
Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) staff includes members from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC), and cooperators from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with expertise in ecology, wildlife biology, botany, geographic information systems, and resource management. PNHP inventory data and research inform conservation and land-use planning.






Albert, JoAnn Natural Heritage Program Operations Manager 412.586.2330 WPC
Anderson, Bob Supervisory Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Endangered Species Program 814.234.4090 x7447 USFWS
Barber, Patricia Endangered Bird Specialist 717.303.4482 PGC
Bearer, Scott Chief, Habitat Planning and Development 717.787.9613 PGC
Bowen, Rebecca Chief, Conservation Science and Ecological Resources Division 717.772.0258 DCNR
Brooks, Hope Ecological Information Specialist 717.705.2819 DCNR
Carlson, Kierstin Associate Information Manager 412.586.2314 WPC
Ciafre, Claire Ecologist 717.787.4009 WPC
Daggs, Brian Invasive Plant Ecologist 717.884.4362 WPC
Day, Diana Conservation Coordinator 717.346.8137 PFBC
Davis, Ethan Chief, Ecological Services Section 717.783.0473 DCNR
Dewar, Nathan Natural Resource GIS Specialist 717.214.7512 DCNR
Dogonniuck, Alexander Ecological Information Specialist 717.783.3913 DCNR
Eichelberger, Charlie Vertebrate Zoology Manager 717.346.0076 WPC
Eng, Robin Wildlife Biologist 717.787.6055 DCNR
Firestone, Chris Botanist 570.724.8149 DCNR
Fischer, Doug Ichthyologist/Nongame Biologist 814.359.5195 PFBC
Fisler, Deb Program Assistant 717.787.3444 DCNR
Furedi, Mary Ann Ecological Assessment Manager 717.705.0031 WPC
Georgic, Brad GIS Manager 412.586.2418 WPC
Gipe, Kathy Senior Non-Game Biologist/Herpetologist 814.359.5186 PFBC
Goad, Rachel Botanist 717.787.7395 WPC
Grund, Steve Botanist 412.586.2350 WPC
Guers, Susan Wildlife Biologist/Environmental Review 717.787.4250 PGC
Haffner, Cathy Wildlife Diversity Conservation Planning Coordinator 717.433.1464 PGC
Huber, Hannah Conservation Mycologist 717.783.3348 DCNR
Jahrsdoerfer, Sonja Project Leader 814.234.4090 x7474 USFWS
Jewitt, Amy Invasive Species Coordinator 412.586.2305 WPC
Karfuff, Stefan Avian Recovery Specialist 717.787.4250 PGC
Kresse, Megan Heritage GIS Technician 412.586.2362 WPC
Leppo, Betsy Invertebrate Zoologist   WPC
Lieb, Dave Senior Non-Game Biologist/Invertebrate Zoologist 814.359.5234 PFBC
Lovallo, Matthew Chief, Division of Wildlife Administration 717.787.4250 PGC
Klugman, Susan Conservation Information Manager 717.772.9083 WPC
Kunsman, John Botanist 717.783.1639 WPC
McPherson, Jessica Botanist 412.586.2362 WPC
Miller, Ryan Zoologist 412.586.2348 WPC
Moore, Cheyenne Plant Conservation Network Coordinator 717.783.3327 DCNR
Moore, Molly Heritage GIS Coordinator 412.586.2329 WPC
Murphy, Sean State Ornithologist 717.433.2732 PGC
Niemeyer, Natalie Conservation Information Assistant 412.586.2311 WPC
Nolder, Amber Wildlife Biologist/Environmental Review 717.787.4250 PGC
Otterbein, Kate Amspacher Mammal Recovery Specialist 717.787.4250 PGC
Podniesinski, Greg Chief, Natural Heritage Section 717.214.7513 DCNR
Ryndock, Jason Ecological Information Specialist 717.705.2822 DCNR
Oest, Chris Senior Geoscientist, Bureau of Geological Survey 717.702.2053 DCNR
Scafini, Mike Endangered Mammal Specialist 717.409.2848 PGC
Schoen, Erika Senior Conservation Information Assistant 717.787.9755 WPC
Schuette, Scott Botany Manager 412.586.2309 WPC
Seltzer, Meredith Forest Program Specialist 717.787.7067 DCNR
Seymour, Stephanie Botanist 717.787.0882 DCNR
Sherman, Lauren Zoologist   WPC
Shellenberger, Pamela Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Endangered Species Program 814.234.4090 x7459 USFWS
Sitch, Kelly Botanist 717.425.5370 DCNR
Stauffer, Aura Wildlife Biologist 717.783.0380 DCNR
Szoszorek, Emily Senior Conservation Information Assistant 412.586.2381 WPC
Turner, Greg State Mammalogist 717.433.5497 PGC
Urban, Chris Chief, Natural Diversity Section 814.359.5113 PFBC
Walsh, Mary Invertebrate Zoology Manager 814.689.1823 WPC
Watts, Denise Inventory and Database Support Ecologist 717.787.0647 WPC
Wagner, Jeff Director, Natural Heritage Program 412.586.2392 WPC
Welte, Nevin Senior Non-Game Biologist/Malacologist 814.470.6151 PFBC
Williams, Lisa Chief, Division of Wildlife Diversity 717.787.4250 PGC
Woods, Peter Invertebrate Zoologyist 412.586.2315 WPC
Yawn, Noah Ecologist 412.470.2334 WPC
Yeany, David Avian Ecologist 412.586.2313 WPC
Zimmerman, Ephraim Science Director 412.586.2319 WPC
PNHP is a partnership between The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources,
the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission,
and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.
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