Conservation Tools
The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program has amassed a tremendous amount of biodiversity data over its existence. Putting that information to work for conservation is primary to our mission and creating tools that allow people to use it has become a critical part of our program. Our interactive maps, reports, and other conservation tools serve different functions but can work together to provide maximum information about the potential biodiversity of a given area.

Conservation Explorer
Visit the Conservation Explorer for conservation planning purposes and Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) environmental review.

Natural Heritage Areas
Learn about Pennsylvania’s ecological resources in County Natural Heritage Inventory reports and Natural Heritage Area Story Maps.

PA Community Predictor Tool
Pennsylvania Community Prediction Tool for Site Restoration assists restoration practitioners in their efforts to establish native plant communities.

Conservation Opportunity Area Tool
Access voluntary, non-regulatory Species of Greatest Conservation Need information in places you care about.

Submit or Request Data
Find instructions and forms for submitting data to or requesting data from PNHP.

Plant Fact Sheets
Read about the appearance, habitat, and conservation management of important plant species in Pennsylvania.

Conservation Case Studies
Discover a series of case studies, highlighting successful conservation projects across Pennsylvania which have incorporated PNHP information and services.
Other Conservation Resources
Access a variety of complementary conservation planning resources for Pennsylvania.

Add a Pennsylvania rare species observation to PNHP’s iNaturalist project to be evaluated for possible inclusion in the state’s database of rare species.

Track and report invasive species in Pennsylvania with iMapInvasives. Users can access county-level maps showing where invasive species are known to be present.