Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) staff includes members from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC), and cooperators from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with expertise in ecology, wildlife biology, botany, geographic information systems, and resource management. PNHP inventory data and research inform conservation and land-use planning.
Name |
Title |
Phone |
Agency |
Albert, JoAnn | Natural Heritage Program Operations Manager | 412.586.2330 | WPC |
Anderson, Bob | Supervisory Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Endangered Species Program | 814.234.4090 x7447 | USFWS |
Barber, Patricia | Endangered Bird Specialist | 717.303.4482 | PGC |
Bearer, Scott | Chief, Habitat Planning and Development | 717.787.9613 | PGC |
Bowen, Rebecca | Chief, Conservation Science and Ecological Resources Division | 717.772.0258 | DCNR |
Brooks, Hope | Ecological Information Specialist | 717.705.2819 | DCNR |
Carlson, Kierstin | Associate Information Manager | 412.586.2314 | WPC |
Ciafre, Claire | Ecologist | 717.787.4009 | WPC |
Daggs, Brian | Invasive Plant Ecologist | 717.884.4362 | WPC |
Day, Diana | Conservation Coordinator | 717.346.8137 | PFBC |
Davis, Ethan | Chief, Ecological Services Section | 717.783.0473 | DCNR |
Dewar, Nathan | Natural Resource GIS Specialist | 717.214.7512 | DCNR |
Dogonniuck, Alexander | Ecological Information Specialist | 717.783.3913 | DCNR |
Eichelberger, Charlie | Vertebrate Zoology Manager | 717.346.0076 | WPC |
Eng, Robin | Wildlife Biologist | 717.787.6055 | DCNR |
Firestone, Chris | Botanist | 570.724.8149 | DCNR |
Fischer, Doug | Ichthyologist/Nongame Biologist | 814.359.5195 | PFBC |
Fisler, Deb | Program Assistant | 717.787.3444 | DCNR |
Furedi, Mary Ann | Ecological Assessment Manager | 717.705.0031 | WPC |
Georgic, Brad | GIS Manager | 412.586.2418 | WPC |
Gipe, Kathy | Senior Non-Game Biologist/Herpetologist | 814.359.5186 | PFBC |
Goad, Rachel | Botanist | 717.787.7395 | WPC |
Grund, Steve | Botanist | 412.586.2350 | WPC |
Guers, Susan | Wildlife Biologist/Environmental Review | 717.787.4250 | PGC |
Haffner, Cathy | Wildlife Diversity Conservation Planning Coordinator | 717.433.1464 | PGC |
Huber, Hannah | Conservation Mycologist | 717.783.3348 | DCNR |
Jahrsdoerfer, Sonja | Project Leader | 814.234.4090 x7474 | USFWS |
Jewitt, Amy | Invasive Species Coordinator | 412.586.2305 | WPC |
Karfuff, Stefan | Avian Recovery Specialist | 717.787.4250 | PGC |
Kresse, Megan | Heritage GIS Technician | 412.586.2362 | WPC |
Leppo, Betsy | Invertebrate Zoologist | WPC | |
Lieb, Dave | Senior Non-Game Biologist/Invertebrate Zoologist | 814.359.5234 | PFBC |
Lovallo, Matthew | Chief, Division of Wildlife Administration | 717.787.4250 | PGC |
Klugman, Susan | Conservation Information Manager | 717.772.9083 | WPC |
Kunsman, John | Botanist | 717.783.1639 | WPC |
McPherson, Jessica | Botanist | 412.586.2362 | WPC |
Miller, Ryan | Zoologist | 412.586.2348 | WPC |
Moore, Cheyenne | Plant Conservation Network Coordinator | 717.783.3327 | DCNR |
Moore, Molly | Heritage GIS Coordinator | 412.586.2329 | WPC |
Murphy, Sean | State Ornithologist | 717.433.2732 | PGC |
Niemeyer, Natalie | Conservation Information Assistant | 412.586.2311 | WPC |
Nolder, Amber | Wildlife Biologist/Environmental Review | 717.787.4250 | PGC |
Otterbein, Kate Amspacher | Mammal Recovery Specialist | 717.787.4250 | PGC |
Podniesinski, Greg | Chief, Natural Heritage Section | 717.214.7513 | DCNR |
Ryndock, Jason | Ecological Information Specialist | 717.705.2822 | DCNR |
Oest, Chris | Senior Geoscientist, Bureau of Geological Survey | 717.702.2053 | DCNR |
Scafini, Mike | Endangered Mammal Specialist | 717.409.2848 | PGC |
Schoen, Erika | Senior Conservation Information Assistant | 717.787.9755 | WPC |
Schuette, Scott | Botany Manager | 412.586.2309 | WPC |
Seltzer, Meredith | Forest Program Specialist | 717.787.7067 | DCNR |
Seymour, Stephanie | Botanist | 717.787.0882 | DCNR |
Sherman, Lauren | Zoologist |   | WPC |
Shellenberger, Pamela | Fish and Wildlife Biologist, Endangered Species Program | 814.234.4090 x7459 | USFWS |
Sitch, Kelly | Botanist | 717.425.5370 | DCNR |
Stauffer, Aura | Wildlife Biologist | 717.783.0380 | DCNR |
Szoszorek, Emily | Senior Conservation Information Assistant | 412.586.2381 | WPC |
Turner, Greg | State Mammalogist | 717.433.5497 | PGC |
Urban, Chris | Chief, Natural Diversity Section | 814.359.5113 | PFBC |
Walsh, Mary | Invertebrate Zoology Manager | 814.689.1823 | WPC |
Watts, Denise | Inventory and Database Support Ecologist | 717.787.0647 | WPC |
Wagner, Jeff | Director, Natural Heritage Program | 412.586.2392 | WPC |
Welte, Nevin | Senior Non-Game Biologist/Malacologist | 814.470.6151 | PFBC |
Williams, Lisa | Chief, Division of Wildlife Diversity | 717.787.4250 | PGC |
Woods, Peter | Invertebrate Zoologyist | 412.586.2315 | WPC |
Yawn, Noah | Ecologist | 412.470.2334 | WPC |
Yeany, David | Avian Ecologist | 412.586.2313 | WPC |
Zimmerman, Ephraim | Science Director | 412.586.2319 | WPC |