | Clinton's Wood Fern | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Dryopteris filix-mas ssp. brittonii | Male Fern | | N | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Dryopteris goldiana | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Dyspyralis nigellus | an erebid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Dysstroma citrata | Dark Marbled Carpet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Dysstroma truncata | Marbled Carpet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Eastern Woodland Vernal Pool | Eastern Woodland Vernal Pool | | | | G3 | S3 |
TORE | Echinochloa walteri | Walter's Barnyard-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Echinodontium ballouii | | | | | GNR | SNA |
Watchlist | Ecliptopera silaceata | Small Phoenix Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Elaphria cornutinis | A Midget Moth | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Elaphria georgei* | George's Midget Moth | | | | G4 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Elatine americana | Long-stemmed Water-wort | | PX | PE | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Elatine minima | Small Waterwort | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Eleocharis compressa | Flat-stemmed Spike-rush | | PE | PE | GNRT4 | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis elliptica | Slender Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Eleocharis engelmannii | | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
TORE | Eleocharis geniculata | Capitate Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis intermedia | Matted Spike-rush | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Eleocharis microcarpa | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Eleocharis obtusa var. peasei | Wrights Spike Rush | | PE | PE | G5TNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Eleocharis olivacea | Capitate Spike-Rush | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Eleocharis parvula | Little-spike Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis pauciflora var. fernaldii | Few-flowered Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5TNRQ | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis quadrangulata | Four-angled Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis robbinsii | Robbins' Spike-rush | | PT | PT | G4G5 | S2 |
TORE | Eleocharis rostellata | Beaked Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis tuberculosa | Long-tubercled Spike-rush | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Eleocharis verrucosa | Slender Spike-rush | | PE | PE | G5T5? | S1 |
Watchlist | Elephantopus carolinianus | Elephant's Foot | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Ellipsaria lineolata* | Butterfly | | | | G4G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Ellipsoptera lepida* | Ghost Tiger Beetle | | | | G3 | SH |
Watchlist | Elliptio crassidens* | Elephantear | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Elliptio fisheriana* | Northern Lance | | | | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Elliptio producta | Atlantic Spike | | | | G3 | S2 |
TORE | Ellisia nyctelea | Ellisia | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Elodea canadensis - Potamogeton spp. Eastern Aquatic Vegetation | Eastern Waterweed - Pondweed Aquatic Vegetation | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Elodea nuttallii | Nuttall's Waterweed | | N | N | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Elodium blandowii | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Elodium elodioides | | | | | G3 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Elymus canadensis var. wiegandii | | | N | | G4G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Elymus trachycaulus | Slender Wheatgrass | | N | TU | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Empidonax flaviventris* | Yellow-bellied Flycatcher | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S3M |
SOSC | Emydoidea blandingii* | Blanding's Turtle | | PC | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Enallagma annexum | Northern Bluet | | | | G5 | S4? |
Watchlist | Enallagma boreale* | Boreal Bluet | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Enallagma carunculatum* | Tule Bluet | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Enallagma daeckii* | Attenuated Bluet | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Enallagma divagans* | Turquoise Bluet | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Enallagma doubledayi* | Atlantic Bluet | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Enallagma durum* | Big Bluet | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Enallagma laterale* | New England Bluet | | | | G3G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Enargia decolor | Aspen Twoleaf Tier Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Enargia infumata | Smoked Sallow Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Encalypta procera | | | | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Endotropis lanceolata | Lance-leaved Buckthorn | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Entodon brevisetus | | | | | G4? | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Entoloma nodosporum | | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Epelis truncataria | Black-banded Orange Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Epeorus punctatus | Dotted Flat-headed Mayfly | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Ephemeral/fluctuating natural pool | Ephemeral/fluctuating Natural Pool | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Ephemerum crassinervium | | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Ephemerum serratum | | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Ephemerum spinulosum | | | | | G4G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Epiglaea apiata* | Pointed Sallow Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Epilobium palustre | Marsh Willow-herb | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Epilobium strictum | Downy Willow-herb | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Epioblasma rangiana* | Northern Riffleshell | LE | PE | | G1 | S2 |
TORE | Epioblasma triquetra* | Snuffbox | LE | PE | | G2G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Epirrita autumnata | Autumnal Moth | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Epitheca costalis* | Slender Baskettail | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Epitheca spinigera* | Spiny Baskettail | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Equisetum scirpoides | Dwarf Scouring-rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Equisetum variegatum | Variegated Horsetail | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Equisetum x ferrissii | Scouring-rush | | N | PE | GNA | S1 |
Watchlist | Erannis tiliaria | Linden Looper Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Erastria coloraria* | Broad-lined Erastria Moth | | | | G3G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Eremobina leucoscelis | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | SU |
TORE | Erigenia bulbosa | Harbinger-of-spring | | PT | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Eriophorum gracile | Slender Cotton-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Eriophorum tenellum | Rough Cotton-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Eriophorum vaginatum | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Eriophorum virginicum - (Carex folliculata) / Sphagnum spp. - Polytrichum spp. Fen | Allegheny Mountains Cottongrass Fen | | | | G3 | S3 |
TORE | Eriophorum viridicarinatum | Thin-leaved Cotton-grass | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Erora laeta* | Early Hairstreak | | | | G2G3 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Erosional remnant | Erosional Remnant | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Erynnis lucilius* | Columbine Duskywing | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Erynnis martialis* | Mottled Duskywing | | | | G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Erynnis persius* | Persius Duskywing | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Erythrodiplax berenice* | Seaside Dragonlet | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Erythrodiplax minuscula* | Little Blue Dragonlet | | | | G5 | SH |
SOSC | Erythronium albidum | White Trout-Lily | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Esker | Esker | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Etheostoma camurum | Bluebreast Darter | | DL | | G4 | S4S5 |
TORE | Etheostoma exile* | Iowa Darter | | PE | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Etheostoma maculatum* | Spotted Darter | | DL | | G3? | S4 |
Watchlist | Etheostoma tippecanoe* | Tippecanoe Darter | | DL | | G3G4 | S4 |
SOSC | Ethmia zelleriella | Zeller's Glass Miner Moth | | N | | GNR | S2S3 |
SOSC | Eubotrys racemosus | Swamp Dog-hobble | | TU | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Euchemotrema leai* | Lowland Pillsnail | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Euchlaena milnei | Milne's Looper Moth | | | | G2G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Euchloe olympia* | Olympia Marble | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Euclidia cuspidea | Toothed Somberwing Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Euconulus dentatus* | Toothed Hive | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Euconulus fulvus* | Brown Hive | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Eulithis propulsata | Currant Eulithis Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Eulithis testata | The Chevron Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Eumacaria madopata | Brown-bordered Geometer Moth | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Euonymus americanus | | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Euonymus atropurpureus | Wahoo | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Eupatorium album | White Thoroughwort | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Eupatorium godfreyanum | Godfrey's Thoroughwort | | N | PT | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Eupatorium pilosum | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Eupatorium rotundifolium | A Eupatorium | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Eupatorium torreyanum | Fringed Boneset | | N | Under Review | G5T4T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Euphorbia ipecacuanhae | Wild Ipecac | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Euphorbia obtusata | Blunt-leaved Spurge | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Euphorbia polygonifolia | Small Sea-side Spurge | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Euphorbia purpurea | Glade Spurge | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Euphydryas phaeton* | Baltimore Checkerspot | | | | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Euphyes bimacula* | Two-spotted Skipper | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Euphyes conspicua* | Black Dash | | | | G4G5 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Euphyes dion* | Dion Skipper | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Eupithecia affinata | a geometrid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Eupithecia indistincta | a geometrid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Eupithecia mutata | Spruce Cone Looper Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Eupithecia palpata | Small Pine Looper Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Eupithecia ravocostaliata | Tawny Eupithecia Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Eupsilia cirripalea | Franclemont's Sallow Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Eurois occulta | Great Brocade Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Eurybia radula | Rough-leaved Aster | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Eurybia spectabilis | Low Showy Aster | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Eurylophella bicoloroides* | Nova Scotia Spiny Crawler Mayfly | | | | G3 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Eurylophella poconoensis* | Pocono Spiny Crawler Mayfly | | | | G1G2 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Eurytides marcellus* | Zebra Swallowtail | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Euthamia caroliniana | Grass-leaved Goldenrod | | PT | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Eutonia alleni* | Allen's Crane Fly | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Eutonia marchandi* | Marchand's Crane Fly | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Eutrochium dubium | Joe-pye-weed | | N | Under Review | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Euxoa messoria | Reaper Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Euxoa perpolita | Polished Dart Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Euxoa scholastica | Scholastic Dart Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Exyra fax | Epauletted Pitcher Plant Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Fabronia ciliaris | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Fagitana littera* | Marsh Fern Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
SOSC | Fagus grandifolia - Quercus (alba, rubra) - Liriodendron tulipifera / (Ilex opaca) Forest | Sweet Gum - Oak Coastal Plain Forest | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Falco columbarius | Merlin | | | | G5 | S3B |
SOSC | Falco peregrinus* | Peregrine Falcon | | DL | | G4 | S1B,S5N,S4M |
Watchlist | Faxonius immunis | Calico Crayfish | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Faxonius limosus* | Spinycheek Crayfish | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Faxonius propinquus | Northern Clearwater Crayfish | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Feltia manifesta | a noctuid moth | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Feniseca tarquinius* | Harvester | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Festuca paradoxa | Cluster Fescue | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Filipendula rubra | Queen-of-the-prairie | | TU | Under Review | G4G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Fimbristylis annua | Annual Fimbry | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Fissidens adianthoides | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Fissidens appalachensis | | | | | G2G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Fissidens bushii | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Fissidens hyalinus | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Fissidens osmundioides | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Fomitiporia punctata | Elbow Patch Crust | | | | GNR | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Fomitopsis pulvina | Oak polypore | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Fontigens nickliniana* | Watercress Snail | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Fontigens orolibas* | Blue Ridge Springsnail | | | | G3 | S1? |
Watchlist | Fontinalis hypnoides | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Fontinalis sphagnifolia | | | | | G3G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Fossil plants | Fossil Plants | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Fossombronia brasiliensis | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Fossombronia wondraczekii | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Frasera caroliniensis | American Columbo | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Fraxinus nigra - Abies balsamea / Rhamnus alnifolia Swamp Forest | Central Appalachian Circumneutral Seepage Swamp Forest | | | | G1 | S1 |
Watchlist | Fraxinus nigra - Acer rubrum / Rhamnus alnifolia / Carex leptalea Swamp Forest | Black Ash - Red Maple Swamp Forest | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Fraxinus pennsylvanica - (Juglans nigra, Platanus occidentalis) Floodplain Forest | Green Ash - Mixed Hardwood Floodplain Forest | | | | GNR | S4 |
TORE | Fraxinus profunda | Pumpkin Ash | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Fraxinus quadrangulata | Blue Ash | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Frullania inflata | | | | | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Frullania plana | | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Frullania riparia | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Fulica americana* | American Coot | | | | G5 | S2B,S4N,S3M |
Watchlist | Funaria flavicans | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Fuscocephaloziopsis catenulata | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Fuscocephaloziopsis loitlesbergeri | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Fuscocephaloziopsis macrostachya | | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Fuscocephaloziopsis pleniceps | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Fusconaia flava* | Wabash Pigtoe | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Fusconaia subrotunda* | Longsolid | LT | PT | | G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Gabara subnivosella | an erebid moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
TORE | Galactia regularis | Eastern Milk-pea | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Galium boreale | | | N | Under Review | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Galium labradoricum | Labrador Marsh Bedstraw | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Galium latifolium | Purple Bedstraw | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Galium trifidum | Marsh Bedstraw | | N | PR | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Gallinago delicata* | Wilson's Snipe | | | | G5 | S3B,S4N,S3M |
SOSC | Gallinula galeata* | Common Gallinule | | | | G5 | S2B,S2M |
Watchlist | Gammarus cohabitus* | | | | | G1G2 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Ganoderma tsugae | Hemlock Varnish Shelf | | | | GNR | S3 |
Extirpated | Gasterosteus aculeatus* | Threespine Stickleback | | DL | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Gastrocopta armifera* | Armed Snaggletooth | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Gastrocopta corticaria* | Bark Snaggletooth | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Gastrocopta tappaniana* | White Snaggletooth | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Gastrodonta interna* | Brown Bellytooth | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Gaultheria hispidula | Creeping Snowberry | | PR | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Gaylussacia bigeloviana | Northern Dwarf Huckleberry | | PE | PE | G4G5 | SH |
TORE | Gaylussacia brachycera | Box Huckleberry | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Gemmabryum barnesii | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Gemmabryum dichotomum | | | | | G3G5 | S1S3 |
Extirpated | Gentiana alba | Yellow Gentian | | TU | PX | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Gentiana linearis | Narrow-leaved Gentian | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Gentiana saponaria | Soapwort Gentian | | TU | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Gentiana villosa | Striped Gentian | | TU | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Gentianella quinquefolia | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Gentianopsis crinita | Eastern Fringed Gentian | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Geoglossum difforme | | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Geolycosa turricola* | Turret Spider | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Geolycosa wrighti* | Wright's Burrowing Wolf Spider | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
TORE | Geranium bicknellii | Cranesbill | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Geum rivale | Water Avens | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Gillia altilis | Buffalo Pebblesnail | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Glaucomys sabrinus macrotis* | Northern Flying Squirrel | | PE | | G5TNR | S1 |
SOSC | Glaucopsyche lygdamus lygdamus | Silvery Blue | | | | G5T3T4 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Glena cognataria* | Blueberry Gray Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Glonium stellatum | | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Glyceria borealis | Small-floating Manna-grass | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Glyceria obtusa | Blunt Manna-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Glyphyalinia raderi* | Maryland Glyph | | | | G2 | S2 |
Watchlist | Glyptemys insculpta* | Wood Turtle | | | | G2G3 | S3S4 |
TORE | Glyptemys muhlenbergii* | Bog Turtle | LT | PE | | G2G3 | S2 |
SOSC | Golden Saxifrage - Pennsylvania Bitter-cress Spring Run | Golden Saxifrage - Pennsylvania Bitter-cress Spring Run | | | | GNR | S3S4 |
SOSC | Golden Saxifrage - Sedge Rich Seep | Golden Saxifrage - Sedge Rich Seep | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Gomphaeschna furcillata* | Harlequin Darner | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Gomphurus fraternus* | Midland Clubtail | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Gomphurus lineatifrons* | Splendid Clubtail | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Gomphurus septima delawarensis* | | | | | G3T1 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Gomphurus ventricosus* | Skillet Clubtail | | | | G3 | SH |
Extirpated | Goodyera repens | Lesser Rattlesnake-plantain | | N | PX | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Goodyera tesselata | Checkered Rattlesnake-plantain | | PE | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Gratiola aurea | Golden Hedge-hyssop | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Great Lakes Region Scarp Seep | Great Lakes Region Scarp Seep | | | | GNR | S1 |
SOSC | Great Lakes Region Scarp Woodland | Great Lakes Region Scarp Woodland | | | | GNR | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Grimmia anodon | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Grimmia donniana | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Grimmia laevigata | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Grimmia muehlenbeckii | | | | | G3G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Grimmia olneyi | | | | | G3G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Grus canadensis | Sandhill Crane | | | | G5 | S3B |
SOSC | Gymnocarpium appalachianum | Appalachian Oak Fern | | TU | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Gymnocolea inflata | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Gymnostomum aeruginosum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Gyraulus circumstriatus | Disk Gyro | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Gyraulus deflectus* | Flexed Gyro | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Hadena capsularis | Capsule Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hadena ectypa | Campion Coronet Moth | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hageniella micans | | | | | G3G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Haliaeetus leucocephalus* | Bald Eagle | | DL | | G5 | S4B,S5N,S4M |
Watchlist | Hansonoperla appalachia* | Appalachian Stone | | | | G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Hapalopilus croceus | Orange Polypore | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Harpanthus scutatus | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Helianthus giganteus | Tall Sunflower | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Helianthus hirsutus | Sunflower | | N | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Helianthus microcephalus | Small Wood Sunflower | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Heliomata infulata* | Rare Spring Moth | | | | G3G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Helocordulia uhleri* | Uhler's Sundragon | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Helvella palustris | Swamp Elfin Saddle | | | | GNR | SH |
Watchlist | Hemaris gracilis* | Slender Clearwing Moth | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Hemileuca maia* | Eastern Buckmoth | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Hemileuca nevadensis | Nevada Buckmoth | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Hemileuca nevadensis ssp. 3 | Great Lakes Buckmoth | | | | G5T3T4 | SU |
SOSC | Hemipachnobia monochromatea* | Sundew Cutworm Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Hemlock - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | Hemlock - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | | | | GNR | S3S4 |
SOSC | Hemlock Palustrine Forest | Hemlock Palustrine Forest | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Hendersonia occulta* | Cherrystone Drop | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Heptagenia culacantha* | A Mayfly | | | | G2G3 | S4 |
SOSC | Herbaceous Vernal Pond | Herbaceous Vernal Pond | | | | GNR | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Herzogiella striatella | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Herzogiella turfacea | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Hesperia leonardus* | Leonard's Skipper | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Hesperia metea* | Cobweb Skipper | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Hesperia sassacus* | Indian Skipper | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Hetaerina titia* | Smoky Rubyspot | | | | G5 | SH |
TORE | Heteranthera pauciflora | Multiflowered Mud-plantain | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Heterodon platirhinos* | Eastern Hog-nosed Snake | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Heuchera pubescens | | | N | | G4? | S5 |
Watchlist | Hibiscus laevis | Halberd-leaf Rosemallow | | PR | N | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Hieracium traillii | Maryland Hawkweed | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hieracium umbellatum | Umbellate Hawkweed | | N | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Hierochloe hirta | Common Northern Sweet Grass | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hiodon tergisus | Mooneye | | DL | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Homalia trichomanoides | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Homalotheciella subcapillata | | | | | G5? | S2 |
Watchlist | Homoplectra monticola | Highland Net-spinning Caddisfly | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
SOSC | Houstonia canadensis | Fringed Bluets | | N | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Houstonia purpurea var. purpurea | Purple Bluets | | TU | PT | G5T5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Houstonia serpyllifolia | Creeping Bluets | | N | PE | G4? | S1 |
TORE | Huperzia porophila | Rock Clubmoss | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Extirpated | Hybognathus nuchalis | Mississippi Silvery Minnow | | | | G5 | SX |
Watchlist | Hydraecia immanis* | Hop Vine Borer Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Hydraecia stramentosa* | Figwort Borer Moth | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Vulnerable | Hydrastis canadensis | Golden-seal | | PV | PV | G3G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Hydriomena divisaria | Black-dashed Hydriomena Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydriomena perfracta | Shattered Hydriomena Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydriomena pluviata | Sharp Green Hydriomena Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Extirpated | Hydrocotyle umbellata | Many-flowered Pennywort | | PX | PX | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Hydrophyllum macrophyllum | Large-leaved Waterleaf | | PE | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Hydropsyche brunneipennis | A Scalris Trichopteran | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydropsyche impula | A Caddisfly | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydropsyche opthalmica | A Caddisfly | | | | G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydroptila alabama | A Caddisfly | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hydroptila antennopedia | A Microcaddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydroptila chattanooga | Chattanooga Microcaddisfly | | | | G2 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydroptila dentata | Toothed Microcaddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hydroptila parachelops | A Microcaddisfly | | | | G2 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hygrocybe coccineocrenata | | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Hygrohypnum closteri | | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hygrohypnum duriusculum | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Hygrohypnum luridum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hygrohypnum ochraceum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hygrohypnum subeugyrium | | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hyla chrysoscelis* | Cope's Grey Treefrog | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Hyles gallii | Galium Sphinx Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hylocomium splendens | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hylogomphus abbreviatus* | Spine-crowned Clubtail | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Hylogomphus adelphus* | Mustached Clubtail | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Hylogomphus viridifrons* | Green-faced Clubtail | | | | G3G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Hylotelephium telephioides | Allegheny Stonecrop | | PR | PR | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hymenostylium recurvirostrum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hyophila involuta | | | | | G4G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Hypagyrtis esther* | Esther Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Hyparpax aurora | Pink Prominent Moth | | | | G5? | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypena atomaria | Speckled Snout Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypena edictalis | Large Bomolocha Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypena sordidula | Sordid Bomolocha Moth | | | | G4? | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypenodes franclemonti | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Hypericum densiflorum | Bushy St. John's-wort | | PT | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hypericum dissimulatum | | | N | | G5 | S2S4 |
SOSC | Hypericum drummondii | Nits-and-lice | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Hypericum gymnanthum | Clasping-leaved St. John's-wort | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Hypericum majus | Larger Canadian St. John's-wort | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Hypericum pyramidatum | Great St. John's-wort | | N | | G5T5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hypericum sphaerocarpum | | | N | | G5 | SH |
SOSC | Hypericum stragulum | St Andrew's-cross | | N | PR | G5T5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Hyperstrotia flaviguttata | Yellow-spotted Graylet Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypnum fertile | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Hypnum pratense | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Hypocoena inquinata | Tufted Sedge Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypogymnia krogiae | | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypomecis umbrosaria | Umber Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Hypsoropha monilis | Large Necklace Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ichthyomyzon bdellium* | Ohio Lamprey | | DL | | G3G4 | S4 |
TORE | Ichthyomyzon fossor* | Northern Brook Lamprey | | PE | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ichthyomyzon greeleyi* | Mountain Brook Lamprey | | DL | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Ichthyomyzon unicuspis | Silver Lamprey | | | | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Icteria virens* | Yellow-breasted Chat | | | | G5 | S2B,S4M |
Watchlist | Ictiobus bubalus | Smallmouth Buffalo | | DL | | G5 | S5 |
TORE | Ictiobus cyprinellus* | Bigmouth Buffalo | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ictiobus niger | Black Buffalo | | | | G5 | SU |
SOSC | Idaea eremiata* | Straw Wave Moth | | | | G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Idaea violacearia* | Violaceous Wave Moth | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Idia laurentii | Laurentine Idia Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Idia majoralis | Greater Idia Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Ilex laevigata | Smooth Winterberry Holly | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
TORE | Ilex opaca | American Holly | | PT | DELIST | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Imbribryum alpinum | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Imbribryum gemmiparum | | | | | G3G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Imbribryum miniatum | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Imbribryum muehlenbeckii | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Impatiens capensis - Peltandra virginica - Polygonum arifolium - Bolboschoenus fluviatilis - Typha angustifolia Tidal Marsh | Freshwater Tidal Mixed High Marsh | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Inosperma lanatodiscum | | | | | GNR | SU |
SOSC | Invertebrate fossil animals | Invertebrate Fossil Animals | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Iodanthus pinnatifidus | Purple Rocket | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Iodopepla u-album | White-eyed Borer Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ionactis linariifolia | Stiff-leaved Aster | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ipomoea lacunosa | White Morning-glory | | N | | G5? | S4 |
TORE | Iris cristata | Crested Dwarf Iris | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Iris prismatica | Slender Blue Iris | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Iris verna var. smalliana | Dwarf Iris | | PE | PE | G5T4T5 | S1 |
SOSC | Iris virginica | Interior Blue Flag | | N | PE | G5T5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Ischnura kellicotti* | Lilypad forktail | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Ischnura ramburii* | Rambur's Forktail | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Isoetes appalachiana | Appalachian Quillwort | | N | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Isoetes valida | Quillwort | | N | PR | G4? | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Isoetes x brittonii | Quillwort | | N | Under Review | GNA | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Isonychia hoffmani* | Hoffman's Brushlegged Mayfly | | | | G1G3 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Isoperla lata | Dark Stripetail | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Isoperla signata | Transverse Stripetail | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Isopterygiopsis muelleriana | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Isopterygium tenerum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Isotria medeoloides | Small-whorled Pogonia | LT | PE | PE | G2G3 | S1 |
TORE | Itea virginica | Virginia Willow | | PX | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Ixobrychus exilis* | Least Bittern | | PE | | G4 | S2B,S2M |
Watchlist | Jeffersonia diphylla | Twinleaf | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Juglans cinerea | Butternut | | N | | G3 | S4 |
TORE | Juncus alpinoarticulatus ssp. americanus | Richardson's Rush | | PT | PT | G5T5 | S2 |
TORE | Juncus balticus var. littoralis | Baltic Rush | | PT | PT | G5T5 | S2 |
SOSC | Juncus biflorus | Grass-leaved Rush | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Juncus brachycarpus | Short-fruited Rush | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Juncus brachycephalus | Small-headed Rush | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Juncus debilis | Weak Rush | | N | PT | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Juncus dichotomus | Forked Rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Juncus filiformis | Thread Rush | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Juncus gymnocarpus | Coville's Rush | | N | | G4 | S4 |
TORE | Juncus militaris | Bayonet Rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Juncus scirpoides | Scirpus-like Rush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Juncus torreyi | Torrey's Rush | | PT | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Juniperus communis var. depressa | Dwarf Juniper | | N | PE | G5T5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Juniperus virginiana - Fraxinus americana / Carex pensylvanica - Cheilanthes lanosa Open Woodland | Red-cedar - Mixed Hardwood Rich Shale Woodland | | | | G2 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Juniperus virginiana - Fraxinus americana / Danthonia spicata Woodland | Red-cedar - Prickly Pear Shale Shrubland | | | | G3 | S2 |
SOSC | Juniperus virginiana - Pinus virginiana / Smilax rotundifolia Serpentine Forest | Serpentine Virginia Pine - Oak Forest | | | | G1G2 | S2 |
Watchlist | Juniperus virginiana / Corydalis sempervirens Cliff Sparse Vegetation | Eastern Temperate Acidic Cliff | | | | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Juniperus virginiana / Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex flava - Carex tetanica Fen | Poison Sumac - Red-cedar - Bayberry Fen | | | | G1G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Justicia americana Riverbed Vegetation | Water-willow (Justicia americana) - Smartweed Riverbed Community | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Kalmia polifolia | Pale Laurel | | PR | | G5 | S4S5 |
SOSC | Kettlehole | Kettlehole | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Kinosternon subrubrum subrubrum* | Southeastern Mud Turtle | | PE | | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Korscheltellus gracilis | Conifer Swift Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Kurzia pauciflora | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Kurzia sylvatica | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Labidesthes sicculus | Brook Silverside | | DL | | G5 | S5 |
Watchlist | Lacinipolia teligera | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Lactarius subpurpureus | | | | | GNR | S3 |
SOSC | Lactuca hirsuta | Downy Lettuce | | N | Under Review | G5? | S3 |
Watchlist | Lacunicambarus diogenes | Devil Crawfish | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lacunicambarus thomai | Little Brown Mudbug | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Ladona deplanata* | Blue Corporal | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Ladona exusta* | White Corporal | | | | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Lagoa crispata* | Black-waved Flannel Moth | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lagoa pyxidifera | Yellow Flannel Moth | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lampetra aepyptera* | Least Brook Lamprey | | | | G5 | S4 |
Extirpated | Lampsilis abrupta* | Pink Mucket | LE | | | G1G2 | SH |
SOSC | Lampsilis fasciola | Wavyrayed Lampmussel | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Lampsilis radiata* | Eastern Lampmussel | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lanius borealis | Northern Shrike | | | | G5 | S2S3N |
TORE | Lanius ludovicianus migrans* | Migrant Loggerhead Shrike | | PE | | G4T3Q | S1B,S1M |
Watchlist | Larix laricina | Tamarack | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
SOSC | Lasionycteris noctivagans* | Silver-haired Bat | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lasius minutus | Tiny-queened Field Ant | | N | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Lasmigona complanata* | White Heelsplitter | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Lasmigona compressa* | Creek Heelsplitter | | | | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Lasmigona subviridis* | Green Floater | PT | | | G2G3 | S2S3 |
TORE | Laterallus jamaicensis | Black Rail | LT | PT | | G3 | SNR |
TORE | Lathyrus japonicus | Beach Peavine | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Lathyrus ochroleucus | Wild-pea | | PT | PT | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Lathyrus palustris | Vetchling | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Lathyrus venosus | Veiny Pea | | N | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Lecanora oreinoides | Sunken Rim-lichen | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lecanora valesiaca | a lichen | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Lechea minor | Thyme-leaved Pinweed | | N | PE | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Lechea villosa | | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Lejeunea cavifolia | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lejeunea laetevirens | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Lejeunea lamacerina ssp. gemminata | | | | | G5T4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Lemmeria digitalis* | Fingered Lemmeria Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lemna perpusilla | Minute Duckweed | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Lemna trisulca | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lemna turionifera | A Duckweed | | TU | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Lemna valdiviana | Pale Duckweed | | PX | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Lepidostoma wigginsi | A Caddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lepidozia reptans | | | | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Lepisosteus oculatus* | Spotted Gar | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lepisosteus osseus | Longnose Gar | | DL | | G5 | S5 |
TORE | Lepomis gulosus* | Warmouth | | PE | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Lepomis megalotis* | Longear Sunfish | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Leptobryum pyriforme | | | | | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Leptodea fragilis* | Fragile Papershell | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Leptodea ochracea* | Tidewater Mucket | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Leptoxis dilatata | Seep Mudalia | | | | G3 | SH |
Watchlist | Leptoypha mutica* | Fringetree Lace Bug | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Leskea obscura | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Leskea polycarpa | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Leskeella nervosa | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Lespedeza angustifolia | Narrowleaf Bushclover | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lestes dryas* | Emerald Spreadwing | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lestes eurinus* | Amber-winged Spreadwing | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Lethe eurydice* | Eyed Brown | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Lethenteron appendix | American Brook Lamprey | | DL | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Leucania linita | Salt Marsh Wainscot Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Leucodon julaceus | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Leucodon sciuroides | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Leucorrhinia glacialis* | Crimson-ringed Whiteface | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Leucorrhinia proxima* | Belted Whiteface | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Leucotrichia pictipes* | A Ring-horn Microcaddisfly | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Leucrocuta thetis | A Flat-headed Mayfly | | | | G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Leuctra variabilis* | Variable Needlefly | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Liatris pilosa | Shaggy Gayfeather | | N | | G5? | S1S2 |
SOSC | Liatris scariosa | Round-head Gayfeather | | TU | PT | G5? | S2 |
Watchlist | Libellula auripennis* | Golden-winged Skimmer | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Libellula axilena* | Bar-winged Skimmer | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Libellula flavida* | Yellow-sided Skimmer | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Libellula needhami* | Needham's Skimmer | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Life history | Life History | | | | GNR | SNR |
Extirpated | Ligusticum canadense | Nondo Lovage | | PE | PE | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Lilium philadelphicum | | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Linaria canadensis | Old-field Toadflax | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Lindbergia brachyptera | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
TORE | Linnaea borealis | Twinflower | | PT | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Linum intercursum | Sandplain Wild Flax | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Extirpated | Linum medium var. medium | Stiff Yellow Flax | | N | PX | G5T3? | SH |
TORE | Linum sulcatum | Grooved Yellow Flax | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Liochlaena lanceolata | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lioplax subcarinata | Ridged Lioplax | | | | G4G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Liquidambar styraciflua - Acer rubrum - Quercus phellos / Eubotrys racemosa Swamp Forest | Sweetgum - Red Maple Swamp Forest | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Liriodendron tulipifera - Tilia americana var. heterophylla - Aesculus flava - Acer saccharum / (Magnolia tripetala) Forest | Appalachian Plateau Mesophytic Cove | | | | G4? | S2 |
Watchlist | Lithasia obovata | Shawnee Rocksnail | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Lithobates kauffeldi | Mid-Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog | | PE | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lithobates pipiens* | Northern Leopard Frog | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius* | Coastal Plains Leopard Frog | | PE | | G5TNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Lithomoia germana* | American Brindle Moth | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lithophane franclemonti* | Franclemont's Lithophane Moth | | | | G2G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Lithophane georgii | a noctuid moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lithophane lepida adipel | Pale Pinion Moth | | | | G4T4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lithophane pexata | Plush-naped Pinion Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lithophane scottae | a noctuid moth | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lithophane tepida | a noctuid moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lithophane thaxteri* | Thaxter's Pinion Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
SOSC | Lithospermum canescens | Hoary Puccoon | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Lithospermum croceum | Hispid Gromwell | | PE | PE | G4G5T4T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lithospermum latifolium | American Gromwell | | PE | DELIST | G4 | S4 |
TORE | Lithospermum parviflorum | False Gromwell | | PE | PE | G4G5T4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Littoridinops tenuipes* | Henscomb Hydrobe | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
TORE | Lobelia dortmanna | Water Lobelia | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Lobelia kalmii | Brook Lobelia | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Lobelia puberula | Downy Lobelia | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Lonicera hirsuta | Hairy Honeysuckle | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Lonicera oblongifolia | Swamp Fly Honeysuckle | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Lonicera villosa | Mountain Fly Honeysuckle | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lophocampa maculata | Spotted Tussock Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Lophocolea coadunata | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Lophocolea minor | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Lophozia bicrenata | | | | | G5T5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Lophozia ventricosa | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Lophoziopsis excisa | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Loreleia marchantiae | Liverwort Navel | | | | GNR | S1 |
SOSC | Lorinseria areolata | Netted Chainfern | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Lota lota pop. 4* | Burbot - Allegheny River population | | PE | | G5TNRQ | S2 |
Watchlist | Loxia curvirostra* | Red Crossbill | | | | G5 | S1B,S4N,S3M |
TORE | Ludwigia decurrens | Upright Primrose-willow | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Ludwigia polycarpa | False Loosestrife Seedbox | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Lupinus perennis | Lupine | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Luzula bulbosa | Southern Wood-rush | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Lycaena epixanthe* | Bog Copper | | | | G4G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Lycaena hyllus* | Bronze Copper | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Lycia rachelae* | Twilight Moth | | | | G5 | S2? |
Watchlist | Lycia ypsilon | Woolly Gray Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
TORE | Lycopodiella alopecuroides | Foxtail Clubmoss | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Lycopodiella appressa | Southern Bog Clubmoss | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Lycopodiella margueriteae | Marguerite's Clubmoss | | PE | PE | G1G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lycopodiella x copelandii | | | N | | GNA | S1 |
Watchlist | Lycopodiella x robusta | | | N | Under Review | G1G3 | S1S2 |
TORE | Lycopus rubellus | Bugleweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lygodium palmatum | Hartford Fern | | PR | PR | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Lymnaea stagnalis* | Swamp Lymnaea | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
TORE | Lyonia mariana | Stagger-bush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Lysimachia hybrida | Lance-Leaved Loosestrife | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Lysimachia lanceolata | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Lysimachia thyrsiflora | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Lythrum alatum | Winged Loosestrife | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Lythrurus umbratilis* | Redfin Shiner | | PE | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Macaria abruptata | a geometrid moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macaria anataria | a geometrid moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macaria argillacearia | Mousy Itame Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macaria coortaria | Four-spotted Itame Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macaria evagaria | Drab Itame Moth | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macaria exauspicata | a geometrid moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Macaria exonerata* | Barrens Itame Moth | | | | G3G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Macaria promiscuata* | Promiscuous Angle Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Macaria ribearia | Currant Spanworm Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macaria subcessaria | Barred Angle Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Macrhybopsis storeriana | Silver Chub | | DL | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Macrochilo hypocritalis* | Twin-dotted Macrochilo Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Macromia alleghaniensis* | Allegheny River Cruiser | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Macromia taeniolata* | Royal River Cruiser | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Magnolia fraseri | Mountain Magnolia | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Magnolia tripetala | Umbrella Magnolia | | PT | PR | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Magnolia virginiana | Sweet Bay Magnolia | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Maianthemum stellatum | Starry False Solomon's-seal | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Maianthemum trifolium | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Malaxis bayardii | Bayard's Malaxis | | PE | PE | G1G2 | S1 |
SOSC | Malaxis monophyllos var. brachypoda | White Adder's-mouth | | TU | PE | G5T4T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Manduca jasminearum* | Ash Sphinx Moth | | | | G3? | S1? |
Watchlist | Mannia fragrans | | | | | G5T5 | S1 |
TORE | Margaritifera margaritifera* | Eastern Pearlshell | | PE | | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Marshallia pulchra | Beautiful Barbara's-Buttons | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Marstonia lustrica* | Boreal Marstonia | | | | G4G5 | S3? |
Watchlist | Marsupella emarginata | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Marsupella sphacelata | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Martania basaliata | Square-patched Carpet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Matelea obliqua | Oblique Milkvine | | PE | PE | G4? | S1 |
SOSC | Meandering channels | Meandering Channels | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Meehania cordata | Heartleaf Meehania | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Megachile integra | a leafcutter bee | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Megaleuctra flinti* | Shenandoah Needlefly | | | | G2G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Megapallifera mutabilis* | Changeable Mantleslug | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Melanchra assimilis | Black Arches Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Melanelia culbersonii | | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Melanerpes erythrocephalus* | Red-headed Woodpecker | | | | G5 | S4B,S4N |
Watchlist | Melanomma auricinctaria | Gold-lined Melanomma Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
SOSC | Melanthium virginicum | Virginia Bunchflower | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Melica nitens | Three-flowered Melic-grass | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Menyanthes trifoliata | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Merope tuber | Earwig Scorpionfly | | | | G3G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Meropleon ambifusca | Newman's Brocade Moth | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Mesodon zaletus* | Toothed Globe | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Metalectra tantillus | Black Fungus Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Metarranthis apiciaria* | Barrens Metarranthis Moth | | | | G1G3 | SH |
Watchlist | Metarranthis sp. 2 | Northern Coastal Metarranthis Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Metarranthis sp. near duaria* | Early Metarranthis Moth | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Metzgeria setigera | | | | | GNR | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Microtus chrotorrhinus* | Rock Vole | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Milium effusum | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Mineralization materials | Mineralization Materials | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Minuartia glabra | Appalachian Sandwort | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Minuartia michauxii | | | N | Under Review | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Minytrema melanops* | Spotted Sucker | | PT | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Mitella nuda | Naked Bishop's-cap | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Mixed Mesophytic Forest | Mixed Mesophytic Forest | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Mnium lycopodioides | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Mnium spinulosum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Mnium thomsonii | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Mocis latipes | Small Mocis Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Moehringia lateriflora | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Moerckia flotoviana | | | | | GNR | S1S2 |
Extirpated | Monarda punctata | Spotted Bee-balm | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Monotropa hypopithys | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Montia chamissoi | Chamisso's Miner's-lettuce | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Morus rubra | Red Mulberry | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Moxostoma carinatum | River Redhorse | | DL | | G4 | S4 |
Extirpated | Muhlenbergia cuspidata | Plains Muhlenbergia | | TU | PX | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Muhlenbergia uniflora | Fall Dropseed Muhly | | PE | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Mustela nivalis | Least Weasel | | | | G5 | S5 |
Watchlist | Mylia anomala | | | | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Myotis leibii* | Eastern Small-footed Bat | | PT | | G4 | S2 |
TORE | Myotis lucifugus* | Little Brown Bat | | PE | | G3G4 | S1 |
TORE | Myotis septentrionalis* | Northern Long-eared Bat | LE | PE | | G2G3 | S1 |
TORE | Myotis sodalis* | Indiana Bat | LE | PE | | G2 | S1 |
TORE | Myrica gale | Sweet-gale | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Myrica gale - Chamaedaphne calyculata / Carex (lasiocarpa, utriculata) - Utricularia spp. Fen | Medium Shrub Fen | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Myrica gale - Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex lasiocarpa - Cladium mariscoides Fen | Many-Fruited Sedge - Bladderwort Poor Fen | | | | G2G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Myrica pensylvanica | Northern Bayberry | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Myriophyllum farwellii | Farwell's Water-milfoil | | PE | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Myriophyllum sibiricum | Northern Water-milfoil | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Myriophyllum tenellum | Slender Water-milfoil | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Myriophyllum verticillatum | Whorled Water-milfoil | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Myurella sibirica | | | | | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Nabalus serpentaria | Lion's-foot | | N | PT | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Najas gracillima | Bushy Naiad | | PT | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Nannothemis bella* | Elfin Skimmer | | | | G4G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Nardia geoscyphus | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Nardia lescurii | | | | | G3? | S1 |
Watchlist | Nasiaeschna pentacantha* | Cyrano Darner | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Nastra lherminier* | Swarthy Skipper | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Natada nasoni | Nason's Slug Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Neckera pennata | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Necturus maculosus maculosus* | Common Mudpuppy | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Nehalennia integricollis* | Southern Sprite | | | | G5 | SH |
SOSC | Nemoria tuscarora* | Tuscarora Emerald Moth | | N | | GU | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Nemoura arctica* | Three-spined Forestfly | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Neoalbatrellus caeruleoporus | | | | | G3? | S3 |
Watchlist | Neohygrocybe nitrata | Nitrous Waxcap | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Neoleptophlebia assimilis | Southeastern Prong-gilled Mayfly | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Neoligia semicana* | Northern Brocade Moth | | | | G2G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Neoorthocaulis attenuatus | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Neoorthocaulis floerkei | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Neoperla choctaw* | Choctaw Stone | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Neoperla occipitalis | Atlantic Stone | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Neophylax delicatus | Delicate Autumn Mottled Sedge | | | | G1G2 | SNR |
Watchlist | Neophylax mitchelli | Mitchell's Autumn Mottled Sedge | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Neophylax stolus | An Autumn Mottled Sedge | | | | G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Neophylax wigginsi | Wiggins' Autumn Mottled Sedge | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
TORE | Neotoma magister* | Allegheny Woodrat | | PT | | G3G4 | S2 |
TORE | Neottia bifolia | Southern Twayblade | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Neottia cordata | Heart-leaved Twayblade | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Neottia smallii | Kidney-leaved Twayblade | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Nepytia pellucidaria | a looper moth | | | | GU | SNR |
Watchlist | Nepytia sp. 1 | Dusky Mid-summer Nepytia Moth | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Nesovitrea binneyana* | Blue Glass | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Neurocordulia obsoleta | Umber Shadowdragon | | | | G5 | S3S5 |
Watchlist | Neurocordulia yamaskanensis | Stygian Shadowdragon | | | | G5 | S3S5 |
Extirpated | Nicrophorus americanus* | American Burying Beetle | LE | | | G3 | SH |
Watchlist | Nixe horrida | Rough Flat-headed Mayfly | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
TORE | Nocomis biguttatus* | Hornyhead Chub | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Notodonta scitipennis | Finned-willow Prominent Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Notothylas orbicularis | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Notropis bifrenatus* | Bridle Shiner | | PE | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Notropis blennius* | River Shiner | | PE | | G5 | SU |
TORE | Notropis buchanani* | Ghost Shiner | | PE | | G5 | SU |
TORE | Notropis chalybaeus* | Ironcolor Shiner | | PE | | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Notropis dorsalis* | Bigmouth Shiner | | PT | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Notropis heterodon* | Blackchin Shiner | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Notropis heterolepis | Blacknose Shiner | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Noturus eleutherus* | Mountain Madtom | | PE | | G4 | S4 |
TORE | Noturus gyrinus* | Tadpole Madtom | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Noturus miurus* | Brindled Madtom | | PT | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Noturus stigmosus* | Northern Madtom | | PE | | G3 | S4 |
Watchlist | Nuphar advena - Nymphaea odorata Aquatic Vegetation | Spatterdock - Water-lily Emergent Wetland | | | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Nuphar advena Tidal Marsh | Broadleaf Pond-lily Tidal Marsh | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Nuphar microphylla | Yellow Cowlily | | TU | PE | G5T4T5 | S1 |
TORE | Nyctanassa violacea* | Yellow-crowned Night-heron | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S2M |
Watchlist | Nycteola frigidana | Frigid Owlet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Nycticeius humeralis | Evening Bat | | | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Nycticorax nycticorax* | Black-crowned Night-heron | | PE | | G5 | S2B,S3M |
Watchlist | Nymphalis l-album | Compton Tortoiseshell | | | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Nymphoides cordata | Floating-heart | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Obliquaria reflexa* | Threehorn Wartyback | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Obovaria olivaria* | Hickorynut | | | | G4 | SH |
TORE | Obovaria subrotunda* | Round Hickorynut | LT | PE | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ochrolechia yasudae | | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ochrotrichia denningi | Denning's Purse Case-maker Caddisfly | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ochrotrichia graysoni | Grayson's Purse Case-maker Caddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
TORE | Oclemena nemoralis | Bog Aster | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Odontoschisma fluitans | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Odontoschisma sphagni | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Oedemasia concinna | Red-humped Caterpillar Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Oenothera argillicola | Shale-barren Evening-primrose | | PT | PT | G3G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Oenothera oakesiana | Evening-primrose | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Olceclostera angelica* | The Angel Moth | | | | G5 | S1? |
SOSC | Oldenlandia uniflora | Clustered Bluets | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Olethreutes diallacta | a tortricid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Olethreutes osmundana | a tortricid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Oligia bridghamii | Bridgham's Brocade Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Oligia chlorostigma | a noctuid moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Oligia minuscula | Small Brocade Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Omalotheca sylvatica | Woodland Cudweed | | N | Under Review | G4G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Oncophorus wahlenbergii | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Onosmodium virginianum | Virginia False-gromwell | | PX | PX | G4 | SH |
TORE | Opheodrys aestivus aestivus* | Northern Rough Greensnake | | PE | | G5TNR | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Opheodrys vernalis | Smooth Greensnake | | | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Ophioglossum engelmannii | Limestone Adder's-tongue | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Ophioglossum pusillum | Northern Adderstongue | | N | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ophioglossum pycnostichum | Adder's Tongue | | PX | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Ophiogomphus anomalus* | Extra-striped Snaketail | | | | G4 | S2? |
Watchlist | Ophiogomphus carolus* | Riffle Snaketail | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Ophiogomphus howei* | Pygmy Snaketail | | | | G3 | SH |
Watchlist | Ophiogomphus incurvatus* | Appalachian Snaketail | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ophiogomphus mainensis* | Maine Snaketail | | | | G4G5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Opsopoeodus emiliae | Pugnose Minnow | | PE | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Opuntia cespitosa | Eastern Prickly-pear Cactus | | N | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Opuntia humifusa | Prickly-pear Cactus | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Oreojuncus trifidus | Highland Rush | | N | PX | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Oreonetides beattyi* | Beatty's Sheetweb Cave Spider | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Oreothlypis ruficapilla* | Nashville Warbler | | | | G5 | S3B |
Watchlist | Orgyia antiqua | Rusty Tussock Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Orgyia detrita | Fir Tussock Moth | | | | G3G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Orontium aquaticum | Golden Club | | PR | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Orontium aquaticum - Schoenoplectus subterminalis - Eriocaulon aquaticum Marsh | Goldenclub Pond | | | | G1 | S2 |
Watchlist | Orthilia secunda | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Orthofidonia exornata | a geometrid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Orthofidonia flavivenata | Yellow-veined Geometer Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Orthosia segregata | a noctuid moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum anomalum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum elegans | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum lescurii | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum obtusifolium | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum ohioense | | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum pumilum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum pusillum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum sordidum | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Orthotrichum stellatum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Oruza albocostaliata | White Edge Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Extirpated | Osmerus mordax | Rainbow Smelt | | | | G5 | SX |
Watchlist | Osmia felti | Felt's Mason Bee | | | | G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Ostrocerca prolongata* | Bent Forestfly | | | | G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Oxalis grandis | Great Yellow Woodsorrel | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Oxydendrum arboreum | Sourwood | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Oxypolis rigidior | Stiff Cowbane | | TU | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Oxysoma cubana* | A Sac-spider | | N | | GNR | S1S3 |
SOSC | Packera anonyma | Plain Ragwort | | PR | PR | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Packera antennariifolia | Cat's-paw Ragwort | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Packera crawfordii | Crawford's Ragwort | | N | PX | G2 | SH |
Watchlist | Packera obovata | Roundleaf Groundsel | | N | | G5 | S5 |
Watchlist | Packera paupercula var. appalachiana | Prairie Ragwort | | N | PE | G5TNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Packera sp. 3 | Youghiogheny Ragwort | | N | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Paectes pygmaea | Pygmy Paectes Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Palaemonetes kadiakensis | Mississippi Grass Shrimp | | | | G5 | SU |
SOSC | Paleozoic earth history | Paleozoic Earth History | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Pallifera fosteri* | Foster Mantleslug | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Pallifera ohioensis* | Redfoot Mantleslug | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Pallifera secreta* | Severed Mantleslug | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Pallifera varia* | Variable Mantleslug | | | | G2G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Palpita magniferalis* | Splendid Palpita Moth | | | | GNR | S1? |
Vulnerable | Panax quinquefolius | Wild Ginseng | | PV | PV | G3G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Pandion haliaetus* | Osprey | | | | G5 | S3B,S3M |
SOSC | Panicum flexile | Wiry Witchgrass | | TU | PT | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Panicum tuckermanii | Tuckerman's Panic-grass | | PT | PT | G3G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Panoquina panoquin | Salt Marsh Skipper | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Paonias astylus | Huckleberry Sphinx Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Papaipema astuta* | Yellow Stoneroot Borer Moth | | | | G3? | SH |
Watchlist | Papaipema baptisiae* | Wild Indigo Borer Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Papaipema cerina* | Golden Borer Moth | | | | G3 | SU |
Watchlist | Papaipema duplicatus* | Dark Stoneroot Borer Moth | | | | G1G2 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Papaipema eupatorii* | Joe-Pye Weed Borer Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Papaipema furcata* | Ash Tip Borer Moth | | | | G4 | S1? |
Watchlist | Papaipema insulidens | Umbellifer Borer Moth | | | | GU | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Papaipema leucostigma | Columbine Borer Moth | | | | G4G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Papaipema limpida* | Veronia Borer Moth | | | | G2G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Papaipema lysimachiae* | Loosestrife Borer Moth | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Papaipema marginidens* | Brick-red Borer Moth | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Papaipema maritima* | Maritime Sunflower Borer Moth | | | | G3? | SH |
Watchlist | Papaipema necopina* | Sunflower Borer Moth | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Papaipema nelita* | Coneflower Borer Moth | | | | G5 | S3? |
SOSC | Papaipema nepheleptena* | Turtle Head Borer Moth | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Papaipema pterisii | Bracken Borer Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Papaipema rigida | Rigid Sunflower Borer Moth | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Papaipema rutila* | Mayapple Borer Moth | | | | G4 | S3? |
SOSC | Papaipema sp. 1* | Flypoison Borer Moth | | | | G2G3 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Papaipema sp. 2 nr. pterisii* | Ostrich Fern Borer Moth | | | | G3G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Papaipema speciosissima | Osmunda Borer Moth | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Papaipema unimoda | Meadow Rue Borer Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Parahypenodes quadralis* | Masked Parahypenodes Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Paraleucobryum longifolium | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Parapamea buffaloensis* | Buffalo Moth | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Pararhinichthys bowersi | Cheat Minnow | | | | GNA | S1 |
Watchlist | Parasa indetermina | Stinging Rose Caterpillar Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Parkesia noveboracensis* | Northern Waterthrush | | | | G5 | S2B,S3M |
TORE | Parnassia glauca | Carolina Grass-of-parnassus | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Paronychia fastigiata var. nuttallii | Forked-chickweed | | TU | PE | G5T3T5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Paronychia montana | | | N | | G4 | SNR |
SOSC | Parthenium integrifolium | American Feverfew | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Paspalum setaceum var. setaceum | Slender Beadgrass | | N | | G5T5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Passiflora lutea | Passion-flower | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Patania silicalis | Herbivorous Pleuroptya Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Patera pennsylvanica* | Proud Globelet | | | | G4 | S2 |
TORE | Paxistima canbyi | Canby's Mountain-lover | | PE | PE | G2? | S1 |
SOSC | Pedicularis lanceolata | Swamp Lousewort | | N | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Pellaea atropurpurea | | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Pellaea glabella | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Pellia neesiana | | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Peltigera collina | | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Peltigera hydrothyria | Hydrothyria Lichen | | | | G4? | SNR |
SOSC | Penstemon canescens | Beard-tongue | | N | Under Review | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Penstemon hirsutus Sparse Vegetation | Temperate Shale Cliffs & Talus | | | | GNR | S2 |
SOSC | Penstemon laevigatus | Beard-tongue | | N | Under Review | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Percina bimaculata* | Chesapeake Logperch | | PT | | G1G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Percina copelandi | Channel Darter | | DL | | G4 | S5 |
Watchlist | Percina evides | Gilt Darter | | DL | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Percina macrocephala* | Longhead Darter | | DL | | G3 | S4 |
Watchlist | Perenniporia fraxinophila | | | | | GNR | S3 |
TORE | Perimyotis subflavus* | Tricolored Bat | | PE | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Perlesta teaysia | Teays Stone | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Perlinella drymo* | Striped Stone | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Persicaria amphibia var. stipulacea | A Water Smartweed | | TU | DELIST | G5T5 | S4 |
TORE | Persicaria careyi | Carey's Smartweed | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Persicaria setacea | Bog Smartweed | | PE | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Petrophora divisata | Common Petrophora Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Phacelia dubia | | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Phacelia purshii | Miami-mist | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Phaeophyscia leana | | | | | G2 | SNR |
Watchlist | Phalaenostola hanhami | Hanham's Owlet Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Phanogomphus borealis* | Beaverpond Clubtail | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Phanogomphus quadricolor* | Rapids Clubtail | | | | G3G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Phaseolus polystachios | Wild Kidney Bean | | N | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Phemeranthus teretifolius | Round-leaved Fame-flower | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Philonotis longiseta | | | | | G3G4 | S1S2 |
TORE | Phlox ovata | Mountain Phlox | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Phlox pilosa | Downy Phlox | | TU | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Phlox subulata ssp. brittonii | Moss Pink | | PE | PE | G5T4? | S1 |
Watchlist | Phoberia ingenua* | Uncommon Oak Moth | | | | G3G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Photedes panatela | Northern Cordgrass Borer Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Phragmatobia assimilans | Large Ruby Tiger Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Phragmites americanus | Common Reed | | N | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
SOSC | Phyciodes cocyta* | Northern Crescent | | | | G5 | S3? |
Watchlist | Phyla lanceolata | Lance Fog-fruit | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Phyllanthus caroliniensis | Carolina Leaf-flower | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Physa vernalis* | Vernal Physa | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Physalis grisea | Hairy Ground-cherry | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Physalis pubescens var. integrifolia | Low Hairy Ground-cherry | | N | | G5T5?Q | S2S4 |
SOSC | Physalis virginiana | Virginia Ground-cherry | | TU | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Physcomitrella patens | | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Physcomitrium immersum | | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Picea mariana | Black Spruce | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Picea mariana / (Vaccinium corymbosum, Gaylussacia baccata) / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Woodland | Black Spruce - Tamarack Peatland | | | | G3G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Picea rubens - (Tsuga canadensis) / Rhododendron maximum Swamp Forest | Red Spruce Palustrine Forest | | | | G2? | S1 |
Watchlist | Picea rubens - Acer rubrum / Ilex verticillata Swamp Forest | Red Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | | | | G3 | S3 |
SOSC | Picea rubens / Rhododendron maximum - Kalmia latifolia / Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest | Red Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Woodland | | | | G2G3 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Picea rubens / Vaccinium angustifolium / Sibbaldiopsis tridentata Woodland | Red Spruce Rocky Summit | | | | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Pieris virginiensis* | West Virginia White | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Pingo scar | Pingo Scar | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Pinus (pungens, rigida) - Quercus montana / (Quercus ilicifolia) / Gaylussacia baccata Woodland | Pitch Pine - Heath Woodland | | | | G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Pinus echinata | Short-leaf Pine | | N | PT | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Pinus resinosa | Red Pine | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Pinus resinosa / Gaylussacia baccata - Vaccinium angustifolium Woodland | Red Pine Woodland | | | | G3G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Pinus rigida - Quercus ilicifolia - Rhododendron canadense Woodland | Mesic Till Plain Barrens | | | | G1 | S1 |
SOSC | Pinus rigida / (Quercus ilicifolia) / Aronia melanocarpa / Deschampsia flexuosa Woodland | Pitch Pine - Scrub Oak Woodland | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Pinus rigida / Osmunda cinnamomea - Carex stricta - Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Woodland | Pitch Pine - Leatherleaf Palustrine Woodland | | | | G1 | S2 |
SOSC | Pinus rigida / Sporobolus heterolepis - Schizachyrium scoparium Serpentine Woodland | Red-cedar - Pine Serpentine Shrubland | | | | G1G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Pinus virginiana - Juniperus virginiana - Quercus rubra / Solidago arguta var. harrisii - Opuntia humifusa Woodland | Virginia Pine - Mixed Hardwood Shale Woodland | | | | G3 | S2 |
TORE | Piptatheropsis pungens | Slender Mountain-ricegrass | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Piptatherum racemosum | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Piptochaetium avenaceum | Blackseed Needlegrass | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Piranga rubra* | Summer Tanager | | | | G5 | S1B,S2M |
SOSC | Pitch Pine - Leatherleaf Palustrine Woodland | Pitch Pine - Leatherleaf Palustrine Woodland | | | | GNR | S2 |
SOSC | Pitch Pine - Rhodora - Scrub Oak Woodland | Pitch Pine - Rhodora - Scrub Oak Woodland | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Plagiochila austinii | | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Plagiomnium drummondii | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Plagiomnium rostratum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Plagiopus oederianus | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Plagiothecium latebricola | | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Plagodis kuetzingi* | Purple Plagodis Moth | | | | G5 | S1? |
TORE | Platanthera aquilonis | Northern Green Orchid | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Platanthera blephariglottis | White Fringed-orchid | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Platanthera ciliaris | Yellow-fringed Orchid | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Platanthera dilatata | Leafy White Orchid | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Platanthera herbiola | Pale-green Orchid | | N | | G4?T4Q | SNR |
SOSC | Platanthera hookeri | Hooker's Orchid | | TU | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Platanthera huronensis | Huron Green Orchid | | PE | PE | G5T5? | S1 |
Extirpated | Platanthera leucophaea | Prairie White-fringed Orchid | LT | PX | PX | G2G3 | SH |
Watchlist | Platanthera macrophylla | Large Roundleaf Orchid | | N | Under Review | G5T4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Platanthera orbiculata | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Platanthera peramoena | Purple-fringeless Orchid | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Platanus occidentalis - (Liquidambar styraciflua, Liriodendron tulipifera) / Asimina triloba Floodplain Forest | Coastal Plain Streamside Forest | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Platanus occidentalis - Acer negundo - Juglans nigra / Asimina triloba / Mertensia virginica Floodplain Forest | Piedmont-Central Appalachian Rich Floodplain Forest | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Platanus occidentalis - Betula nigra - Salix (caroliniana, nigra) Floodplain Forest | Piedmont-Central Appalachian Sycamore - River Birch Floodplain Forest | | | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Platydictya confervoides | | | | | G4G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Platydictya jungermannioides | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Platydictya minutissima | | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Platydictya subtilis | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Platylomella lescurii | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Plestiodon anthracinus anthracinus* | Northern Coal Skink | | | | G5T5 | S3 |
SOSC | Plestiodon laticeps* | Broad-headed Skink | | PC | | G5 | S2 |
Extirpated | Plethobasus cooperianus* | Orangefoot Pimpleback | LE | | | G1 | SH |
TORE | Plethobasus cyphyus* | Sheepnose | LE | PT | | G2G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Plethodon electromorphus* | Northern Ravine Salamander | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Pleuridium subulatum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
TORE | Pleurobema clava* | Clubshell | LE | PE | | G1G2 | S2 |
SOSC | Pleurobema cordatum* | Ohio Pigtoe | | | | G3G4 | SH |
Extirpated | Pleurobema plenum* | Rough Pigtoe | LE | | | G1 | SH |
Watchlist | Pleurobema rubrum* | Pyramid Pigtoe | | | | G2 | SH |
SOSC | Pleurobema sintoxia* | Round Pigtoe | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Pleurocera proxima* | Sprite Elimia | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Plusia putnami | Putnam's Looper Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Poa autumnalis | Autumn Bluegrass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Poa languida | Drooping Bluegrass | | TU | PT | G5T4Q | S2 |
TORE | Poa paludigena | Bog Bluegrass | | PT | PR | G3G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Poanes massasoit* | Mulberry Wing | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Poanes viator viator* | Broad-winged Skipper | | | | G5T4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Podilymbus podiceps* | Pied-billed Grebe | | | | G5 | S2B,S4N,S4M |
Watchlist | Podosesia aureocincta | Banded Ash Clearwing Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Podosesia syringae* | Ash Borer Moth | | | | GNR | S1? |
Watchlist | Podostemum ceratophyllum | Riverweed | | TU | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Podostemum ceratophyllum Aquatic Vegetation | Rocky Bar & Shore (Riverweed Type) | | | | G3G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Pogonia ophioglossoides | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Pohlia annotina | | | | | G4G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Pohlia cruda | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Pohlia lescuriana | | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Pohlia longicolla | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Polemonium vanbruntiae | Jacob's-ladder | | PE | PE | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Polites mystic* | Long Dash | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Polycentropus barri | Barr's Tube-maker Caddisfly | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Polycentropus chenoides | A Caddisfly | | | | G2G3 | SNR |
Watchlist | Polycentropus colei | Cole's Tube-maker Caddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Polycentropus rickeri | Ricker's Tube-maker Caddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
TORE | Polygala cruciata | Cross-leaved Milkwort | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Polygala curtissii | Curtis's Milkwort | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Polygala incarnata | Pink Milkwort | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Polygala nuttallii | Nuttall's Milkwort | | N | PE | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Polygala polygama | Racemed Milkwort | | TU | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Polygala senega | Seneca Snakeroot | | N | PT | G4G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Polygonella articulata | Eastern Jointweed | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Polygonia faunus* | Green Comma | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Polymnia canadensis | Leaf-cup | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Polystichum braunii | Braun's Holly Fern | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Polytrichastrum alpinum | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Polytrichastrum longisetum | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Pomatiopsis lapidaria* | Slender Walker | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Pooecetes gramineus* | Vesper Sparrow | | | | G5 | S2B,S3M |
TORE | Populus balsamifera | Balsam Poplar | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Populus deltoides - (Juniperus virginiana) Dune Woodland | Great Lakes Region Bayberry - Cottonwood Community | | | | G1G2 | S1 |
Extirpated | Populus heterophylla | Swamp Cottonwood | | PX | PX | G4G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Porzana carolina* | Sora | | | | G5 | S3B,S3M |
SOSC | Potamilus ohiensis* | Pink Papershell | | | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton alpinus | Northern Pondweed | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Potamogeton bicupulatus | Pondweed | | N | | G4 | S4 |
TORE | Potamogeton confervoides | Tuckerman's Pondweed | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Potamogeton filiformis var. borealis | Slender Pondweed | | TU | | G5T5 | SH |
TORE | Potamogeton friesii | Fries' Pondweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton gramineus | Grassy Pondweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton hillii | Hill's Pondweed | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Potamogeton illinoensis | Illinois Pondweed | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Potamogeton oakesianus | Oakes' Pondweed | | TU | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Potamogeton obtusifolius | Blunt-leaved Pondweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton praelongus | White-stemmed Pondweed | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton pulcher | Spotted Pondweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton richardsonii | Red-head Pondweed | | PT | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Potamogeton robbinsii | Flat-leaved Pondweed | | PR | | G5 | S4 |
Extirpated | Potamogeton strictifolius | Narrow-leaved Pondweed | | PE | PE | G5 | SH |
TORE | Potamogeton tennesseensis | Tennessee Pondweed | | PE | PE | G2G3 | S1 |
TORE | Potamogeton vaseyi | Vasey's Pondweed | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Potamogeton zosteriformis | Flat-stem Pondweed | | PR | PR | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Potamogeton zosteriformis - Ceratophyllum demersum - Elodea canadensis Southern Great Lakes Shore Aquatic Vegetation | Southern Great Lakes Submergent Marsh | | | | G3G4 | S2 |
TORE | Potentilla fruticosa | Shrubby Cinquefoil | | PE | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
TORE | Potentilla paradoxa | Bushy Cinquefoil | | PE | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
SOSC | Potholes | Potholes | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Preissia quadrata | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Prenanthes crepidinea | Crepis Rattlesnake-root | | N | | G4 | S4 |
Extirpated | Prenanthes racemosa | Glaucous Rattlesnake-root | | PX | PX | G5 | SH |
TORE | Primula fassettii | Fassett Jeweled Shooting-Star | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
TORE | Primula meadia | Common Shooting-star | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Prionoxystus macmurtrei | Little Carpenterworm Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Progne subis* | Purple Martin | | | | G5 | S3B,S4M |
Watchlist | Progomphus obscurus* | Common Sanddragon | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Promenetus exacuous* | Sharp Sprite | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Properigea costa* | Barrens Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Protonotaria citrea* | Prothonotary Warbler | | | | G5 | S3B,S2M |
SOSC | Prunus alleghaniensis | Alleghany Plum | | N | PT | G4 | S2S3 |
TORE | Prunus maritima | Beach Plum | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Prunus pumila / Andropogon gerardii - Sorghastrum nutans Riverscour Wet Meadow | Riverside Prairie Wet Meadow | | | | G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Prunus pumila var. depressa | Low Sand Cherry | | N | PT | G5T5 | S2 |
SOSC | Prunus susquehanae | Susquehana Cherry | | N | PT | G5T4T5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Psathyrella aquatica | | | | | G1 | SU |
SOSC | Psectraglaea carnosa* | Pink Sallow Moth | | | | G3 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Pseudacris brachyphona* | Mountain Chorus Frog | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Pseudacris feriarum* | Upland Chorus Frog | | | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Pseudacris kalmi* | New Jersey Chorus Frog | | PE | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Pseudacris triseriata* | Western Chorus Frog | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Pseudanophthalmus sp. 44* | Pennsylvania Cave Beetle | | | | GNR | SH |
TORE | Pseudemys rubriventris* | Northern Red-bellied Cooter | | PT | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Pseudevernia consocians | | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Pseudocalliergon trifarium | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Pseudofistulina radicata | | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Pseudohermonassa tenuicula | Morrison's Sooty Dart Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Pseudotaxiphyllum distichaceum | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Pseudotriton montanus montanus* | Eastern Mud Salamander | | PE | | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Psora pseudorussellii | | | | | G4G5 | SNR |
TORE | Ptelea trifoliata | Common Hop-tree | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Pterigynandrum filiforme | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Ptilidium ciliare | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Ptychomitrium incurvum | | | | | G4 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum cernuum | | | | | G3G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum pallens | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum pallescens | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum pendulum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum reedii | | | | | G1 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum turbinatum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ptychostomum weigelii | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Pupilla muscorum* | Widespread Column | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Pupoides nitidulus* | White-lip Dagger | | | | G5 | S2 |
Extirpated | Pycnanthemum clinopodioides | Mountain-mint | | N | PX | G1G2 | SH |
Watchlist | Pycnanthemum torreyi | Torrey's Mountain-mint | | PE | PE | G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum | Hairy Mountain-mint | | TU | Under Review | G5T5 | SH |
Watchlist | Pycnopsyche conspersa | A Caddisfly | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Pylaisia intricata | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Pylaisia polyantha | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
SOSC | Pyrgus wyandot* | Appalachian Grizzled Skipper | | | | G1G2Q | S1 |
SOSC | Pyrola chlorantha | | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Pyrrhia aurantiago* | Aureolaria Seed Borer Moth | | | | G3G4 | SU |
SOSC | Pyrularia pubera | Buffalo-nut | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Quadrula quadrula* | Mapleleaf | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Quercus alba - Quercus rubra - Quercus montana - Acer saccharum / Lindera benzoin Forest | Western Allegheny Dry-mesic Oak - Hardwood Forest | | | | GNR | S3 |
TORE | Quercus falcata | Southern Red Oak | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Quercus ilicifolia - Prunus susquehanae Shrubland | Scrub Oak Shrubland | | | | G4? | S3 |
Watchlist | Quercus macrocarpa | Bur Oak | | N | | G5 | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Quercus marilandica | Blackjack Oak | | N | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Quercus michauxii | Swamp Chestnut Oak | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Quercus montana - Quercus (alba, coccinea) / Viburnum acerifolium - (Kalmia latifolia) Forest | Western Allegheny Chestnut Oak - Mixed Oak / Heath Forest | | | | G4? | S3 |
Watchlist | Quercus montana / Quercus ilicifolia / Danthonia spicata Woodland | Central Appalachian Xeric Shale Woodland | | | | G3? | S2 |
Watchlist | Quercus muehlenbergii | Chinquapin Oak | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Quercus muehlenbergii - Cercis canadensis / Packera obovata - Lithospermum canescens Woodland | Central Appalachian Chinkapin Oak Woodland | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Quercus palustris - (Quercus bicolor) - Acer rubrum / Vaccinium corymbosum / Osmunda cinnamomea Wet Forest | Oak - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | | | | G3 | S2 |
TORE | Quercus phellos | Willow Oak | | PE | DELIST | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Quercus rubra - (Quercus montana) / Vaccinium spp. / Deschampsia flexuosa Woodland | Red Oak / Heath Woodland Rocky Summit | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Quercus rubra - Tsuga canadensis - Liriodendron tulipifera / Hamamelis virginiana Forest | Hemlock - Tuliptree - Birch Forest | | | | G4? | S4 |
TORE | Quercus shumardii | Shumard's Oak | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Quercus stellata | Post Oak | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Rachiplusia ou | Gray Looper Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Racomitrium aduncoides | | | | | GNR | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Radula obconica | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
TORE | Rallus elegans* | King Rail | | PE | | G4 | S1B,S1M |
Watchlist | Rallus limicola* | Virginia Rail | | | | G5 | S3?B,S3M |
TORE | Ranunculus ambigens | Water-plantain Spearwort | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Ranunculus aquatilis var. diffusus | White Water-crowfoot | | TU | PR | G5T5 | S3 |
TORE | Ranunculus fascicularis | Tufted Buttercup | | PE | PE | G5 | S1S2 |
SOSC | Ranunculus flabellaris | Yellow Water-crowfoot | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Extirpated | Ranunculus flammula | Lesser Spearwort | | TU | PX | G5 | SH |
TORE | Ranunculus hederaceus | Long-stalked Crowfoot | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Ranunculus micranthus | Small-flowered Crowfoot | | PR | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Ranunculus pensylvanicus | | | N | | G5 | S3S4 |
SOSC | Ranunculus pusillus | Spearwort | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Rasvena terna | Vermont Sallfly | | | | G4 | S3 |
TORE | Ratibida pinnata | Gray-headed Prairie Coneflower | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Rauiella scita | | | | | G3G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Rectiostoma xanthobasis | Yellow-vested Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Red Maple - Black Ash Palustrine Forest | Red Maple - Black Ash Palustrine Forest | | | | GNR | S2S3 |
SOSC | Red Maple - Black-gum Palustrine Forest | Red Maple - Black-gum Palustrine Forest | | | | GNR | S3S4 |
SOSC | Red Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | Red Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest | | | | GNR | S3 |
SOSC | Red-cedar - Redbud Shrubland | Red-cedar - Redbud Shrubland | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Redectis pygmaea | Pygmy Redectis Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Regina septemvittata* | Queensnake | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Renia sp. 1 nr. discoloralis | A Litter Moth | | | | G4 | SU |
Watchlist | Rhabdoweisia crispata | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Rhamnus alnifolia | Alder-leaved Buckthorn | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Rhexia mariana | Maryland Meadow-beauty | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Rhionaeschna mutata* | Spatterdock Darner | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Rhizomnium magnifolium | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
TORE | Rhodiola rosea | Roseroot Stonecrop | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Rhododendron atlanticum | Dwarf Azalea | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Rhododendron canadense | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Rhododendron canadense - Chamaedaphne calyculata Acidic Peatland | Eastern Subboreal Dwarf-shrub Bog | | | | GNR | S1 |
SOSC | Rhododendron groenlandicum | Common Labrador-tea | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Rhododendron pilosum | Minniebush | | PR | PR | G4G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Rhodora - Mixed Heath - Scrub Oak Shrubland | Rhodora - Mixed Heath - Scrub Oak Shrubland | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Rhus aromatica | | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Rhyacophila otica* | A Free-living Caddisfly | | | | G3G4Q | S1S3 |
TORE | Rhynchospora capillacea | Capillary Beaked-rush | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Rhynchospora recognita | Small Globe Beaked-rush | | TU | PE | G5? | S1 |
Watchlist | Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus | | | | | GNR | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Rhytidium rugosum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Ribes hirtellum | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Ribes lacustre | Swamp Currant | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Ribes triste | Red Currant | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Riccardia latifrons | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Riccia beyrichiana | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Riccia cavernosa | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Riccia sullivantii | | | | | G4G5T4T5Q | S2S3 |
SOSC | Rice Cutgrass - Bulrush Vernal Pool | Rice Cutgrass - Bulrush Vernal Pool | | | | GNR | S2? |
Watchlist | Rinodina chrysomelaena | a pepper-spore lichen | | | | GNR | SH |
Watchlist | Riparia riparia* | Bank Swallow | | | | G5 | S3B,S5M |
TORE | Ripariosida hermaphrodita | Sida | | PE | PE | G3 | S2 |
SOSC | River Bluff Seep | River Bluff Seep | | | | GNR | S1 |
SOSC | Riverbank Freshwater Tidal Marsh | Riverbank Freshwater Tidal Marsh | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Rosa blanda | Meadow Rose | | N | Under Review | G5 | SU |
Watchlist | Rosa setigera | Prairie Rose | | N | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Rosa virginiana | Virginia Rose | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Rotala ramosior | Tooth-cup | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Rubus cuneifolius | Sand Blackberry | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Rubus pubescens | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Rubus setosus | Small Bristleberry | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Rudbeckia fulgida | Eastern Coneflower | | N | PT | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Ruellia humilis | Fringed-leaved Petunia | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Ruellia strepens | Limestone Petunia | | PT | PT | G4G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Rumex britannica | Greater Water Dock | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Sagittaria calycina | Long-lobed Arrow-head | | PE | | G5T5? | S1 |
SOSC | Sagittaria cuneata | Wapatum Arrowhead | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sagittaria spatulata | Long-lobed Arrow-head | | N | PE | G5T4 | S1 |
SOSC | Sagittaria subulata | Subulate Arrowhead | | PR | PR | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Sagittunio nasutus* | Eastern Pondmussel | | | | G3 | S2S3 |
TORE | Salix candida | Hoary Willow | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Salix caroliniana | Carolina Willow | | N | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Salix myricoides | Broad-leaved Willow | | N | PE | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Salix pedicellaris | Bog Willow | | N | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Salix petiolaris | Meadow Willow | | N | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Salix serissima | Autumn Willow | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Salix spp. / Andropogon gerardii - Sorghastrum nutans Riverscour Wet Meadow | Midwestern Brush Prairie Gravel Wash | | | | G2Q | S2 |
SOSC | Samolus parviflorus | Pineland Pimpernel | | TU | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Sand dune | Sand Dune | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Sanguisorba canadensis | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Sarracenia purpurea | Northern Pitcher Plant | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Satyrium acadica* | Acadian Hairstreak | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Satyrium edwardsii* | Edwards' Hairstreak | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Satyrium favonius* | Oak Hairstreak | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Satyrium titus* | Coral Hairstreak | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Saxifraga micranthidifolia | Lettuce Saxifrage | | TU | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Scapania irrigua | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Scapania mucronata | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Scapania paludicola | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
TORE | Scaphiopus holbrookii* | Eastern Spadefoot | | PT | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sceloporus undulatus* | Eastern Fence Lizard | | | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Scheuchzeria palustris | Pod-grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Schinia obscurata | Erigeron Flower Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Schinia septentrionalis | Northern Flower Moth | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Schistidium agassizii | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Schistidium dupretii | | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Schistidium liliputanum | | | | | GNR | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Schistidium rivulare | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Schistidium viride | | | | | GNR | S2S3 |
SOSC | Schizachyrium littorale | Seaside Bluestem | | PR | PE | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Schizachyrium scoparium - Danthonia spicata - Carex pensylvanica / Cladonia spp. Grassland | Little Bluestem - Pennsylvania Sedge Opening | | | | G3 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Schizachyrium scoparium - Sporobolus heterolepis Serpentine Grassland | Serpentine Gravel Forb Community | | | | G1G2 | S1 |
TORE | Schoenoplectiella smithii | Smith's Bulrush | | PE | PE | G5? | S1 |
SOSC | Schoenoplectus (tabernaemontani, acutus) Eastern Marsh | Bulrush Marsh | | | | GNR | S3 |
TORE | Schoenoplectus acutus | Hard-stemmed Bulrush | | PE | PE | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Schoenoplectus subterminalis | Water Bulrush | | N | PR | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Schoenoplectus torreyi | Torrey's Bulrush | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Schrankia macula | Black-spotted Schrankia Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Scirpus ancistrochaetus | Northeastern Bulrush | LE | PE | PT | G3 | S3 |
Watchlist | Scirpus atrocinctus | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Scirpus expansus | | | N | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Scirpus microcarpus | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Scirpus pedicellatus | Stalked Bulrush | | PT | PT | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sciurus niger vulpinus* | Eastern Fox Squirrel | | | | G5T4T5 | S2 |
Extirpated | Scleria minor | Minor Nutrush | | PE | PE | G4 | SH |
TORE | Scleria muehlenbergii | Reticulated Nutrush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Scleria pauciflora | Few Flowered Nutrush | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Scleria triglomerata | Whip Nutrush | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Scleria verticillata | Whorled Nutrush | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Scopula cacuminaria | Frosted Tan Wave Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Scopula quadrilineata | Four-lined Wave Moth | | | | GU | SNR |
Watchlist | Scutellaria leonardii | | | N | | G5T5 | SNR |
SOSC | Scutellaria saxatilis | Rock Skullcap | | TU | PE | G3G4 | S1 |
TORE | Scutellaria serrata | Showy Skullcap | | PX | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Selaginella rupestris | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Seligeria campylopoda | | | | | G3G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Seligeria pusilla | | | | | G3G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sematophyllum marylandicum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Sericocarpus linifolius | Narrow-leaved White-topped Aster | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Setodes oxapius | | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Setophaga cerulea* | Cerulean Warbler | | | | G4 | S3B,S4M |
TORE | Setophaga striata* | Blackpoll Warbler | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S4M |
TORE | Shepherdia canadensis | Canada Buffalo-berry | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Sibbaldiopsis tridentata | Three-toothed Cinquefoil | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sideridis congermana | German Cousin Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Sideridis maryx* | Maroonwing Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sigela brauneata | an erebid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Silene nivea | | | N | | G4? | SNR |
Watchlist | Silene stellata | Starry Catchfly | | N | | G5 | S5 |
TORE | Simpsonaias ambigua* | Salamander Mussel | PE | PE | | G1G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Singa eugeni* | An Orb-weaver Spider | | N | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Siphlonurus barbaroides | A Mayfly | | | | G3 | SNR |
TORE | Sistrurus catenatus* | Eastern Massasauga | LT | PE | | G3 | S1 |
Extirpated | Sisyrinchium albidum | Blue-eyed Grass | | TU | PX | G5? | SH |
TORE | Sisyrinchium atlanticum | Eastern Blue-eyed Grass | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Sisyrinchium fuscatum | Sand Blue-eyed Grass | | PX | PX | G5? | SH |
Watchlist | Sisyrinchium montanum | Strict Blue-eyed-grass | | N | Under Review | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Sisyrinchium montanum var. crebrum | | | N | | G5T5 | S2S4 |
Extirpated | Smilax pseudochina | Long-stalked Greenbrier | | PX | PX | G4G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Solenostoma crenuliforme | | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Solenostoma hyalinum | | | | | G5 | S2S4 |
TORE | Solidago erecta | Slender Golden-rod | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Solidago harrisii | Harris' Golden-rod | | PE | PE | G5T4 | S1 |
TORE | Solidago racemosa | Sticky Golden-rod | | PE | PE | G5T3? | S1 |
SOSC | Solidago rigida | Hard-leaved Goldenrod | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Solidago roanensis | Mountain Goldenrod | | PT | PT | G4G5 | S2 |
Extirpated | Solidago rupestris | Rock Goldenrod | | N | TU | G4? | SH |
SOSC | Solidago speciosa var. speciosa | Showy Goldenrod | | N | PT | G5T5? | S2 |
SOSC | Solidago uliginosa | Bog Goldenrod | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Somatochlora elongata* | Ski-tailed Emerald | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Somatochlora forcipata* | Forcipate Emerald | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Somatochlora incurvata* | Incurvate Emerald | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Somatochlora linearis* | Mocha Emerald | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Somatochlora walshii* | Brush-tipped Emerald | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Somatochlora williamsoni* | Williamson's Emerald | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Somatogyrus integra* | Ohio Pebblesnail | | | | G3 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Somatogyrus pennsylvanicus* | Shale Pebblesnail | | | | G3 | S2S3 |
TORE | Sorbus decora | Showy Mountain-ash | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sorex dispar* | Long-tailed Shrew | | | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Sorex palustris albibarbis* | Northern Water Shrew | | | | G5T5 | S3 |
TORE | Sorex palustris punctulatus* | West Virginia Water Shrew | | PT | | G5T3 | S2 |
SOSC | Sorghastrum nutans - Schizachyrium scoparium Serpentine Grassland | Serpentine Grassland | | | | G1G2 | S1 |
Watchlist | Soyedina merritti* | Powdermill Forestfly | | | | G2 | S2 |
Watchlist | Spargania magnoliata | Double-banded Carpet Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Sparganium androcladum | Branching Bur-reed | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Sparganium angustifolium | Bur-reed | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Speyeria atlantis* | Atlantis Fritillary | | | | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Speyeria idalia* | Regal Fritillary | | | | G3? | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphacelodes vulneraria | a geometrid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Sphagnum angustifolium | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum atlanticum | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum bartlettianum | | | | | G4G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum carolinianum | | | | | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum centrale | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum compactum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum contortum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum cuspidatum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum flavicomans | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum flexuosum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum fuscum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum inundatum | | | | | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum majus | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum molle | | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum papillosum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum platyphyllum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum pulchrum | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum pylaesii | | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum quinquefarium | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum riparium | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum rubellum | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Sphagnum rubellum - Vaccinium oxycoccos Fen | Sphagnum - Beak-rush Peatland | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum rubroflexuosum | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum russowii | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum squarrosum | | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum subsecundum | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum subtile | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum tenerum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum teres | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum torreyanum | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum trinitense | | | | | G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum warnstorfii | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphagnum wulfianum | | | | | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Sphalloplana pricei* | Refton Cave Planarian | | | | G2G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sphenolobus minutus | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Sphinx chersis* | Great Ash Sphinx Moth | | | | G4 | S1? |
Watchlist | Sphinx drupiferarum | Wild Cherry Sphinx Moth | | | | G3G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Sphinx franckii* | Franck's Sphinx Moth | | | | G4G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Sphinx gordius* | Apple Sphinx Moth | | | | G4G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Sphinx kalmiae | Laurel Sphinx Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Sphinx luscitiosa | Clemen's Sphinx Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Sphinx poecila | Northern Apple Sphinx Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Spilogale putorius* | Eastern Spotted Skunk | | | | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Spilosoma dubia | Dubious Tiger Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Spinadis simplex | Wallace's Deepwater Mayfly | | | | G2G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Spinus pinus* | Pine Siskin | | | | G5 | S3B,S5N,S4M |
TORE | Spiraea corymbosa | Dwarf Spiraea | | PE | PE | G5T4? | S1 |
Extirpated | Spiraea virginiana | Virginia Spiraea | LT | PX | PX | G2? | SH |
TORE | Spiranthes casei | Case's Ladies'-tresses | | PE | PE | G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Spiranthes lucida | Shining Ladies'-tresses | | N | PT | G4 | S3 |
TORE | Spiranthes ovalis | October Ladies'-tresses | | PE | PE | G5? | S1 |
TORE | Spiranthes romanzoffiana | Hooded Ladies'-tresses | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Spiranthes tuberosa | Little Ladies'-tresses | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Spiranthes vernalis | Spring Ladies'-tresses | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Spiza americana* | Dickcissel | | PE | | G5 | S3B,S2M |
Watchlist | Spizella pallida | Clay-colored Sparrow | | | | G5 | S2B |
Watchlist | Spongilla lacustris | A Freshwater Sponge | | | | G5 | S1? |
Extirpated | Sporobolus clandestinus | Rough Dropseed | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Sporobolus heterolepis | Prairie Dropseed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Sporobolus neglectus | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Springs | Springs | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Squamanita umbonata | Fibercap Strangler | | | | GNR | SH |
TORE | Stachys cordata | Nuttall's Hedge-nettle | | PE | PE | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Stachys eplingii | Epling's Hedge-nettle | | N | PX | G1G2 | SH |
Watchlist | Stachys hyssopifolia | Hyssop Hedge-nettle | | TU | Under Review | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Stagnicola catascopium* | Woodland Pondsnail | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Stamnodes gibbicostata* | Shiny Gray Carpet Moth | | | | G4 | S1S3 |
TORE | Stellaria borealis | Northern Stitchwort | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Stellaria corei | Core's Chickweed | | N | | G5? | S2S4 |
Watchlist | Stenacron gildersleevei | Gildersleeve's Stenacron Mayfly | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Stenanthium gramineum | Featherbells | | N | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Stenogomphurus rogersi* | Sable Clubtail | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Stenotrema barbatum* | Bristled Slitmouth | | | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Sterna hirundo* | Common Tern | | PE | | G5 | S1B,S3M |
Watchlist | Sthenopis argenteomaculatus | Silver-spotted Ghost Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Sthenopis pretiosus* | Gold-spotted Ghost Moth | | | | G3G4 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Straminergon stramineum | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
TORE | Streptopus amplexifolius | White Twisted-stalk | | PT | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Strobilops labyrinthicus* | Maze Pinecone | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Strobilops texasianus* | Southern Pinecone | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Strobilurus esculentus | | | | | GNR | SU |
SOSC | Strophostyles umbellata | Wild Bean | | N | PE | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Stygobromus allegheniensis* | Allegheny Cave Amphipod | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Stygobromus biggersi* | Biggers' Cave Amphipod | | | | G2G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Stygobromus franzi* | Franz's Cave Amphipod | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Stygobromus gracilipes* | Shenandoah Valley Cave Amphipod | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Stygobromus pizzinii* | Pizzini's Cave Amphipod | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
SOSC | Stygobromus stellmacki* | Stellmack's Cave Amphipod | | | | G1G2 | S1 |
SOSC | Stygobromus tenuis potomacus* | Potomac Groundwater Amphipod | | | | G4T4 | S1 |
SOSC | Stylosanthes biflora | Pencilflower | | TU | PE | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Stylurus amnicola* | Riverine Clubtail | | | | G4 | SH |
Watchlist | Stylurus notatus* | Elusive Clubtail | | | | G3 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Stylurus plagiatus* | Russet-tipped Clubtail | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Stylurus scudderi* | Zebra Clubtail | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Sutyna privata* | Private Sallow Moth | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Sweltsa palearata* | Shenandoah Sallfly | | | | G2G3 | S2 |
Watchlist | Sylvilagus obscurus* | Appalachian Cottontail | | | | G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Sympetrum ambiguum* | Blue-faced Meadowhawk | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Sympetrum costiferum* | Saffron-winged Meadowhawk | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Sympetrum internum* | Cherry-faced Meadowhawk | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Sympetrum semicinctum* | Band-winged Meadowhawk | | | | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Symphoricarpos albus var. albus | | | N | Under Review | G5T5 | S2 |
TORE | Symphyotrichum boreale | Rush Aster | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Symphyotrichum concinnum | Smooth Blue Aster | | N | | G5T4 | S2 |
TORE | Symphyotrichum depauperatum | Serpentine Aster | | PT | PT | G2 | S2 |
SOSC | Symphyotrichum drummondii | Hairy Heart-leaved Aster | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Symphyotrichum dumosum | Bushy Aster | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Symphyotrichum ericoides | White Heath Aster | | TU | PT | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Symphyotrichum firmum | Firm Aster | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Symphyotrichum novi-belgii | New York Aster | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Sympistis dentata* | Toothed Apharetra Moth | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Synanthedon fatifera | Lesser Viburnum Clearwing Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Synanthedon fulvipes | a clearwing moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Synanthedon rhododendri | Rhododendron Borer Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Synanthedon viburni | Viburnum Clearwing Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Syngrapha epigaea* | Epigaea Looper Moth | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Syntrichia papillosa | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Syntrichia rupicola | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Syntrichia ruralis | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Tachopteryx thoreyi* | Gray Petaltail | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Tacparia atropunctata | Northern Pale Alder Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
TORE | Taenidia montana | Mountain Pimpernel | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Tarache terminimaculata | Curve-lined Bird-dropping Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Taxiphyllum deplanatum | | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Taxiphyllum taxirameum | | | | | G4G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Taxus canadensis | American Yew | | TU | DELIST | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Telegonus cellus* | Golden-banded Skipper | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Terrapene carolina carolina* | Woodland Box Turtle | | | | G5T5 | S3S4 |
TORE | Thalictrum coriaceum | Thick-leaved Meadow-rue | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
Extirpated | Thalictrum dasycarpum | Purple Meadow-rue | | N | PX | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Thamnobryum alleghaniense | | | | | G5? | S3 |
Watchlist | Thamnophis brachystoma* | Short-headed Gartersnake | | | | G4 | S4 |
Watchlist | Thamnophis saurita* | Eastern Ribbonsnake | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Thaspium trifoliatum | Purple Meadow-parsnip | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Thaspium trifoliatum var. aureum | Purple Meadow-parsnip | | N | | G5T5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Thaxterogaster frondosomultiformis | | | | | GNR | SU |
Watchlist | Thelia hirtella | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Thelia lescurii | | | | | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Theliderma cylindrica* | Rabbitsfoot | LT | PE | | G3 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Theliderma metanevra* | Monkeyface | | | | GNR | SH |
Watchlist | Thryomanes bewickii bewickii | Appalachian Bewick's Wren | | | | G5T1T3 | SH |
Watchlist | Tinagma gaedikei | a douglasiid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Tipula williamsiana* | Williams' Crane Fly | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Tipularia discolor | Cranefly Orchid | | N | | G5 | S4S5 |
Watchlist | Tolype notialis* | Small Tolype Moth | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Tomentypnum nitens | | | | | G5 | S1 |
Extirpated | Tomostima reptans | Carolina Whitlow-grass | | PX | PX | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Tortella inclinata | | | | | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Tortella inclinata var. inclinata | | | | | G4G5TNR | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Tortella tortuosa | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Tortula acaulon | | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Tortula muralis | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Tortula obtusifolia | | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Tortula plinthobia | | | | | G4G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Tortula porteri | | | | | G3? | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Tortula truncata | | | | | G3G5 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Toxicodendron rydbergii | Giant Poison-ivy | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Toxolasma parvum* | Lilliput | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Tradescantia ohiensis | Ohio Spiderwort | | N | Under Review | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Trautvetteria caroliniensis | Carolina Tassel-rue | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Trematodon ambiguus | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Trematodon longicollis | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Triadenum walteri | Walter's St. John's-wort | | N | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Trichostema setaceum | Blue-curls | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Trifolium stoloniferum | Running Buffalo Clover | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
TORE | Trifolium virginicum | Kate's Mountain Clover | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
TORE | Triglochin palustris | Marsh Arrowgrass | | PX | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Trigrammia quadrinotaria | Four-spotted Angle Moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
SOSC | Trillium cernuum | Nodding Trillium | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Trillium flexipes | Declined Trillium | | TU | PT | G5 | S2 |
SOSC | Trillium nivale | Snow Trillium | | PR | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Trillium sessile | Toadshade | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Trillium x 1 | Reserved for Trillium erectum x flexipes | | N | Under Review | GNA | S2 |
Watchlist | Triodopsis fraudulenta* | Baffled Three-tooth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Triodopsis juxtidens* | Atlantic Threetooth | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Triodopsis vulgata* | Dished Threetooth | | | | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Triosteum angustifolium | Horse-gentian | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
TORE | Triphora trianthophora | Nodding Pogonia | | PE | PE | G4? | S1 |
Watchlist | Triphosa haesitata | Tissue Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Triplasis purpurea | Purple Sandgrass | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Tripsacum dactyloides | Eastern Gamma-grass | | TU | Under Review | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Trisetum spicatum | Narrow False Oats | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Tritogonia verrucosa* | Pistolgrip | | PE | | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Trollius laxus | Spreading Globeflower | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
SOSC | Truncilla donaciformis* | Fawnsfoot | | | | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Truncilla truncata* | Deertoe | | | | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Tsuga canadensis - (Fagus grandifolia, Tilia americana var. heterophylla) / Magnolia tripetala Forest | Rich Hemlock - Mesic Hardwoods Forest | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Tsuga canadensis - Betula alleghaniensis - Prunus serotina / Rhododendron maximum Forest | Central Appalachian Hemlock - Northern Hardwood Forest | | | | G4? | S3 |
Watchlist | Tsuga canadensis - Fagus grandifolia - Quercus rubra / Kalmia latifolia Forest | Hemlock (White Pine) - Red Oak - Mixed Hardwood Forest | | | | GNR | S4 |
Watchlist | Tsuga canadensis - Quercus montana - Betula lenta Forest | Dry White Pine (Hemlock) - Oak Forest | | | | G3 | S4 |
Watchlist | Tsuga canadensis / Rhododendron maximum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest | Eastern Hemlock / Great Laurel Swamp Forest | | | | G4? | S3 |
SOSC | Tufa | Tufa | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Typhlogastrura helleri* | Heller Cave Springtail | | | | GNR | S1 |
SOSC | Tyto alba* | Barn Owl | | | | G5 | S2B,S3N |
Watchlist | Ufeus satyricus | Grote's Satyr Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Umbra limi* | Central Mudminnow | | | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Umbra pygmaea* | Eastern Mudminnow | | | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Usnea halei | Hale's Beard Lichen | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Usnea mutabilis | Bloody Beard Lichen | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Utaperla gaspesiana* | Gaspe Sallfly | | | | G3 | S2 |
SOSC | Utricularia cornuta | Horned Bladderwort | | N | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Utricularia geminiscapa | Bladderwort | | N | | G4G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Utricularia inflata | Floating Bladderwort | | N | | G5 | S4 |
TORE | Utricularia intermedia | Flat-leaved Bladderwort | | PT | PT | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Utricularia purpurea | Purple Bladderwort | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Utterbackiana implicata* | Alewife Floater | | | | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Utterbackiana suborbiculata* | Flat Floater | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Uvularia grandiflora | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Uvularia puberula | Mountain Bellwort | | TU | PR | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Vaccinium (angustifolium, myrtilloides, pallidum) Central Appalachian Dwarf-shrubland | Low Heath Shrubland | | | | G3G4 | S1 |
Watchlist | Vaccinium angustifolium - Sorbus americana / Sibbaldiopsis tridentata Dwarf-shrubland | Low Heath - Mountain Ash Shrubland | | | | GNR | S2 |
SOSC | Vaccinium corymbosum / Sphagnum spp. Acidic Peatland | Highbush Blueberry - Sphagnum Wetland | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Valerianella radiata | Beaked Corn-salad | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Vallisneria americana - (Heteranthera dubia) Riverine Aquatic Vegetation | Water Celery River Channel | | | | G3G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Valvata tricarinata* | Threeridge Valvata | | | | G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Ventridens virginicus* | Split-tooth Dome | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Veratrum latifolium | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Vermivora chrysoptera* | Golden-winged Warbler | | | | G4 | S2B,S3M |
TORE | Vernonia glauca | Tawny Ironweed | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Vernonia noveboracensis - Thelypteris palustris - Symplocarpus foetidus Seepage Meadow | Golden Saxifrage - Sedge Rich Seep | | | | G1 | S1 |
SOSC | Vertebrate fossil animals | Vertebrate Fossil Animals | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Vertigo bollesiana* | Delicate Vertigo | | | | G4G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Vertigo cristata* | Crested Vertigo | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Vertigo milium* | Blade Vertigo | | | | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Vertigo ovata* | Ovate Vertigo | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Vertigo pygmaea* | Pygmy Vertigo | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Vertigo tridentata* | Honey Vertigo | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Vertigo ventricosa* | Five-tooth Vertigo | | | | G5 | S3 |
TORE | Viburnum nudum | Possum-haw | | PE | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Viburnum rafinesquianum | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
SOSC | Viburnum trilobum | Highbush-cranberry | | TU | PT | G5T5 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Vicia americana | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
TORE | Villosa fabalis* | Rayed Bean | LE | PE | | G2 | S1S2 |
TORE | Viola appalachiensis | Appalachian Blue Violet | | PT | PR | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Viola baxteri | Baxter's Violet | | N | | GNR | S1S3 |
TORE | Viola brittoniana | Coast Violet | | PE | PE | G4G5 | S1 |
TORE | Viola glaberrima | Wedge-leaved Violet | | PE | PE | G5T3? | S1 |
SOSC | Viola renifolia | Kidney-leaved White Violet | | TU | PE | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Viola selkirkii | Great-spurred Violet | | N | PR | G5 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Viola stoneana | Stone's Violet | | N | PT | GNR | S2 |
Watchlist | Viola subsinuata | Wavyleaf Violet | | N | | G3G5 | S1S3 |
Watchlist | Viola walteri | Walter's Violet | | N | PE | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Virbia laeta* | Joyful Holomelina Moth | | | | G5 | S2 |
Watchlist | Virbia nigricans* | Blackish Tiger Moth | | | | GH | SH |
Watchlist | Virginia valeriae pulchra* | Mountain Earthsnake | | | | G5T3T4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Virginia valeriae valeriae* | Eastern Smooth Earthsnake | | | | G5T5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Vitacea polistiformis | Grape Root Borer Moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
SOSC | Vitis cinerea var. baileyana | A Pigeon Grape | | TU | PE | G4 | S1 |
TORE | Vitis rupestris | Sand Grape | | PE | PE | G3 | S1 |
Watchlist | Vitrina angelicae* | Eastern Glass-snail | | | | G5 | S2 |
TORE | Vittaria appalachiana | Appalachian Gametophyte Fern | | PT | PT | G4 | S2 |
Watchlist | Warnstorfia fluitans | | | | | G5 | S3 |
SOSC | Waterfalls and Rapids | Waterfalls and Rapids | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Webbhelix multilineata* | Striped Whitelip | | | | G5 | SH |
Watchlist | Weissia brachycarpa | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Weissia muehlenbergiana | | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Weissia phascopsis | | | | | G3G4 | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Wisteria frutescens | | | N | | G5 | SNA |
Watchlist | Wolffia borealis | Dotted Water-meal | | TU | DELIST | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Wolfina aurantiopsis | Lemonbutter Cup | | | | GNR | S3 |
Watchlist | Woodsia ilvensis | | | N | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Woodwardia virginica | | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Wynnea sparassoides | | | | | GNR | S1 |
Watchlist | Xanthorhoe iduata | a geometrid moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
SOSC | Xestia elimata* | Southern Variable Dart Moth | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Xylena cineritia | Gray Swordgrass Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Xylena nupera | American Swordgrass Moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Xylomoia chagnoni | a noctuid moth | | | | GNR | SNR |
Watchlist | Xylotype capax* | Broad Sallow Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
Watchlist | Xyris montana | Northern Yellow-eyed Grass | | PR | | G5 | S4 |
SOSC | Xyris torta | Twisted Yellow-eyed Grass | | N | PT | G5 | S1 |
SOSC | Zale curema* | Black-eyed Zale Moth | | | | G4 | S3 |
SOSC | Zale lunifera* | Pine Barrens Zale Moth | | | | G3G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Zale metata | a zale moth | | | | G5 | SNR |
Watchlist | Zale obliqua* | Oblique Zale Moth | | | | G5 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Zale squamularis* | Gray-banded Zale Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
SOSC | Zale submediana* | Gray Spring Zale Moth | | | | G4 | S2S3 |
Watchlist | Zanclognatha dentata | an erebid moth | | | | G3G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Zanclognatha martha* | Pine Barrens Zanclognatha Moth | | | | G4 | S3S4 |
Watchlist | Zanclognatha theralis | an owlet moth | | | | G4 | SNR |
Watchlist | Zanthoxylum americanum | Northern Prickly-ash | | N | | G5 | S4 |
Watchlist | Zealeuctra fraxina | Ashcave Needlefly | | | | G4 | S2 |
SOSC | Zizania aquatica | Indian Wild Rice | | PR | PR | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Zizania aquatica Tidal Marsh | Atlantic Coast Wild Rice Tidal Marsh | | | | G4? | S2S3 |
SOSC | Zizania palustris | | | N | Under Review | G5 | S1 |
Watchlist | Zonitoides nitidus* | Black Gloss | | | | G5 | S3 |
Watchlist | Zonotrichia albicollis* | White-throated Sparrow | | | | G5 | S3B |
Watchlist | Zygodon apiculatus | | | | | G5TU | S1S2 |
Watchlist | Zygodon viridissimus | | | | | G5 | S1S2 |