Climate Change Vulnerability Index
PNHP has completed Climate change vulnerability assessments for 85 species in Pennsylvania using the Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI v2.0) developed by NatureServe. The CCVI allows the user to examine the exposure and sensitivity of a species to a series of risk factors associated with climate change. Presented below are the results of the vulnerability assessments along with the S and G-ranks for each species. The S and G-ranks provide demographic information not contained in the CCVI that should be used in concert with the CCVI scores when interpreting overall results. Definitions for the CCVI scores are provided at the end of the table and each species is linked to a summary sheet that describes the factors contributing most to their climate change vulnerability. Definitions of the state and global rank codes can be found here.
Group | Species | Common Name | CCVI Score | S-rank | G-rank |
Amphibian | Cryptobranchus alleganiensis | Eastern hellbender | Extremely vulnerable | S2S3 | G3T2 |
Amphibian | Scaphiopus holbrookii | Spadefoot toad | Extremely vulnerable | S2S3 | G5 |
Amphibian | Ambystoma jeffersonianum | Jefferson salamander | Highly vulnerable | S3 | G4 |
Amphibian | Pseudacris brachyphona | Mountain chorus frog | Highly vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Bird | Dendroica cerulean | Cerulean warbler | Presumed stable | S4 | G4 |
Bird | Helmitheros vermivorus | Worm-eating warbler | Presumed stable | S4 | G5 |
Bird | Vermivora chrysoptera | Golden-winged warbler | Increase likely | S2B,S3M | G4 |
Bird | Ammodramus henslowii | Henslow's sparrow | Increase likely | S3B,S2M | G4 |
Bird | Cygnus columbianus | Tundra swan | Increase likely | S4N,S3M | G5 |
Bird | Vermivora pinus | Blue-winged warbler | Increase likely | S4 | G5 |
Bird | Hylocichla mustelina | Wood thrush | Increase likely | S4B,S4M | G4 |
Bird | Paranga olivacea | Scarlet tanager | Increase likely | S5 | G5 |
Bird | Seiurus motacilla | Louisiana waterthrush | Increase likely | S5 | G5 |
Invertebrate - Cave | Stygobromus stellmacki | Stellmack's Cave amphipod | Presumed stable | S1 | G1G2 |
Invertebrate - Cave | Sphalloplana pricei | Refton Cave planarian | Presumed stable | S1 | G2G3 |
Invertebrate - Cave | Caecidotea kenki | an isopod | Presumed stable | S1 | G3 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Pieris virginiensis | West Virginia white | Highly vulnerable | S2S3 | G3? |
Invertebrate - Insect | Lycaena epixanthe | Bog copper | Highly vulnerable | S2 | G4G5 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Pyrgus wyandot | Appalachian grizzled skipper | Moderately vulnerable | S1 | G1G2Q |
Invertebrate - Insect | Cicindela marginipennis | Cobblestone tiger beetle | Moderately vulnerable | S1 | G2 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Cicindela ancocisconensis | Appalachian tiger beetle | Moderately vulnerable | S1 | G3 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Gomphus viridifrons | Green-faced clubtail | Moderately vulnerable | S1 | G3G4 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Gomphus quadricolor | Rapids clubtail | Moderately vulnerable | S1S2 | G3G4 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Papaipema sp. 1 | Flypoison borer moth | Moderately vulnerable | S2 | G2G3 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Calephelis borealis | Northern metalmark | Moderately vulnerable | S2 | G3G4 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Speyeria idalia | Regal fritillary | Presumed stable | S1 | G3 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Zale curema | Northeastern pine zale | Presumed stable | S1 | G3G4 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Callophrys irus | Frosted elfin | Presumed stable | S1S2 | G3 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Cicindela patruela | Northern barrens tiger beetle | Presumed stable | S2S3 | G3 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Lemmeria digitalis | Fingered lemmeria moth | Presumed stable | S2S4 | G4 |
Invertebrate - Insect | Calycopis cecrops | Red-banded hairstreak | Increase likely | S4 | G5 |
Mammal | Myotis leibii | Eastern small-footed bat | Moderately vulnerable | S2 | G4 |
Mammal | Neotoma magister | Allegheny woodrat | Moderately vulnerable | S2 | G3G4 |
Mammal | Sylvilagus obscurus | Appalachian cottontail | Presumed stable | S1S2 | G4 |
Mammal | Lepus americanus | Snowshoe hare | Presumed stable | S4 | G5 |
Mollusk | Margaritifera margaritifera | Eastern pearlshell | Extremely vulnerable | S1 | G4 |
Mollusk | Alasmidonta heterdon | Dwarf wedgemussel | Highly vulnerable | S1 | G1G2 |
Mollusk | Pleurobema clava | Clubshell | Highly vulnerable | S2 | G1G2 |
Mollusk | Villosa fabalis | Rayed bean | Highly vulnerable | S1S2 | G2 |
Mollusk | Epioblasma torulosa rangiana | Northern riffleshell | Highly vulnerable | S2 | G2 |
Mollusk | Lampsilis cariosa | Yellow lampmussel | Highly vulnerable | S4 | G3G4 |
Plant | Platanthera blephariglottis | White fringed-orchid | Extremely vulnerable | S2S3 | G4G5 |
Plant | Oclemena nemoralis | Leafy bog aster | Extremely vulnerable | S1 | G5 |
Plant | Scheuchzeria palustris | Pod-grass | Extremely vulnerable | S1 | G5 |
Plant | Carex oligosperma | Few-seeded sedge | Extremely vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Plant | Muhlenbergia uniflora | Fall dropseed muhly | Extremely vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Plant | Utricularia cornuta | Horned bladderwort | Extremely vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Plant | Carex limosa | Mud sedge | Extremely vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Plant | Andromeda polifolia | Bog-rosemary | Extremely vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Gaultheria hispidula | Creeping snowberry | Extremely vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Rhododendron groenlandicum | Labrador-tea | Extremely vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Abies balsamea | Balsam fir | Extremely vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Picea rubens | Red spruce | Extremely vulnerable | S4 | G5 |
Plant | Kalmia polifolia | Bog laurel | Extremely vulnerable | S4/S5 | G5 |
Plant | Dalibarda repens | Dewdrop | Extremely vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Vaccinium macrocarpon | Cranberry | Highly vulnerable | SNR | G4 |
Plant | Tipularia discolor | Cranefly orchid | Highly vulnerable | S3 | G4G5 |
Plant | Arceuthobium pusillum | Dwarf mistletoe | Highly vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Plant | Carex paupercula | Bog sedge | Highly vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Maianthemum trifolium | False Solomon's-seal | Highly vulnerable | S4 | G5 |
Plant | Rhododendron canadense | Rhodora | Highly vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Coptis trifolia | Goldthread | Highly vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Vaccinium oxycossos | Small cranberry | Highly vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Picea mariana | Black spruce | Highly vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Viola selkirkii | Great spurred violet | Highly vulnerable | S3 | G5? |
Plant | Ruellia strepens | Wild limestone petunia | Moderately vulnerable | S2 | G4G5 |
Plant | Schoenoplectus subterminalis | Water bulrush | Moderately vulnerable | S3 | G4G5 |
Plant | Quercus phellos | Willow oak | Moderately vulnerable | S2 | G5 |
Plant | Bartonia paniculata | Screwstem | Moderately vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Juncus filiformis | Thread rush | Moderately vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Erythronium albidum | White trout-lily | Moderately vulnerable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Chamaedaphne calyculata | Leatherleaf | Moderately vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Cornus canadensis | Bunchberry | Moderately vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Rhynchospora alba | White beak-rush | Moderately vulnerable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Solidago uliginosa | Bog goldenrod | Presumed stable | S3 | G4G5 |
Plant | Conoclinium coelestinum | Mistflower | Presumed stable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Galium latifolium | Purple bedstraw | Presumed stable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Rotala ramosior | Toothcup | Presumed stable | S3 | G5 |
Plant | Salix petiolaris | Meadow willow | Presumed stable | S4 | G5 |
Plant | Eriophorum virginicum | Tawny cotton-grass | Presumed stable | SNR | G5 |
Plant | Prunus pumila var. depressa | Eastern sand cherry | Presumed stable | S1 | G5T5 |
Reptile | Glyptemys muhlenbergii | Bog turtle | Highly vulnerable | S2 | G2G3 |
Reptile | Clemmys guttata | Spotted turtle | Moderately vulnerable | S3S4 | G5 |
Reptile | Crotalus horridus | Timber rattlesnake | Presumed stable | S3S4 | G4 |
Reptile | Glyptemys insculpta | Wood turtle | Presumed stable | S3S4 | G3 |
Definitions of CCVI Scores
Extremely Vulnerable: Abundance and/or range extent within geographical area assessed extremely likely to substantially decrease or disappear by 2050.
Highly Vulnerable: Abundance and/or range extent within geographical area assessed likely to decrease significantly by 2050.
Moderately Vulnerable: Abundance and/or range extent within geographical area assessed likely to decrease by 2050.
Not Vulnerable/Presumed Stable: Available evidence does not suggest that abundance and/or range extent within the geographic area assessed will change (increase/decrease) substantially by 2050. Actual range boundaries may change.
Not Vulnerable/Increase Likely: Available evidence suggests that abundance and/or range extent within geographic area assessed is likely to increase by 2050.