Environmental Review List

The Environmental Review list includes threatened and endangered species, special concern species, and rare and significant ecological features, which are screened for in Conservation Explorer. The species and resources in our list have been categorized to be consistent with definitions in the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) Policy. Through the PNDI review process, each agency or commission provides conservation or enhancement recommendations for the species or feature under their jurisdiction to landowners, developers, and planners. As part of the permitting process, the DEP requires permit applicants to screen their land use projects for potential impacts to threatened or endangered species using the Conservation Explorer. Read more about DEP’s PNDI Policy and rank and status definitions for further information.

A complete list of all other species and ecological features surveyed and tracked by PNHP, in addition to Environmental Review species is available on our Species and Natural Features List webpage.

View the Using the Species List page for conservation status definitions and instructions on navigating this page.


By County
By HUC 8 Watershed

Species Status Filters

Threatened and Endangered Species
Special Concern Species and Resources

Fact Sheets (The following links may be available for each species.)

  • PGC Factsheet
  • PNHP Factsheet
  • NatureServe Explorer
  • USFWS Species Profile

Displaying All Species in Pennsylvania

List updated November 2024. Definitions of the status and rank codes can be found here. * Denotes a Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN).

CategoryScientific NameCommon NameFederal StatusState StatusProposed DCNR StatusG RankS RankFactsheets
SOSC(Betula nigra, Ilex verticillata) / Andropogon gerardii - Solidago simplex var. racemosa Riverscour Wet MeadowFloodplain Scour Community   G2S1S2 PNHP
TOREAccipiter atricapillus*American Goshawk PE G5S1B,S3N,S2M PGC NatureServe
SOSCAcer (rubrum, saccharinum) - Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Ulmus americana / Boehmeria cylindrica Floodplain ForestRed Maple - Elm - Willow Floodplain Forest   G4S2 NatureServe USFWS
SOSCAcer (rubrum, saccharinum) - Fraxinus spp. - Ulmus americana Swamp ForestMaple - Ash - Elm Swamp   G4?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAcer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica - Magnolia virginiana / Viburnum nudum var. nudum / Osmunda cinnamomea Swamp ForestRed maple - Magnolia Palustrine Forest   G3?S1 NatureServe USFWS
SOSCAcer rubrum - Pinus virginiana - Pinus rigida / Smilax spp. Serpentine ForestSerpentine Pitch Pine - Oak Forest   G1G2S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAcer saccharum - Quercus muehlenbergii / Cercis canadensis WoodlandSugar Maple - Chinkapin Oak Woodland   G4?S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAcer saccharum - Tilia americana / Acer pensylvanicum / Caulophyllum thalictroides ForestRich Northern Hardwood Forest   G4?S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAcipenser brevirostrum*Shortnose SturgeonLEPE G3S2 NatureServe USFWS
TOREAcipenser fulvescens*Lake Sturgeon PE G3G4S1 NatureServe
TOREAcipenser oxyrinchus*Atlantic SturgeonLEPE G3S1 NatureServe USFWS
TOREAconitum reclinatumWhite Monkshood PEPEG3G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAconitum uncinatumBlue Monkshood PTPTG4S2 NatureServe
TOREAcorus americanusSweet Flag PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREAcris crepitans*Eastern Cricket Frog PE G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCActaea podocarpaMountain Bugbane PRPRG4S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCActaea rubraRed Baneberry NPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREAgalinis auriculataEared False-foxglove PEPEG3S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAgalinis pauperculaSmall-flowered False-foxglove PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAgeratina aromaticaSmall White-Snakeroot PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAlasmidonta heterodon*Dwarf WedgemusselLEPE G2?S1 NatureServe USFWS
SOSCAlasmidonta marginata*Elktoe   G4S3S4 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAlasmidonta undulata*Triangle Floater   G4S3 NatureServe
SOSCAlasmidonta varicosa*Brook Floater   G3S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAletris farinosaColic-root PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAlisma trivialeNorthern Water-plantain PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAlnus crispaMountain Alder PE G5T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAlopecurus aequalisShort-awn Foxtail NPRG5S3 NatureServe
TOREAlosa mediocris*Hickory Shad PE G4S2 NatureServe
SOSCAmaranthus cannabinusWaterhemp Ragweed PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAmblema plicata*Threeridge   G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCAmblyscirtes vialis*Common Roadside Skipper   G5S2S3 NatureServe
TOREAmbystoma laterale*Blue-spotted Salamander PE G5S1 NatureServe
TOREAmelanchier bartramianaOblong-fruited Serviceberry PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAmelanchier canadensisServiceberry NPEG5T5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAmelanchier humilisServiceberry TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAmelanchier obovalisCoastal Juneberry TUPEG5T4T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAmelanchier sanguineaRoundleaf Serviceberry TUPEG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAmmocrypta pellucida*Eastern Sand Darter PE G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCAmmophila breviligulata - (Schizachyrium scoparium) GrasslandGreat Lakes Region Dry Sandplain   G3G5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAndromeda polifoliaBog-rosemary PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAndropogon glomeratusBushy Bluestem TUPRG5T5S4 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAndropogon gyransElliott's Beardgrass PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAneides aeneus*Green Salamander PT G3G4S2 NatureServe
TOREAnemone cylindricaLong-fruited Anemone PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAnodontoides ferussacianus*Cylindrical Papershell   G5S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAntennaria solitariaSingle-headed Pussy-toes TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAntennaria virginicaShale Barren Pussytoes NPRG4S3 NatureServe
TOREAnticlea glaucaWhite Camas PEPEG5T4T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAnticlinesAnticlines   GNRSNR PNHP
SOSCApodrepanulatrix liberaria*New Jersey Tea Inchworm Moth   G3S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCArabis adpressipilisHairy Rockcress NPEG5T4S1
TOREArabis patensSpreading Rockcress PTPTG3S2 NatureServe
SOSCArabis pycnocarpaCream-flower Rockcress NPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
TOREArceuthobium pusillumDwarf Mistletoe PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREArctostaphylos uva-ursiBearberry Manzanita PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREArdea alba*Great Egret PE G5S2B,S4N,S3M PGC NatureServe
SOSCArdea herodiasGreat Blue Heron   G5S5B,S4N,S4M NatureServe
TOREArethusa bulbosaDragon's Mouth PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREArgentina anserinaSilverweed PRPRG5S3 NatureServe
SOSCAristida dichotoma var. curtissiiThree-awned Grass TUPEG5T5S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAristida purpurascensArrow-feathered Three Awned PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREArnica acaulisLeopard's-bane PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREArnoglossum reniformeGreat Indian Plantain PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREArtemisia campestris ssp. caudataBeach Wormwood PEPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
TOREAsclepias variegataWhite Milkweed PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREAsclepias verticillataWhorled Milkweed PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREAsio flammeus*Short-eared Owl PE G5S1B,S3N,S2M PGC NatureServe
TOREAsio otus*Long-eared Owl PT G5S1B,S3N,S3M NatureServe
TOREAsplenium bradleyiBradley's Spleenwort PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCAsplenium pinnatifidumLobed Spleenwort PRPRG4S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAsplenium resiliensBlack-stemmed Spleenwort PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCAsplenium ruta-muraria - Pellaea atropurpurea Cliff Sparse VegetationCalcareous Opening/Cliff   G3G4S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREAstragalus canadensisCanadian Milk-vetch PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREAstragalus neglectusCooper's Milk-vetch PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCAtrytonopsis hianna*Dusted Skipper   G4G5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCBagisara rectifascia*Straight Lined Mallow Moth   G4S2S3 NatureServe
TOREBaptisia australisBlue False-indigo PTPTG3G4S2 NatureServe
SOSCBartonia paniculata ssp. paniculataScrew-Stem PR G5T5S3 NatureServe
TOREBartramia longicauda*Upland Sandpiper PE G5S2B,S2M PGC NatureServe
SOSCBat HibernaculumWinter Bat Colony   GNRS1 NatureServe
TOREBidens beckiiBeck's Water-marigold PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREBidens bidentoidesSwamp Beggar-ticks PEPEG3G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCBidens discoideaSmall Beggar-ticks NPRG5S3 NatureServe
SOSCBidens laevisBeggar-ticks NPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCBig Bluestem - Indian-grass Floodplain GrasslandBig Bluestem - Indian-grass Floodplain Grassland   GNRS3 PNHP
SOSCBlitum capitatumStrawberry Goosefoot TUPEG5SH NatureServe
SOSCBolboschoenus fluviatilisRiver Bulrush PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREBoltonia asteroidesAster-like Boltonia PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREBombus affinis*Rusty Patched Bumble BeeLE  G2S1 NatureServe USFWS
TOREBorodinia missouriensisMissouri Rock-cress PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREBotaurus lentiginosus*American Bittern PE G5S2B,S3M PGC NatureServe
SOSCBoulder beltsBoulder Belts   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREBouteloua curtipendulaTall Gramma PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREBromus kalmiiKalm's Brome PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCCaecidotea franzi*Franz's Cave Isopod   G2G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCCaecidotea kenki*An Isopod   G3S1 NatureServe
SOSCCaecidotea pricei*Price's Cave Isopod   G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCCakile lacustrisGreat Lakes Searocket NPTG5T3T5S2
TORECalamagrostis breviligulataAmerican Beachgrass PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCCalamagrostis inexpansaNarrow-leaved Reedgrass NPTG5T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCalephelis borealis*Northern Metalmark   G3S1S2 NatureServe
TORECalidris canutus rufa*Red KnotLTPT G4T2S2M NatureServe USFWS
SOSCCallophrys irus*Frosted Elfin   G3S1S2 NatureServe
TORECamassia scilloidesWild Hyacinth PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCambarunio iris*Rainbow   G4G5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECardamine dentataCuckooflower PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCardamine maximaLarge Toothwort NPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORECarex alataBroad-winged Sedge PTPTG5?S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex aquatilisWater Sedge PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORECarex atherodesAwned Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex aureaGolden-fruited Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex bebbiiBebb's Sedge PEPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORECarex bicknelliiBicknell's Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCarex breviorA Sedge NPTG5S2? NatureServe
TORECarex bullataBull Sedge PEPEG5?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex buxbaumiiBrown Sedge PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex careyanaCarey's Sedge PEPEG4G5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex collinsiiCollin's Sedge PTPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex crawfordiiCrawford's Sedge TUPEG5SNA NatureServe
TORECarex crinita var. brevicrinisShort Hair Sedge PEPEG5T5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex cryptolepisNortheastern Sedge PTPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex diandraLesser Panicled Sedge PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex dispermaSoft-leaved Sedge PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex eburneaEbony Sedge PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex flavaYellow Sedge PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex foeneaBronze Sedge PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex formosaHandsome Sedge PEPEG4?S1 NatureServe
TORECarex fraserianaFraser's Sedge PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex garberiElk Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex geyeriGeyer's Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCarex haydeniiCloud Sedge TUPTG5S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex limosaMud Sedge TUPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex longiiLong's Sedge PTPTG5S2S3 NatureServe
TORECarex lupuliformisFalse Hop Sedge PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex meadiiMead's Sedge TUPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex mitchellianaMitchell's Sedge PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex oligospermaFew-seeded Sedge PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORECarex paucifloraFew-flowered Sedge PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex pauperculaBog Sedge PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex polymorphaVariable Sedge PEPTG3S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex praireaPrairie Sedge PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCCarex prairea - Carex stricta - Pycnanthemum virginianum FenPrairie Sedge - Tussock Sedge Fen   G1G3S1 NatureServe USFWS
TORECarex pseudocyperusCyperus-like Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex retrorsaBackward Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCarex richardsoniiRichardson's Sedge NPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex roanensisRoan Mountain Sedge PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
TORECarex schweinitziiSchweinitz's Sedge PEPEG3G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCCarex sprengeliiSedge NPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex sterilisSterile Sedge PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex tetanicaA Sedge PTPTG4G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCCarex tetanica - Carex prairea - Eleocharis erythropoda - Lysimachia quadriflora FenShenandoah Valley Wet Prairie   G1QS1 NatureServe
TORECarex typhinaCattail Sedge PEPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCarex utriculata - Carex lacustris / Sphagnum spp. FenLeatherleaf - Sedge Wetland   GNRS3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECarex viridulaGreen Sedge PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECarex wiegandiiWiegands Sedge PTPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCaripeta aretaria*Southern Pine Looper Moth   G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCCarterocephalus mandan*Arctic Skipper   G5S3 NatureServe
TORECastilleja coccineaEastern Paintbrush PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCCatharus ustulatus*Swainson's Thrush   G5S3B,S4M NatureServe
SOSCCatocala sp. 1 nr. jair*Pine Woods Underwing Moth   G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCCatocala umbrosa*Umber Underwing Moth   G4G5S1? NatureServe
TORECatostomus catostomus*Longnose Sucker PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORECerastium velutinum var. villosissimumGoat Hill Chickweed PEPEG5T1S1 NatureServe
SOSCChaetaglaea cerata*Waxed Sallow Moth   G3G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCChaetaglaea rhonda*Trembling Sallow Moth   GNRS1S3 NatureServe
SOSCChamaedaphne calyculata - (Gaylussacia dumosa) - Decodon verticillatus / Woodwardia virginica Acidic PeatlandLeatherleaf - Cranberry Bog   G5S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORECharadrius melodus*Piping PloverLEPE G3S1B,S1M PGC NatureServe USFWS
SOSCChasmanthium latifoliumWild Oat TUPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREChasmanthium laxumSlender Sea-oats PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREChenopodium foggiiFogg's Goosefoot PEPEG2G3S1 NatureServe
SOSCChionanthus virginicusFringe-tree NPTG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREChlidonias niger*Black Tern PE G4G5S1B,S3M PGC NatureServe
TOREChrosomus eos*Northern Redbelly Dace PE G5S1 NatureServe
TOREChrosomus erythrogaster*Southern Redbelly Dace PT G5S2 NatureServe
TOREChrysogonum virginianumGreen-and-gold PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREChrysopsis marianaMaryland Golden-aster PTPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCicindela ancocisconensis*Appalachian Tiger Beetle   G3S1S3 NatureServe
SOSCCicindela marginipennis*Cobblestone Tiger Beetle   G3S1 NatureServe
SOSCCicindela patruela*Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle   G3S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCCicindela splendida*Splendid Tiger Beetle   G5S1S2 NatureServe
TORECircus hudsonius*Northern Harrier PT G5S2B,S3M PGC NatureServe
TORECirsium horridulumHorrible Thistle PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCCistothorus palustris*Marsh Wren   G5S2B,S3M NatureServe
TORECistothorus stellaris*Sedge Wren PE G5S1B,S1M PGC NatureServe
TORECladium mariscoidesTwig Rush PEPEG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCClematis occidentalisPurple Clematis NPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREClematis viornaVase-vine Leather-flower PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREClethra acuminataMountain Pepper-bush PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREClitoria marianaButterfly-pea PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREClonophis kirtlandii*Kirtland's Snake PE G2SH NatureServe
TORECoeloglossum virideLong-bracted Green Orchid PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCColeataenia longifolia ssp. longifoliaLong-leaf Panic-grass TUPEG5T5?S1 NatureServe
TOREConioselinum chinenseHemlock-parsley PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECorallorhiza wisterianaSpring Coral-root PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECoregonus artedi*Cisco PE G5SU NatureServe
SOSCCornus sericea - Cornus amomum - Aronia melanocarpa - Viburnum lentago FenAlder-leaved Buckthorn - Inland Sedge - Golden Ragwort Shrub Fen   G2QS2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCorydalis aureaGolden Corydalis NPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCottus sp. 7*Checkered Sculpin   G4QS2 NatureServe
SOSCCrangonyx dearolfi*Pennsylvania Cave Amphipod   G2S1 NatureServe
TORECreaserinus fodiensDigger Crayfish PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORECrocanthemum bicknelliiBicknell's Hoary Rockrose PEPEG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCrotalus horridus*Timber Rattlesnake DL G4S3S4 NatureServe
TORECryptogramma stelleriSlender Rock-brake PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORECryptotis parva*North American Least Shrew PE G5S1 PGC NatureServe
SOSCCuscuta cephalanthiButton-bush Dodder TUPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCuscuta compactaDodder NPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCCuscuta polygonorumSmartweed Dodder TUPTG4G5S2 NatureServe
TORECyperus diandrusUmbrella Flatsedge PEPEG5?S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORECyperus houghtoniiHoughton's Flatsedge PEPEG4?S1 NatureServe
SOSCCyperus lancastriensisMany-flowered Umbrella Sedge NPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORECyperus refractusReflexed Flatsedge PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCyperus schweinitziiSchweinitz's Flatsedge PRPRG5S2 NatureServe
TORECyperus subsquarrosusCommon Hemicarpa PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORECypripedium parviflorum var. makasinNorthern Small Yellow Lady's-slipper PEPEG5T4T5S1 NatureServe
TORECypripedium parviflorum var. parviflorumSouthern Small Yellow Lady's-slipper PEPVG5T5?S1S2 NatureServe
TORECypripedium reginaeShowy Lady's-slipper PEPEG4G5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCCystopteris laurentianaLaurentian Bladder-fern TUPEG3S1 NatureServe
SOSCCystopteris tennesseensisBladder Fern NPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCDatana ranaeceps*Post-burn Datana Moth   G3G4S2 NatureServe
SOSCDecodon verticillatus Shrub SwampWater-willow (Decodon verticillatus) Shrub Wetland   GNRS3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREDelphinium exaltatumTall Larkspur PEPEG3S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCDeschampsia cespitosaTufted Hairgrass NPTG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCDesmodium glabellumTall Tick-trefoil TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCDesmodium laevigatumSmooth Tick-trefoil NPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCDesmodium nuttalliiNuttalls' Tick-trefoil TUPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCDiarrhena americanaAmerican Beakgrain NPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
TOREDicentra eximiaWild Bleeding-hearts PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCDichagyris acclivis*Switchgrass Dart Moth   G4G5S3 NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium annulumSerpentine Panic-grass TUPTG4S2 NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium commonsianumCloaked Panic Grass TUPEGNRS1 NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium laxiflorumLax-flower Witchgrass NPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREDichanthelium leibergiiLeiberg's Panic-grass PXPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium lucidumShining Panic-grass TUPTG4S2 NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium oligosanthes var. scribnerianumScribner's Panicgrass NPTG5T5S3 NatureServe
TOREDichanthelium scopariumVelvety Panic-grass PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREDichanthelium spretumEaton's Witchgrass PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium villosissimumLong-Haired Panic Grass TUPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREDichanthelium xanthophysumSlender Panic-grass PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCDichanthelium yadkinenseYadkin River Panic-grass TUPEG5T4QS1 NatureServe
SOSCDrainage patternsDrainage Patterns   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREDryopteris campylopteraMountain Wood Fern PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCDryopteris celsaLog Fern NPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCDryopteris clintonianaClinton's Wood Fern NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCDryopteris filix-mas ssp. brittoniiMale Fern NPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCEastern Woodland Vernal PoolEastern Woodland Vernal Pool   G3S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEchinochloa walteriWalter's Barnyard-grass PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEleocharis compressaFlat-stemmed Spike-rush PEPEGNRT4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEleocharis ellipticaSlender Spike-rush PEPEG5S2 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis geniculataCapitate Spike-rush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis intermediaMatted Spike-rush PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis obtusa var. peaseiWrights Spike Rush PEPEG5TNRS1 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis parvulaLittle-spike Spike-rush PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEleocharis pauciflora var. fernaldiiFew-flowered Spike-rush PEPEG5TNRQS1 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis quadrangulataFour-angled Spike-rush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis robbinsiiRobbins' Spike-rush PTPTG4G5S2 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis rostellataBeaked Spike-rush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis tuberculosaLong-tubercled Spike-rush PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEleocharis verrucosaSlender Spike-rush PEPEG5T5?S1 NatureServe
SOSCElliptio productaAtlantic Spike   G3S2 NatureServe
TOREEllisia nycteleaEllisia PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCElymus trachycaulusSlender Wheatgrass NTUG5S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEmpidonax flaviventris*Yellow-bellied Flycatcher PE G5S1B,S3M PGC NatureServe
SOSCEmydoidea blandingii*Blanding's Turtle PC G4S1 NatureServe
TOREEndotropis lanceolataLance-leaved Buckthorn PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCEphemeral/fluctuating natural poolEphemeral/fluctuating Natural Pool   GNRS3
SOSCEpilobium strictumDowny Willow-herb PRPRG5S3 NatureServe
TOREEpioblasma rangiana*Northern RiffleshellLEPE G1S2 PNHP NatureServe USFWS
TOREEpioblasma triquetra*SnuffboxLEPE G2G3S2 NatureServe USFWS
TOREEquisetum scirpoidesDwarf Scouring-rush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEquisetum variegatumVariegated Horsetail PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCEquisetum x ferrissiiScouring-rush NPEGNAS1 NatureServe
SOSCErastria coloraria*Broad-lined Erastria Moth   G3G4S1S2 NatureServe
TOREErigenia bulbosaHarbinger-of-spring PTPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEriophorum gracileSlender Cotton-grass PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEriophorum tenellumRough Cotton-grass PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCEriophorum virginicum - (Carex folliculata) / Sphagnum spp. - Polytrichum spp. FenAllegheny Mountains Cottongrass Fen   G3S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEriophorum viridicarinatumThin-leaved Cotton-grass PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCErosional remnantErosional Remnant   GNRSNR PNHP
SOSCErynnis lucilius*Columbine Duskywing   G3S1 NatureServe
SOSCErynnis persius*Persius Duskywing   G5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCErythronium albidumWhite Trout-Lily PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEtheostoma exile*Iowa Darter PE G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCEthmia zelleriellaZeller's Glass Miner Moth N GNRS2S3 NatureServe
SOSCEubotrys racemosusSwamp Dog-hobble TUPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCEupatorium albumWhite Thoroughwort PXPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCEupatorium godfreyanumGodfrey's Thoroughwort NPTG4S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEuphorbia obtusataBlunt-leaved Spurge PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREEuphorbia polygonifoliaSmall Sea-side Spurge PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREEuphorbia purpureaGlade Spurge PEPEG3S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCEuphyes bimacula*Two-spotted Skipper   G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCEuphyes dion*Dion Skipper   G5S3 NatureServe
SOSCEurybia radulaRough-leaved Aster NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREEuthamia carolinianaGrass-leaved Goldenrod PTPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCFagus grandifolia - Quercus (alba, rubra) - Liriodendron tulipifera / (Ilex opaca) ForestSweet Gum - Oak Coastal Plain Forest   G5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCFalco peregrinus*Peregrine Falcon DL G4S1B,S5N,S4M PGC NatureServe
TOREFestuca paradoxaCluster Fescue PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREFimbristylis annuaAnnual Fimbry PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCFossil plantsFossil Plants   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREFrasera caroliniensisAmerican Columbo PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREFraxinus profundaPumpkin Ash PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREFraxinus quadrangulataBlue Ash PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCFulica americana*American Coot   G5S2B,S4N,S3M NatureServe
SOSCFusconaia flava*Wabash Pigtoe   G5S2S3 NatureServe
TOREFusconaia subrotunda*LongsolidLTPT G3S2 NatureServe
TOREGalactia regularisEastern Milk-pea PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREGalium labradoricumLabrador Marsh Bedstraw PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREGalium latifoliumPurple Bedstraw PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCGalium trifidumMarsh Bedstraw NPRG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCGallinago delicata*Wilson's Snipe   G5S3B,S4N,S3M NatureServe
SOSCGallinula galeata*Common Gallinule   G5S2B,S2M NatureServe
TOREGaylussacia brachyceraBox Huckleberry PEPEG3S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCGentiana saponariaSoapwort Gentian TUPEG5S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCGentiana villosaStriped Gentian TUPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREGeranium bicknelliiCranesbill PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREGlaucomys sabrinus macrotis*Northern Flying Squirrel PE G5TNRS1 PGC NatureServe
SOSCGlaucopsyche lygdamus lygdamusSilvery Blue   G5T3T4S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCGlena cognataria*Blueberry Gray Moth   G4S3 NatureServe
TOREGlyceria obtusaBlunt Manna-grass PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREGlyptemys muhlenbergii*Bog TurtleLTPE G2G3S2 NatureServe USFWS
SOSCGolden Saxifrage - Pennsylvania Bitter-cress Spring RunGolden Saxifrage - Pennsylvania Bitter-cress Spring Run   GNRS3S4 PNHP
SOSCGolden Saxifrage - Sedge Rich SeepGolden Saxifrage - Sedge Rich Seep   GNRS2 PNHP
TOREGoodyera tesselataCheckered Rattlesnake-plantain PEPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREGratiola aureaGolden Hedge-hyssop PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCGreat Lakes Region Scarp SeepGreat Lakes Region Scarp Seep   GNRS1 PNHP
SOSCGreat Lakes Region Scarp WoodlandGreat Lakes Region Scarp Woodland   GNRS1S2 PNHP
SOSCGymnocarpium appalachianumAppalachian Oak Fern TUPEG3S1 NatureServe
SOSCHaliaeetus leucocephalus*Bald Eagle DL G5S4B,S5N,S4M PGC NatureServe
SOSCHemileuca maia*Eastern Buckmoth   G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCHemipachnobia monochromatea*Sundew Cutworm Moth   G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCHemlock - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine ForestHemlock - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest   GNRS3S4 PNHP
SOSCHemlock Palustrine ForestHemlock Palustrine Forest   GNRS3 PNHP
SOSCHerbaceous Vernal PondHerbaceous Vernal Pond   GNRS3S4 PNHP
SOSCHesperia metea*Cobweb Skipper   G4S2S3 NatureServe
TOREHeteranthera paucifloraMultiflowered Mud-plantain PEPEG3S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREHieracium trailliiMaryland Hawkweed PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREHierochloe hirtaCommon Northern Sweet Grass PE G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCHoustonia canadensisFringed Bluets NPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCHoustonia purpurea var. purpureaPurple Bluets TUPTG5T5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCHoustonia serpyllifoliaCreeping Bluets NPEG4?S1 NatureServe
TOREHuperzia porophilaRock Clubmoss PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCHylotelephium telephioidesAllegheny Stonecrop PRPRG4S3 NatureServe
TOREHypericum densiflorumBushy St. John's-wort PTPRG5S3 NatureServe
SOSCHypericum drummondiiNits-and-lice TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREHypericum gymnanthumClasping-leaved St. John's-wort PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREHypericum majusLarger Canadian St. John's-wort PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCHypericum stragulumSt Andrew's-cross NPRG5T5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREIchthyomyzon fossor*Northern Brook Lamprey PE G4S1 NatureServe
TOREIctiobus cyprinellus*Bigmouth Buffalo PE G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCIdaea eremiata*Straw Wave Moth   G4S2 NatureServe
SOSCIdaea violacearia*Violaceous Wave Moth   G4S2 NatureServe
TOREIlex opacaAmerican Holly PTDELISTG5S4S5 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCImpatiens capensis - Peltandra virginica - Polygonum arifolium - Bolboschoenus fluviatilis - Typha angustifolia Tidal MarshFreshwater Tidal Mixed High Marsh   G3S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCInvertebrate fossil animalsInvertebrate Fossil Animals   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREIodanthus pinnatifidusPurple Rocket PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREIris cristataCrested Dwarf Iris PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREIris prismaticaSlender Blue Iris PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
TOREIris verna var. smallianaDwarf Iris PEPEG5T4T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCIris virginicaInterior Blue Flag NPEG5T5S2 NatureServe
TOREIsotria medeoloidesSmall-whorled PogoniaLTPEPEG2G3S1 PNHP NatureServe USFWS
TOREItea virginicaVirginia Willow PXPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREIxobrychus exilis*Least Bittern PE G4S2B,S2M PGC NatureServe
TOREJuncus alpinoarticulatus ssp. americanusRichardson's Rush PTPTG5T5S2 NatureServe
TOREJuncus balticus var. littoralisBaltic Rush PTPTG5T5S2 NatureServe
SOSCJuncus biflorusGrass-leaved Rush PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREJuncus brachycarpusShort-fruited Rush PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
TOREJuncus brachycephalusSmall-headed Rush PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCJuncus debilisWeak Rush NPTG5S3 NatureServe
TOREJuncus dichotomusForked Rush PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCJuncus filiformisThread Rush PRPRG5S3 NatureServe
TOREJuncus militarisBayonet Rush PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREJuncus scirpoidesScirpus-like Rush PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCJuniperus communis var. depressaDwarf Juniper NPEG5T5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCJuniperus virginiana - Fraxinus americana / Carex pensylvanica - Cheilanthes lanosa Open WoodlandRed-cedar - Mixed Hardwood Rich Shale Woodland   G2S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCJuniperus virginiana - Fraxinus americana / Danthonia spicata WoodlandRed-cedar - Prickly Pear Shale Shrubland   G3S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCJuniperus virginiana - Pinus virginiana / Smilax rotundifolia Serpentine ForestSerpentine Virginia Pine - Oak Forest   G1G2S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCJuniperus virginiana / Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex flava - Carex tetanica FenPoison Sumac - Red-cedar - Bayberry Fen   G1G2S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCKettleholeKettlehole   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREKinosternon subrubrum subrubrum*Southeastern Mud Turtle PE G5T5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLactuca hirsutaDowny Lettuce NUnder ReviewG5?S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLagoa crispata*Black-waved Flannel Moth   G5S3 NatureServe
SOSCLampsilis fasciolaWavyrayed Lampmussel   G4S3S4 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLampsilis radiata*Eastern Lampmussel   G5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORELanius ludovicianus migrans*Migrant Loggerhead Shrike PE G4T3QS1B,S1M PGC NatureServe
SOSCLasionycteris noctivagans*Silver-haired Bat   G3G4S1 PGC NatureServe
SOSCLasmigona complanata*White Heelsplitter   G5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCLasmigona compressa*Creek Heelsplitter   G5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLasmigona subviridis*Green FloaterPT  G2G3S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORELaterallus jamaicensisBlack RailLTPT G3SNR NatureServe
TORELathyrus japonicusBeach Peavine PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORELathyrus ochroleucusWild-pea PTPTG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLathyrus palustrisVetchling TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCLathyrus venosusVeiny Pea NPEG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCLechea minorThyme-leaved Pinweed NPEG5S1S3 NatureServe
TORELepisosteus oculatus*Spotted Gar PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORELepomis gulosus*Warmouth PE G5S3 NatureServe
TORELepomis megalotis*Longear Sunfish PE G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCLeptodea fragilis*Fragile Papershell   G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCLeptodea ochracea*Tidewater Mucket   G3G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCLiatris scariosaRound-head Gayfeather TUPTG5?S2 NatureServe
SOSCLife historyLife History   GNRSNR PNHP
TORELinnaea borealisTwinflower PTPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELinum intercursumSandplain Wild Flax PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TORELinum sulcatumGrooved Yellow Flax PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLithobates kauffeldiMid-Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog PE G3G4S1 NatureServe
TORELithobates sphenocephalus utricularius*Coastal Plains Leopard Frog PE G5TNRS1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLithospermum canescensHoary Puccoon NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORELithospermum croceumHispid Gromwell PEPEG4G5T4T5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORELithospermum parviflorumFalse Gromwell PEPEG4G5T4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORELobelia dortmannaWater Lobelia PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORELobelia kalmiiBrook Lobelia PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELobelia puberulaDowny Lobelia PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLonicera hirsutaHairy Honeysuckle TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELonicera oblongifoliaSwamp Fly Honeysuckle PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELonicera villosaMountain Fly Honeysuckle PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCLorinseria areolataNetted Chainfern PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORELota lota pop. 4*Burbot - Allegheny River population PE G5TNRQS2 PNHP NatureServe
TORELudwigia decurrensUpright Primrose-willow PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORELudwigia polycarpaFalse Loosestrife Seedbox PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLupinus perennisLupine PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCLuzula bulbosaSouthern Wood-rush TUPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCLycaena epixanthe*Bog Copper   G4G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCLycia rachelae*Twilight Moth   G5S2? NatureServe
TORELycopodiella alopecuroidesFoxtail Clubmoss PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELycopodiella appressaSouthern Bog Clubmoss PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORELycopodiella margueriteaeMarguerite's Clubmoss PEPEG1G2S1 NatureServe
TORELycopus rubellusBugleweed PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORELyonia marianaStagger-bush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELysimachia hybridaLance-Leaved Loosestrife PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELythrum alatumWinged Loosestrife PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORELythrurus umbratilis*Redfin Shiner PE G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCMacaria exonerata*Barrens Itame Moth   G3G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCMagnolia fraseriMountain Magnolia NPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREMagnolia tripetalaUmbrella Magnolia PTPRG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMagnolia virginianaSweet Bay Magnolia PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMalaxis bayardiiBayard's Malaxis PEPEG1G2S1 NatureServe
SOSCMalaxis monophyllos var. brachypodaWhite Adder's-mouth TUPEG5T4T5S1 NatureServe
TOREMargaritifera margaritifera*Eastern Pearlshell PE G4S1 NatureServe
TOREMarshallia pulchraBeautiful Barbara's-Buttons PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
TOREMatelea obliquaOblique Milkvine PEPEG4?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCMeandering channelsMeandering Channels   GNRSNR PNHP
SOSCMeehania cordataHeartleaf Meehania TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCMelanthium virginicumVirginia Bunchflower NPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREMelica nitensThree-flowered Melic-grass PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCMineralization materialsMineralization Materials   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREMinuartia glabraAppalachian Sandwort PTPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMinytrema melanops*Spotted Sucker PT G5S2 NatureServe
TOREMitella nudaNaked Bishop's-cap PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCMixed Mesophytic ForestMixed Mesophytic Forest   GNRS3 PNHP
TOREMontia chamissoiChamisso's Miner's-lettuce PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCMorus rubraRed Mulberry NPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREMuhlenbergia unifloraFall Dropseed Muhly PEPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMyotis leibii*Eastern Small-footed Bat PT G4S2 PGC NatureServe
TOREMyotis lucifugus*Little Brown Bat PE G3G4S1 PGC NatureServe
TOREMyotis septentrionalis*Northern Long-eared BatLEPE G2G3S1 PGC NatureServe USFWS
TOREMyotis sodalis*Indiana BatLEPE G2S1 PGC NatureServe USFWS
TOREMyrica galeSweet-gale PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCMyrica gale - Dasiphora fruticosa / Carex lasiocarpa - Cladium mariscoides FenMany-Fruited Sedge - Bladderwort Poor Fen   G2G3S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMyriophyllum farwelliiFarwell's Water-milfoil PEPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMyriophyllum sibiricumNorthern Water-milfoil PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREMyriophyllum tenellumSlender Water-milfoil PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREMyriophyllum verticillatumWhorled Water-milfoil PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCNabalus serpentariaLion's-foot NPTG5S3 NatureServe
SOSCNemoria tuscarora*Tuscarora Emerald Moth N GUS1S2 NatureServe
TORENeotoma magister*Allegheny Woodrat PT G3G4S2 PGC NatureServe
TORENeottia bifoliaSouthern Twayblade PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TORENeottia cordataHeart-leaved Twayblade PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORENeottia smalliiKidney-leaved Twayblade PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
TORENocomis biguttatus*Hornyhead Chub PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORENotropis bifrenatus*Bridle Shiner PE G3S1 NatureServe
TORENotropis buchanani*Ghost Shiner PE G5SU NatureServe
TORENotropis chalybaeus*Ironcolor Shiner PE G4S1 NatureServe
TORENotropis dorsalis*Bigmouth Shiner PT G5S2 NatureServe
TORENotropis heterodon*Blackchin Shiner PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORENotropis heterolepisBlacknose Shiner PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORENoturus eleutherus*Mountain Madtom PE G4S4 NatureServe
TORENoturus gyrinus*Tadpole Madtom PE G5S1 NatureServe
TORENoturus miurus*Brindled Madtom PT G5S2 NatureServe
TORENoturus stigmosus*Northern Madtom PE G3S4 NatureServe
SOSCNuphar microphyllaYellow Cowlily TUPEG5T4T5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORENyctanassa violacea*Yellow-crowned Night-heron PE G5S1B,S2M PGC NatureServe
TORENycticorax nycticorax*Black-crowned Night-heron PE G5S2B,S3M PGC NatureServe
TORENymphoides cordataFloating-heart PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCObliquaria reflexa*Threehorn Wartyback   G5S3 NatureServe
TOREObovaria subrotunda*Round HickorynutLTPE G3S1 NatureServe
TOREOclemena nemoralisBog Aster PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREOenothera argillicolaShale-barren Evening-primrose PTPTG3G4S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCOenothera oakesianaEvening-primrose NPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCOldenlandia unifloraClustered Bluets NPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREOpheodrys aestivus aestivus*Northern Rough Greensnake PE G5TNRS1S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREOphioglossum engelmanniiLimestone Adder's-tongue PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCOphioglossum pusillumNorthern Adderstongue NPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREOpsopoeodus emiliaePugnose Minnow PE G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCOpuntia humifusaPrickly-pear Cactus PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCOxypolis rigidiorStiff Cowbane TUPRG5S3 NatureServe
SOSCPackera anonymaPlain Ragwort PRPRG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPackera antennariifoliaCat's-paw Ragwort PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCPaleozoic earth historyPaleozoic Earth History   GNRSNR PNHP
SOSCPanicum flexileWiry Witchgrass TUPTG5S2S3 NatureServe
TOREPanicum tuckermaniiTuckerman's Panic-grass PTPTG3G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCPapaipema eupatorii*Joe-Pye Weed Borer Moth   G4S3 NatureServe
SOSCPapaipema nepheleptena*Turtle Head Borer Moth   G4G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCPapaipema rutila*Mayapple Borer Moth   G4S3? NatureServe
SOSCPapaipema sp. 1*Flypoison Borer Moth   G2G3S2S3 NatureServe
TOREParnassia glaucaCarolina Grass-of-parnassus PEPEG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCParonychia fastigiata var. nuttalliiForked-chickweed TUPEG5T3T5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCParthenium integrifoliumAmerican Feverfew TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPassiflora luteaPassion-flower PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPaxistima canbyiCanby's Mountain-lover PEPEG2?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPedicularis lanceolataSwamp Lousewort NPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPenstemon canescensBeard-tongue NUnder ReviewG4S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPenstemon laevigatusBeard-tongue NUnder ReviewG5S3 NatureServe
TOREPercina bimaculata*Chesapeake Logperch PT G1G2S1 NatureServe
TOREPerimyotis subflavus*Tricolored Bat PE G3G4S1 PGC NatureServe
TOREPersicaria careyiCarey's Smartweed PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCPersicaria setaceaBog Smartweed PEPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCPhaseolus polystachiosWild Kidney Bean NPEG5S1S2 NatureServe
TOREPhemeranthus teretifoliusRound-leaved Fame-flower PTPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPhlox ovataMountain Phlox PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCPhlox pilosaDowny Phlox TUPEG5S1S2 NatureServe
TOREPhlox subulata ssp. brittoniiMoss Pink PEPEG5T4?S1 NatureServe
SOSCPhragmites americanusCommon Reed NPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPhyciodes cocyta*Northern Crescent   G5S3? NatureServe
TOREPhyllanthus caroliniensisCarolina Leaf-flower PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPhysalis virginianaVirginia Ground-cherry TUPEG5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCPicea mariana / (Vaccinium corymbosum, Gaylussacia baccata) / Sphagnum spp. Swamp WoodlandBlack Spruce - Tamarack Peatland   G3G5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPicea rubens - (Tsuga canadensis) / Rhododendron maximum Swamp ForestRed Spruce Palustrine Forest   G2?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPicea rubens / Rhododendron maximum - Kalmia latifolia / Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp ForestRed Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Woodland   G2G3S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPicea rubens / Vaccinium angustifolium / Sibbaldiopsis tridentata WoodlandRed Spruce Rocky Summit   G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPieris virginiensis*West Virginia White   G4S2 NatureServe
SOSCPinus echinataShort-leaf Pine NPTG5S1S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPinus rigida / (Quercus ilicifolia) / Aronia melanocarpa / Deschampsia flexuosa WoodlandPitch Pine - Scrub Oak Woodland   G4S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPinus rigida / Sporobolus heterolepis - Schizachyrium scoparium Serpentine WoodlandRed-cedar - Pine Serpentine Shrubland   G1G3S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPinus virginiana - Juniperus virginiana - Quercus rubra / Solidago arguta var. harrisii - Opuntia humifusa WoodlandVirginia Pine - Mixed Hardwood Shale Woodland   G3S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPiptatheropsis pungensSlender Mountain-ricegrass PEPEG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPiptochaetium avenaceumBlackseed Needlegrass NPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPitch Pine - Leatherleaf Palustrine WoodlandPitch Pine - Leatherleaf Palustrine Woodland   GNRS2 PNHP
SOSCPitch Pine - Rhodora - Scrub Oak WoodlandPitch Pine - Rhodora - Scrub Oak Woodland   GNRS1 PNHP
TOREPlatanthera aquilonisNorthern Green Orchid PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPlatanthera blephariglottisWhite Fringed-orchid NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPlatanthera ciliarisYellow-fringed Orchid PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREPlatanthera dilatataLeafy White Orchid PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPlatanthera hookeriHooker's Orchid TUPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREPlatanthera huronensisHuron Green Orchid PEPEG5T5?S1 NatureServe
TOREPlatanthera peramoenaPurple-fringeless Orchid PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPlestiodon laticeps*Broad-headed Skink PC G5S2 NatureServe
TOREPlethobasus cyphyus*SheepnoseLEPT G2G3S1 NatureServe USFWS
TOREPleurobema clava*ClubshellLEPE G1G2S2 NatureServe USFWS
SOSCPleurobema cordatum*Ohio Pigtoe   G3G4SH NatureServe
SOSCPleurobema sintoxia*Round Pigtoe   G4S3S4 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPoa autumnalisAutumn Bluegrass PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPoa languidaDrooping Bluegrass TUPTG5T4QS2 NatureServe
TOREPoa paludigenaBog Bluegrass PTPRG3G4S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCPoanes massasoit*Mulberry Wing   G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCPoanes viator viator*Broad-winged Skipper   G5T4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCPodilymbus podiceps*Pied-billed Grebe   G5S2B,S4N,S4M NatureServe
TOREPolemonium vanbruntiaeJacob's-ladder PEPEG3G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPolygala cruciataCross-leaved Milkwort PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPolygala curtissiiCurtis's Milkwort PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPolygala incarnataPink Milkwort PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPolygala nuttalliiNuttall's Milkwort NPEG4S3 NatureServe
SOSCPolygala polygamaRacemed Milkwort TUPEG5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCPolygala senegaSeneca Snakeroot NPTG4G5S2 NatureServe
SOSCPolygonella articulataEastern Jointweed TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPolystichum brauniiBraun's Holly Fern PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPopulus balsamiferaBalsam Poplar PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPotamilus ohiensis*Pink Papershell   G5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton alpinusNorthern Pondweed PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton confervoidesTuckerman's Pondweed PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton friesiiFries' Pondweed PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton gramineusGrassy Pondweed PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton hilliiHill's Pondweed PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
SOSCPotamogeton oakesianusOakes' Pondweed TUPEG5S1S2 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton obtusifoliusBlunt-leaved Pondweed PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton praelongusWhite-stemmed Pondweed PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton pulcherSpotted Pondweed PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton richardsoniiRed-head Pondweed PTPRG5S3 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton tennesseensisTennessee Pondweed PEPEG2G3S1 NatureServe
TOREPotamogeton vaseyiVasey's Pondweed PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCPotamogeton zosteriformisFlat-stem Pondweed PRPRG5S2S3 NatureServe
TOREPotentilla fruticosaShrubby Cinquefoil PEPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
TOREPotentilla paradoxaBushy Cinquefoil PEPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPotholesPotholes   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREPrimula fassettiiFassett Jeweled Shooting-Star PTPTG4S2 NatureServe
TOREPrimula meadiaCommon Shooting-star PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCProtonotaria citrea*Prothonotary Warbler   G5S3B,S2M NatureServe
SOSCPrunus alleghaniensisAlleghany Plum NPTG4S2S3 NatureServe
TOREPrunus maritimaBeach Plum PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCPrunus pumila var. depressaLow Sand Cherry NPTG5T5S2 NatureServe
SOSCPrunus susquehanaeSusquehana Cherry NPTG5T4T5S2 NatureServe
SOSCPsectraglaea carnosa*Pink Sallow Moth   G3S2S3 NatureServe
TOREPseudacris kalmi*New Jersey Chorus Frog PE G4S1 NatureServe
TOREPseudemys rubriventris*Northern Red-bellied Cooter PT G5S2S3 NatureServe
TOREPseudotriton montanus montanus*Eastern Mud Salamander PE G5T5S1 NatureServe
TOREPtelea trifoliataCommon Hop-tree PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCPyrgus wyandot*Appalachian Grizzled Skipper   G1G2QS1 NatureServe
SOSCPyrola chlorantha  NPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCPyrularia puberaBuffalo-nut PRPRG5S3 NatureServe
SOSCQuadrula quadrula*Mapleleaf   G5S3 NatureServe
TOREQuercus falcataSouthern Red Oak PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCQuercus michauxiiSwamp Chestnut Oak NPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCQuercus muehlenbergii - Cercis canadensis / Packera obovata - Lithospermum canescens WoodlandCentral Appalachian Chinkapin Oak Woodland   G3G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCQuercus palustris - (Quercus bicolor) - Acer rubrum / Vaccinium corymbosum / Osmunda cinnamomea Wet ForestOak - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest   G3S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREQuercus phellosWillow Oak PEDELISTG5S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREQuercus shumardiiShumard's Oak PEPEG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORERallus elegans*King Rail PE G4S1B,S1M PGC NatureServe
TORERanunculus ambigensWater-plantain Spearwort PTPTG4S2 NatureServe
SOSCRanunculus aquatilis var. diffususWhite Water-crowfoot TUPRG5T5S3 NatureServe
TORERanunculus fascicularisTufted Buttercup PEPEG5S1S2 NatureServe
SOSCRanunculus flabellarisYellow Water-crowfoot NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORERanunculus hederaceusLong-stalked Crowfoot PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCRanunculus pusillusSpearwort NPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORERatibida pinnataGray-headed Prairie Coneflower PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCRed Maple - Black Ash Palustrine ForestRed Maple - Black Ash Palustrine Forest   GNRS2S3 PNHP
SOSCRed Maple - Black-gum Palustrine ForestRed Maple - Black-gum Palustrine Forest   GNRS3S4 PNHP
SOSCRed Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine ForestRed Spruce - Mixed Hardwood Palustrine Forest   GNRS3 PNHP
SOSCRed-cedar - Redbud ShrublandRed-cedar - Redbud Shrubland   GNRS2 PNHP
TORERhexia marianaMaryland Meadow-beauty PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORERhodiola roseaRoseroot Stonecrop PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORERhododendron atlanticumDwarf Azalea PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCRhododendron groenlandicumCommon Labrador-tea PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCRhododendron pilosumMinniebush PRPRG4G5S3 NatureServe
SOSCRhodora - Mixed Heath - Scrub Oak ShrublandRhodora - Mixed Heath - Scrub Oak Shrubland   GNRS1 PNHP
TORERhynchospora capillaceaCapillary Beaked-rush PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCRhynchospora recognitaSmall Globe Beaked-rush TUPEG5?S1 NatureServe
SOSCRibes lacustreSwamp Currant TUPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORERibes tristeRed Currant PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCRice Cutgrass - Bulrush Vernal PoolRice Cutgrass - Bulrush Vernal Pool   GNRS2? PNHP
TORERipariosida hermaphroditaSida PEPEG3S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCRiver Bluff SeepRiver Bluff Seep   GNRS1 PNHP
SOSCRiverbank Freshwater Tidal MarshRiverbank Freshwater Tidal Marsh   GNRS1 PNHP
SOSCRosa virginianaVirginia Rose TUUnder ReviewG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCRotala ramosiorTooth-cup PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORERubus cuneifoliusSand Blackberry PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCRudbeckia fulgidaEastern Coneflower NPTG5S3 NatureServe
TORERuellia humilisFringed-leaved Petunia PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORERuellia strepensLimestone Petunia PTPTG4G5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORESagittaria calycinaLong-lobed Arrow-head PE G5T5?S1 NatureServe
SOSCSagittaria cuneataWapatum Arrowhead NPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCSagittaria subulataSubulate Arrowhead PRPRG4S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSagittunio nasutus*Eastern Pondmussel   G3S2S3 NatureServe
TORESalix candidaHoary Willow PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCSalix myricoidesBroad-leaved Willow NPEG4S2 NatureServe
TORESalix serissimaAutumn Willow PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCSamolus parviflorusPineland Pimpernel TUPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSand duneSand Dune   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREScaphiopus holbrookii*Eastern Spadefoot PT G5S2S3 NatureServe
TOREScheuchzeria palustrisPod-grass PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSchizachyrium littoraleSeaside Bluestem PRPEG5T5S1 NatureServe
TORESchoenoplectiella smithiiSmith's Bulrush PEPEG5?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSchoenoplectus (tabernaemontani, acutus) Eastern MarshBulrush Marsh   GNRS3 PNHP NatureServe
TORESchoenoplectus acutusHard-stemmed Bulrush PEPEG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSchoenoplectus subterminalisWater Bulrush NPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
TORESchoenoplectus torreyiTorrey's Bulrush PEPEG4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREScirpus ancistrochaetusNortheastern BulrushLEPEPTG3S3 PNHP NatureServe USFWS
TOREScirpus pedicellatusStalked Bulrush PTPTG4S1 NatureServe
TOREScleria muehlenbergiiReticulated Nutrush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREScleria paucifloraFew Flowered Nutrush PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCScleria triglomerataWhip Nutrush TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TOREScleria verticillataWhorled Nutrush PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCScutellaria saxatilisRock Skullcap TUPEG3G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
TOREScutellaria serrataShowy Skullcap PXPEG4G5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESericocarpus linifoliusNarrow-leaved White-topped Aster PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORESetophaga striata*Blackpoll Warbler PE G5S1B,S4M PGC NatureServe
TOREShepherdia canadensisCanada Buffalo-berry PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESibbaldiopsis tridentataThree-toothed Cinquefoil PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESimpsonaias ambigua*Salamander MusselPEPE G1G2S1 NatureServe
TORESistrurus catenatus*Eastern MassasaugaLTPE G3S1 NatureServe USFWS
TORESisyrinchium atlanticumEastern Blue-eyed Grass PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORESolidago erectaSlender Golden-rod PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESolidago harrisiiHarris' Golden-rod PEPEG5T4S1 NatureServe
TORESolidago racemosaSticky Golden-rod PEPEG5T3?S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSolidago rigidaHard-leaved Goldenrod TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORESolidago roanensisMountain Goldenrod PTPTG4G5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSolidago speciosa var. speciosaShowy Goldenrod NPTG5T5?S2 NatureServe
SOSCSolidago uliginosaBog Goldenrod PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
TORESorbus decoraShowy Mountain-ash PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORESorex palustris punctulatus*West Virginia Water Shrew PT G5T3S2 PGC NatureServe
SOSCSorghastrum nutans - Schizachyrium scoparium Serpentine GrasslandSerpentine Grassland   G1G2S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESparganium androcladumBranching Bur-reed PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCSparganium angustifoliumBur-reed NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSpeyeria idalia*Regal Fritillary   G3?S1 NatureServe
SOSCSphagnum rubellum - Vaccinium oxycoccos FenSphagnum - Beak-rush Peatland   GNRS3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSphalloplana pricei*Refton Cave Planarian   G2G3S1 NatureServe
TORESpiraea corymbosaDwarf Spiraea PEPEG5T4?S1 NatureServe
TORESpiranthes caseiCase's Ladies'-tresses PEPEG4S1 NatureServe
SOSCSpiranthes lucidaShining Ladies'-tresses NPTG4S3 NatureServe
TORESpiranthes ovalisOctober Ladies'-tresses PEPEG5?S1 NatureServe
TORESpiranthes romanzoffianaHooded Ladies'-tresses PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCSpiranthes tuberosaLittle Ladies'-tresses TUPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESpiranthes vernalisSpring Ladies'-tresses PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORESpiza americana*Dickcissel PE G5S3B,S2M PGC NatureServe
TORESporobolus heterolepisPrairie Dropseed PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSpringsSprings   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREStachys cordataNuttall's Hedge-nettle PEPEGNRS1 NatureServe
TOREStellaria borealisNorthern Stitchwort PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORESterna hirundo*Common Tern PE G5S1B,S3M PGC NatureServe
TOREStreptopus amplexifoliusWhite Twisted-stalk PTPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCStrophostyles umbellataWild Bean NPEG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus allegheniensis*Allegheny Cave Amphipod   G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus biggersi*Biggers' Cave Amphipod   G2G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus franzi*Franz's Cave Amphipod   G3G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus gracilipes*Shenandoah Valley Cave Amphipod   G3G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus pizzinii*Pizzini's Cave Amphipod   G3G4S1 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus stellmacki*Stellmack's Cave Amphipod   G1G2S1 NatureServe
SOSCStygobromus tenuis potomacus*Potomac Groundwater Amphipod   G4T4S1 NatureServe
SOSCStylosanthes bifloraPencilflower TUPEG5S2 NatureServe
TORESymphyotrichum borealeRush Aster PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORESymphyotrichum depauperatumSerpentine Aster PTPTG2S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCSymphyotrichum drummondiiHairy Heart-leaved Aster NPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCSymphyotrichum dumosumBushy Aster TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCSymphyotrichum ericoidesWhite Heath Aster TUPTG5S3 NatureServe
TORESymphyotrichum novi-belgiiNew York Aster PTPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCSympistis dentata*Toothed Apharetra Moth   G5S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCSyngrapha epigaea*Epigaea Looper Moth   G5S2S3 NatureServe
TORETaenidia montanaMountain Pimpernel PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
TOREThalictrum coriaceumThick-leaved Meadow-rue PTPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
TORETheliderma cylindrica*RabbitsfootLTPE G3S1S2 NatureServe USFWS
SOSCToxicodendron rydbergiiGiant Poison-ivy NPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCToxolasma parvum*Lilliput   G5S1S2 NatureServe
TORETrichostema setaceumBlue-curls PEPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORETrifolium stoloniferumRunning Buffalo Clover PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
TORETrifolium virginicumKate's Mountain Clover PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
TORETriglochin palustrisMarsh Arrowgrass PXPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCTrillium cernuumNodding Trillium NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCTrillium flexipesDeclined Trillium TUPTG5S2 NatureServe
SOSCTrillium nivaleSnow Trillium PRPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCTriosteum angustifoliumHorse-gentian TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
TORETriphora trianthophoraNodding Pogonia PEPEG4?S1 NatureServe
TORETriplasis purpureaPurple Sandgrass PEPEG4G5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCTrisetum spicatumNarrow False Oats NPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
TORETrollius laxusSpreading Globeflower PEPEG3S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCTruncilla donaciformis*Fawnsfoot   G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCTruncilla truncata*Deertoe   G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCTsuga canadensis - (Fagus grandifolia, Tilia americana var. heterophylla) / Magnolia tripetala ForestRich Hemlock - Mesic Hardwoods Forest   G4S2S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCTyto alba*Barn Owl   G5S2B,S3N NatureServe
SOSCUtricularia cornutaHorned Bladderwort NPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
TOREUtricularia intermediaFlat-leaved Bladderwort PTPTG5S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCUtterbackiana implicata*Alewife Floater   G5S3 NatureServe
SOSCUtterbackiana suborbiculata*Flat Floater   G5S1 NatureServe
SOSCUvularia puberulaMountain Bellwort TUPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCVaccinium (angustifolium, myrtilloides, pallidum) Central Appalachian Dwarf-shrublandLow Heath Shrubland   G3G4S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCVaccinium corymbosum / Sphagnum spp. Acidic PeatlandHighbush Blueberry - Sphagnum Wetland   G4S3 PNHP NatureServe
TOREVernonia glaucaTawny Ironweed PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCVertebrate fossil animalsVertebrate Fossil Animals   GNRSNR PNHP
TOREViburnum nudumPossum-haw PEPEG5S1 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCViburnum trilobumHighbush-cranberry TUPTG5T5S1S2 NatureServe
TOREVillosa fabalis*Rayed BeanLEPE G2S1S2 NatureServe USFWS
TOREViola appalachiensisAppalachian Blue Violet PTPRG4S3S4 PNHP NatureServe
TOREViola brittonianaCoast Violet PEPEG4G5S1 NatureServe
TOREViola glaberrimaWedge-leaved Violet PEPEG5T3?S1 NatureServe
SOSCViola renifoliaKidney-leaved White Violet TUPEG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCViola selkirkiiGreat-spurred Violet NPRG5S3S4 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCVitis cinerea var. baileyanaA Pigeon Grape TUPEG4S1 NatureServe
TOREVitis rupestrisSand Grape PEPEG3S1 NatureServe
TOREVittaria appalachianaAppalachian Gametophyte Fern PTPTG4S2 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCWaterfalls and RapidsWaterfalls and Rapids   GNRSNR PNHP
SOSCXestia elimata*Southern Variable Dart Moth   G5S3 NatureServe
SOSCXyris tortaTwisted Yellow-eyed Grass NPTG5S1 NatureServe
SOSCZale curema*Black-eyed Zale Moth   G4S3 NatureServe
SOSCZale lunifera*Pine Barrens Zale Moth   G3G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCZale submediana*Gray Spring Zale Moth   G4S2S3 NatureServe
SOSCZizania aquaticaIndian Wild Rice PRPRG5S3 PNHP NatureServe
SOSCZizania palustris  NUnder ReviewG5S1 NatureServe
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